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CP Miami should be taken out back and shot.

V. Barbarino

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here is my stance on why cp went to shit...

1. the core group of posters stopped posting

- saleen, marlon(kokee), funketeer, (phil still does but barely.. no point to really on cp)

2. the removal of the sex board

3. the wars between posters.......

-saleen vs koky (lol damn u still cant say marlon's name here).....saleen vs me....... hell... saleen vs miami ;)

4. the moderation of that board went to shit after digital7 and sobeton stopped paying attention.

5. ADS .. ADS ... ADS....... now they put up these ads within threads.. its annoying.......

my 2 cents......

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here is my stance on why cp went to shit...

1. the core group of posters stopped posting

- saleen, marlon(kokee), funketeer, (phil still does but barely.. no point to really on cp)

Those two cents are worth about 1 kopek, son.

Those guys you mentioned (personal feelings aside, even though I like Funk as a person...) are not the core group of posters. They were the Johnny-come-latelies. No offense, but your Greek buddy's antics made it really go downhill. He does not make anyone feel comfortable to post over there in the least.

The glory days of CP Miami were in '00 and '01. Before your time. Before their time. Ask Mimi if you get a chance. We used to have the coolest get togethers in and out of the clubs. I don't mind new people, but at the same time, to say the glory days were at that time, is totally off base. I still keep in touch with a lot of them, and any of them would still go to bat for me, and vice versa. Our crew was that solid.

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what happened with CP was the newbies who got their panties in a bunch when someone called them out... it was all for fun until people started crying and bitching... i was a CP ghostreader before i joined in 2001 and let me tell ya, 2001 thru 2003 were the best... the meet-ups were the bizzzombbbb... people talked shit on the board then chilled with drinks later on since we all knew it was just a board... i made a ton of friends thru CP.. we'd roll out 20 sometimes 30+ people deep every weekend.....

i blame trance music for ruining CP miami (LOL!!!)

RIP sex board :'(

But on the positive side, I've also met and made numerous friends here, so its all good.. I still have my Bump& forum over there to keep me entertained ;)

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I'll 100% agree with you there. I've been fighting the same battle here in the past few weeks.

The problem was, and I'm seeing the nascent stirrings of here, is that people take things in regards to clubs and music way too personally. No one's perfect, but seriously, some people get way out of hand in regards to things, especially DJ bookings as of late.

I'll lay it down, and hopefully I won't have to say it again (yeah right...) :

1) Your personal, healthy existence still goes on whether Oscar G is on the decks, or your buddy Little Man Masputo is taking to the controls.

2) Most of you aren't DJs. Even if you are, what the hell are you doing casting stones at people?

3) The club or DJ isn't there to be your personal jukebox.

4) It isn't a cardinal sin if a DJ plays World Hold On, if it is the proper time for the song.

5) If someone likes trance/house/breaks/drum n bass/disco, it's not the end of the world. You respect them, they'll respect you.

6) Your choice of partying isn't inherently superior to anyone else's. If you like house parties, that's fine. If you like Club XYZ, that's fine. Don't go around trumping the superiority of your form of getting down and dirty over another. It's subjective.

7) And most of all...deal with it. This is a messageboard, not a pitched battle in Fallujah. Save the anger for the real enemy (Communists), not venting over something as stupid as DJs and clubs.

Also, it seemed to get out of hand for a bit when we merged with the greater whole of Track last year. Here on CJ it wasn't a major issue, but the usual suspects over on our sister site took it as a major insult. Yeah we pulled the sex and drugs board, but that is a smart decision if you think about it. The CJ forums and the CP forums are high-traffic real estate. A lot of big-time clients want a piece of that real estate and are willing to pay for that. Our sites don't run on fairy dust and goodwill. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in labor, bandwidth and upkeep to keep CJ, CP, Nochelatina, Dallas Dance Music, Wantickets, Wantravel, Newyears.com, and whatever else we picked up this week running. A big ad from AXE, T-Mobile, Space, Mansion, etc, goes a long way to help keep these sites running. However, the corps don't want their ads running alongside stills from Bangbus or Rotten.com, or some dipshit talking about how he likes dark clubs so he has a place to do drugs. So in the end, what do you want, necrophilia photos, or sublime guestlist and concierge services courtesy of our family of websites?

We have been and are running a business here people, one that you derive enjoyment from. Certain tactics have to be implemented. Sadly, a lot of people couldn't see the forest for the trees, and only see their short-sighted self interests. Because to them, this is just some slice of internet land they fuck about on once in awhile, they don't realize that a few hundred people derive their incomes from this site and it's related entities. If you were a developer, how would you like it if I came over to your star property, and took a sledgehammer to the marblework, because "I do what I want, don't tell me what to do?". You wouldn't like it too much, huh? As much as I feel developers in Miami are a detriment to the character to the city, I'm going to refrain from trashing what puts food on the table for them. I'll approach the issue in a more rational manner.

But I'm ranting again. Most of you guys who have been around here for awhile are some of the best people I've encountered in both the virtual and real worlds. Even some of you new guys aren't so shabby once you've learned the ropes of normal internet discourse. I'm really not singling out anyone because I don't want to embarrass anyone, but I hope those that I am talking about realize what we're up to here.

I welcome criticism and thoughtful comments of any of our public projects, so don't be afraid to drop me a line if you think something is amiss. I'll gladly answer any questions or comments you might have.

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another 2 reasons i think CP went downhill

1. AGE - the main posters got older... go out less... no reason to post

2. the merger btw CJ and CP... though i have no feelings towards this and realize its a smart business move. quite a few on CP (the hardcore CPERS were unhappy about this and stopped posting)

CJ as of late has been pretty quiet too. the board should get its aesthetic overhaul soon IMHO to keep it fresh.. while i see a lot of new names popping up .. its hard to tell if they are just alter egos or just 1 time posters and thats it.. seems as though lots of the old schoolers have begun to wane from even this board.

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Guest pod

another 2 reasons i think CP went downhill

2. the merger btw CJ and CP... though i have no feelings towards this and realize its a smart business move. quite a few on CP (the hardcore CPERS were unhappy about this and stopped posting)

Bling, you see them more than I do, so give them a big friendly 'fuck you' and a kick in the nuts.

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another 2 reasons i think CP went downhill

2. the merger btw CJ and CP... though i have no feelings towards this and realize its a smart business move. quite a few on CP (the hardcore CPERS were unhappy about this and stopped posting)

Bling, you see them more than I do, so give them a big friendly 'fuck you' and a kick in the nuts.

arent you in the Christmas Spirit :P

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