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A New Career Path

Guest Slide On The Ice

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Guest Slide On The Ice

I had 2 job interviews on Wednesday. Both interviews went very well, and I have a second interview with both of them. The first one is a shoe-in, I'd say I have it if I want it, even despite there being a 2nd interview on Friday, er, today. The second one was an hour and a half interview, pays over double the yearly salary as the first, will be even harder to do and seems a bit more daunting. But I want it; I want it bad. I wanted it before the interview started, upon walking into the office building...before I even walked in the office.

The building itself was four stories high. The open lobby of the building was four stories high as well, going right up to the roof. There were two glass elevators in the lobby, facing out to the lobby. Offices were on both sides of the open lobby. From the conference room of the job I interviewed at, you can look out the window-facing lobby and see clear across to the offices on the other side. Talk about fancy, talk about classy, talk about expensive rent just to have a business there.

Talk about a job beyond anything I've ever done before, something I have no training in. I was interviewed by the two partners who were impressed not with my experience in that field, which I have none, but with my previous experiences and skills which they said were what they were looking for. And they would train and would put me through classes. I had them laughing at some of my jokes, and impressed them with some of my philosophies, and they seemed impressed with my positive, confident outlook.

The first job would pay $**,000 a year and give me a cubicle, with the chance to get a raise to $**,000 to $**,000 after the first 3-5 month review, if I've proved myself well. The second job would give me an office, and though we'll be talking about compensation in more detail in the second interview, when he asked me how much I wanted to make and I mentioned at least $**,000 (over double the first job), he implied that $**,000 could be a low ball number if I did what I expressed I could do. I've never made $**k a year. It sure would be nice.

I already know that I do not want to take the first job, and more so than the money, it won't be able to begin until January 18th. But I will take the job as a fall back if I don't get the second one, though I have plenty of time till Jan. 18th to find something else, something better.

Truth is, I have no experience for the 2nd job, which is at a financial institution that deals with annuities, life insurance, securities, bonds, ect. The men who interviewed me know that. They also know that I do not have a Bachelor's Degree or any sort of business degree. But they said that they are impressed by my sales and management background, and my sense of motivation and desires to help and inspire others. They see me as a team leader, someone to inspire both clients and sales agents. They also said that they would put me through schooling for a business degree or whatever else I would need. Because as the main guy who interviewed me said, "There are people with the degree who do not have the skills or sales experience that we're looking for. You don't have the degree but you have the skills and goal reaching achievements, and that is a good start because it's what we want."

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Guest Slide On The Ice

I want this job. Do you know what really excites me? Not the money. The money is the unknown, unseen, that lies in the future. What excites me is the idea of working in a successful office with successful business people; of having an office rather than a home office, or at least a nice cubicle if that is what the agents get; of being involved with people like that, like Gordon Geko in the movie Wallstreet, but without that scumbag personality. I did not even feel uncomfortable until after the interview, when I actually thought about it, that I was wearing a 25 dollar shirt and a 15 dollar tie and 30 dollar slacks and 35 dollar shoes...across from two partners wearing what were probably 400 dollar suits with 100 dollar or more ties.

But yet, I seemed, and felt pretty secure when I talked with them. I joked with them, made them laugh, and broke the ice. Not that there was any, actually. Among many questions, they asked me about my philosophies in life and business. I told them about my philosophy of the winner, the idea that "once a winner, always a winner," that even when one seems to be on the perceived wagon trail to failure, which in itself is only a deception, that he still has the potential to fall off the wagon and win again, because once a winner, always a winner. Both men nodded their heads approvingly, apparently impressed. I told them about my concept of "slide on the ice," my MySpace name (I didn't mention MySpace though, I didn't feel it was appropriate to mention). I told them that even in times of hardship and obstacles, you slide on the ice to get over the problems, and though it is cold at first, eventually you get to the other side where the grass is growing. Again, I could see that they were impressed.

They sent me a link to a personality and professional knowledge test online on their website that I had to take prior to a second interview. He said it would take about 45 minutes. Whoa...it took me about an hour and a half. The personality questions, all multiple-choice, were fairly easy and even fun. But the professional questions, involving business decisions, interest rates and loans and different variables, and giving scenarios asking whether this person could get a loan based on these variables and those percentages and yada yada yada, and other things like that, became pretty difficult. Mind bending they were, forcing me to think in areas I hadn't had to think about. It made me realize how difficult learning the job will be, but I was determined to finish and spend as much time to ensure my answers were accurate. I think in the end, I did pretty well.

I want this job. I really want this job. I would start not knowing much, and needing to do a lot of learning and research. For that time I will need to follow others who know more than me, to learn what I need in order to advance. Here is my new concept that I thought about yesterday:

I will follow in order to learn, and learn in order to lead.

I don't know where all this positivity and confidence is suddenly coming from, but I like it.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

Moving forward to the point...

Today I had my 2nd interview with the first company and got hired. But I don't start till January 18th.

I'm waiting on the 2nd interview with the 2nd company, and if I get that one, the first job is a moot point for me.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

is there a cliff notes version of this thread??

I interviewed for two jobs. Both wanted me to come back for a 2nd interview. The 2nd job pays about double what the first one pays and I want it twice as bad as the first.

Today I got hired for the 1st job but don't start until January 18th. Meanwhile, I hope I get the 2nd job in the meantime.

There ya go, in a nutshell. ;D

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Guest lulamishka

is there a cliff notes version of this thread??

I interviewed for two jobs. Both wanted me to come back for a 2nd interview. The 2nd job pays about double what the first one pays and I want it twice as bad as the first.

Today I got hired for the 1st job but don't start until January 18th. Meanwhile, I hope I get the 2nd job in the meantime.

There ya go, in a nutshell. ;D

I like the cliff notes version much better. Thanks.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

is there a cliff notes version of this thread??

I interviewed for two jobs. Both wanted me to come back for a 2nd interview. The 2nd job pays about double what the first one pays and I want it twice as bad as the first.

Today I got hired for the 1st job but don't start until January 18th. Meanwhile, I hope I get the 2nd job in the meantime.

There ya go, in a nutshell. ;D

I like the cliff notes version much better. Thanks.

So you're saying you don't like it long, deep, and hard? Because long and deep is what the full version is, and hard to write, it was. But wait, no congratulations? No well wishes? No hugs? Slide don't get no love from the bitch squad. :'(


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Guest Slide On The Ice

Woo hoo!

The managing partner for the second firm, the job I really want, called me a short while ago. He told me that I did very well on the personality and professionalism test that I took the day after the first interview, and that he wants to schedule the second interview next week. So, that's looking very positive for me right now. Indeed it is. ;D

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Guest lulamishka

is there a cliff notes version of this thread??

I interviewed for two jobs. Both wanted me to come back for a 2nd interview. The 2nd job pays about double what the first one pays and I want it twice as bad as the first.

Today I got hired for the 1st job but don't start until January 18th. Meanwhile, I hope I get the 2nd job in the meantime.

There ya go, in a nutshell. ;D

I like the cliff notes version much better. Thanks.

So you're saying you don't like it long, deep, and hard? Because long and deep is what the full version is, and hard to write, it was. But wait, no congratulations? No well wishes? No hugs? Slide don't get no love from the bitch squad. :'(


I forgot to give my congratulations :-[...

So, congratulations, Slide... and best of luck with your new career. :) I'm sure everything will work out for the best between these two options.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

till I have it to give you back?

Who would you give me back to?

Just 'cause I said I could make $**,000 doesn't mean it's a lot of money, you know. I mean, if I was making $**, now THAT would be a lot of money. But remember, $**,000 isn't really that much money. It's still only half of $**,000 and 1/3 of $***,000. And that in itself is meaningless when you realize that even $**,000 still can't buy you a you know what. You need at least $***,000 for one of those.

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Guest HouseJunkie

till I have it to give you back?

Who would you give me back to?

Just 'cause I said I could make $**,000 doesn't mean it's a lot of money, you know. I mean, if I was making $**, now THAT would be a lot of money. But remember, $**,000 isn't really that much money. It's still only half of $**,000 and 1/3 of $***,000. And that in itself is meaningless when you realize that even $**,000 still can't buy you a you know what. You need at least $***,000 for one of those.

Oh Ok, that make sense.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

till I have it to give you back?

Who would you give me back to?

Just 'cause I said I could make $**,000 doesn't mean it's a lot of money, you know. I mean, if I was making $**, now THAT would be a lot of money. But remember, $**,000 isn't really that much money. It's still only half of $**,000 and 1/3 of $***,000. And that in itself is meaningless when you realize that even $**,000 still can't buy you a you know what. You need at least $***,000 for one of those.

Oh Ok, that make sense.


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  • 5 months later...
Guest Slide On The Ice

Oy. I lost my job 2 days ago. I've been submitting my resume for management and/or sales positions on Monster.com and Careerbuilder.com. So far, one interview with a company that really wasn't right for me, and they didn't call me back anyway. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, with the imminant loss of my condo, and now this.

So, anybody have any good ideas as far as what I could do for a good, new career, fast?

Being a gigalo is out...All4tribalism lives too close to me and he has the whole market coming to him.

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