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dec 21 2012, end of the world?

Guest barstar diana

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Guest michael^heaven

The theory is based upon the ending of the Mayan calendar in 2012. In addition, our Sun will come into the center of the Milky Way galaxy in that year & will be producing a heightened amount of solar flares. Scientists are not sure what will be the end result of these flares or their initial effect on the Earth or the other planets.

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Guest coach

I'm not sure what you mean "center of the Milky Way." Our sun is on the outer rim of one of the radial arms, ain't no way it is getting to the "center". The center of the MW is generally hypothosized to be a super-massive black hole, so if we *did* manage to make it to the center, that would indeed be bad.

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Guest pod

The distance from the Sun to the galactic center is now estimated at 26,000 ± 1400 light-years while older estimates could put our parent star as far as 35000 light-years from the central bulge.


It would take millions of years for our Solar System to drift to the center.

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Guest barstar diana

it just lines up with the center, thats what he meant...

so its like a single file line you used to do in elementry school

the date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely close conjunction of the

Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic

(path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to

resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT

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Guest djcarlosf

Time is actually speeding up (or collapsing). For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, The military have used this as a very reliable reference. However, since 1980 this resonance has been slowly rising. It is now over 12 cycles per second! This mean there is the equalivant of less than 16 hours per day instead of the old 24 hours.

just something that i found in relevance...

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Guest barstar diana

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Wobbles or variations in the Earth's orbit and tilt are associated with extinctions of rodent and mammalian species, Dutch scientists said on Wednesday. They studied rodent fossil records in central Spain dating back 22Image million years and found that the rise and fall of mammal species was linked to changes in the Earth's behavior which caused cooling periods. "Extinctions in rodent species occur in pulses which are spaced by intervals controlled by astronomical variations and their effects on climate change," Dr Jan van Dam, of the Utrecht University in the Netherlands, said. The researchers found two cycles corresponding to the disappearance of rodent species. One lasts 2.4 million years and is linked to variations in the Earth's orbit. The other is a 1.2 million year cycle relating to shifts in the tilt on the Earth on its axis. The cycles are associated with lower temperatures, changes in precipitation, habitats, vegetation and food availability which are the main factors influencing the extinction peaks, the study published in the journal Nature said. "Rodents are very sensitive to seasonal changes because they have such a short lifespan," said Van Dam, adding that they represent one of the best mammal fossil records. At the moment, the Earth is at the beginning of a cycle but the planet's climate system has changed so much in the past 3 million years that it is difficult to predict what will happen in the future. "The environment is responsible to what happens to species," said Van Dam. "Biological factors are secondary, according to our results." Copyright 2006 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.



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