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UFC: Liddell vs. Ortiz

Guest JMT

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Guest JMT

obviously if ali connected first it might be over, but without knowing the extent of that guy's abilities, there is no saying what would happen. boxing isnt street fighting.

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who cares if its fake

UFC is good but damn sometimes these PPV's are such crap. i dont want to see the ref stop the damn fight 90 seconds into round 1

what a buzzkill

though i did see this ppv the lidell vs ortiz fight was very good by UFC standards IMHO

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Guest swirlundergrounder

obviously if ali connected first it might be over, but without knowing the extent of that guy's abilities, there is no saying what would happen. boxing isnt street fighting.

I can't believe we are even arguing about this. Then again Barbarino thought that you can make a fire out of burning frozen wood..LOL (fron the James Kim thread).

In boxing you can't hit below the waste.

If a boxer came up to a wrestler and threw a punch, all the wrestler would have to do is duck and tackle the boxer to the ground.

What's the boxer going to do now?

He's fucked end of story!!

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that wasnt a real fight. the rules did not allow the judo champion (Inoki) to strike Ali with his fists, and he was not allowed to take Ali down to the mat. it was a farce and ended in a draw. Inoki was also a "professional wrestler".

Rocky Balboa vs. Thunderlips was a better fight.


Antonio Inoki is a legend of Pro Wrestling...... RESPECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

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obviously if ali connected first it might be over, but without knowing the extent of that guy's abilities, there is no saying what would happen. boxing isnt street fighting.

I can't believe we are even arguing about this. Then again Barbarino thought that you can make a fire out of burning frozen wood..LOL (fron the James Kim thread).

In boxing you can't hit below the waste.

If a boxer came up to a wrestler and threw a punch, all the wrestler would have to do is duck and tackle the boxer to the ground.

What's the boxer going to do now?

He's fucked end of story!!

Sure why not just duck??? Why didn't the 44 or so guys Tyson KOed duck???

And you can burn wet wood, it doesn't burn as well but it burns, I grew up in the woods of NJ, I use to split wood for a work out, wet wood does burn, you just need some dry stuff to get going, burning rubber would work!

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Guest swirlundergrounder

obviously if ali connected first it might be over, but without knowing the extent of that guy's abilities, there is no saying what would happen. boxing isnt street fighting.

I can't believe we are even arguing about this. Then again Barbarino thought that you can make a fire out of burning frozen wood..LOL (fron the James Kim thread).

In boxing you can't hit below the waste.

If a boxer came up to a wrestler and threw a punch, all the wrestler would have to do is duck and tackle the boxer to the ground.

What's the boxer going to do now?

He's fucked end of story!!

Sure why not just duck??? Why didn't the 44 or so guys Tyson KOed duck???

They didn't duck because you can't tackle your opponent in boxing...

I do agree that if during the initial enocounter between a wrestler and a boxer that if the boxer throws the first punch and connects it could be pretty bad.

But we all know that very seldom do fights end up with just one punch being thrown in a street fight..

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Well Tyson Koed a lot of his oppents in the 1st 30 seconds with gloves on, imagine if he didn't have gloves on. Sure if a kung fu guy shoots in and takes him down it's a different ball game, but my money says before someone could take him down they would be dead 9 times out of 10 especially these ass clowns Lidell and Tito Jackson.

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Guest Mattivi

Tyson hasnt been a decent boxer since his first trainer Gus D'Amato died. the guy is a joke and quite literally a punchline in his own sport, no pun intended. if you honestly think tyson would knock out an accomplished MMA like Liddel, Ortiz, Couture, you should quit huffing paint now. and since when has 'kung fu' been apart of the UFC? please quit posting this brain impaired nonsense, your making all of us dumber for reading it.

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Guest lyrik

Tyson hasnt been a decent boxer since his first trainer Gus D'Amato died. the guy is a joke and quite literally a punchline in his own sport, no pun intended. if you honestly think tyson would knock out an accomplished MMA like Liddel, Ortiz, Couture, you should quit huffing paint now. and since when has 'kung fu' been apart of the UFC? please quit posting this brain impaired nonsense, your making all of us dumber for reading it.

I think he was saying Tyson in his prime...around the age of 18 would knock those guys out, which I agree with....but then again weight class yada yada yada...in a street fight Tyson at the age of 18...I'd still take him over Lidell. TODAY - no way the only thing Tyson is putting down these days is a about an 8-ball a day.

I think all you guys are getting too in a fluster over this debate and to be honest I think hollywood and its image that martial artists are so super bad is a big influence. I'm a fan too of martial arts, but I am also a realist. I've seen people from all backgrounds get beat down...some by dudes that are just plain out freakin nuts with no specific training other than growing up on the streets and fighting dirty.

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Guest Mattivi

i will admit tyson used to be an animal, but i still would put my money on a guy well versed in MMA any day over the week in a street fight, ring fight, whatever. its all hypothetical anyways.

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Guest JMT

it has nothing to do with hollywood. the sport evolved from the days of the one trick ponies (guys who only knew one style or martial art) to the hybrid fighters of today. these guys train 24-7 on every style of fighting/wrestling and the way it looks in the ring, while ugly at times, is the result. pure brawlers and boxers tried to compete in UFC the early days, and before long they got phased out completely. thus, you wont see any in it today.

im not saying an elite boxer doesnt stand a chance, but to say he is going to destroy the MMA fighter is absolute bs.

as far as weight classes go, would tyson ever fight sugar ray leonard? no, so to dismiss that aspect is completely silly.

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Boxers fight outside their weight class all the time. I was a bouncer, I would toss the kung fu dudes out all day long, now give me a jar head with a sixer in him and yes I would beat their asses but they get back up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up, you can't stop a jar head in a bar fight. My bar was an hour from Camp Lejune.

What that video showed was two guys both not willing to shoot on each other so it turns into an 80% boxing match, which if you had a younger Tyson who doesn't need to protect himself (see video) he would murder those guys.

You want to be a tough guy? Put a heavy bag in your garage and in 6 months you can destroy people like no tomorrow. Sure the pros are pros but for the avg joe, just get a heavy bag and skip the kung fu crap.

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Guest JMT

they can only drop or add weight to qualify for a different class. fights are contractually bound to weigh-ins. Tyson has 20 pounds on Liddell and Ortiz.

some pimple-faced college student who took a karate class is not even close to these guys. they train in everything including boxing, wrestling and submission moves.

that was the way this one fight played out. every guy plays up his strengths to the other guys weakness. if it was a pure boxer in there, they would immediately get tackled, grabbed or kicked by their opponent. these guys both know the other has great ground defense so they didnt bother with it as much.

tyson always protected his head with his gloves when he moved in, every boxer does. take that away and you have to fight more cautious.

i agree about the heavy bag for avg joe, but these guys have no jobs except to practice fighting for a living.

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Guest Mattivi

Boxers fight outside their weight class all the time. I was a bouncer, I would toss the kung fu dudes out all day long, now give me a jar head with a sixer in him and yes I would beat their asses but they get back up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up, you can't stop a jar head in a bar fight. My bar was an hour from Camp Lejune.

What that video showed was two guys both not willing to shoot on each other so it turns into an 80% boxing match, which if you had a younger Tyson who doesn't need to protect himself (see video) he would murder those guys.

You want to be a tough guy? Put a heavy bag in your garage and in 6 months you can destroy people like no tomorrow. Sure the pros are pros but for the avg joe, just get a heavy bag and skip the kung fu crap.

you just keep posting all this BS that just further proves your an imbecile. tyson would get waxed in the ufc, young or old. and a jarhead on a sixer cant be stopped? yeh, real intelligent, lol.

like JMT said these guys eat, drink, sleep, and shit FIGHTING. its all they do, some bozo with a "born to lose" tattoo who pounds on a heavy bag in their mom's basement doesnt stand a rats dick chance of defeating a MMA fighter who works with some of best trainers in the world, DAY IN AND DAY OUT. its not even up for debate. so please, stop posting this inane nonsense and put the white-out away.

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Boxers fight outside their weight class all the time. I was a bouncer, I would toss the kung fu dudes out all day long, now give me a jar head with a sixer in him and yes I would beat their asses but they get back up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up, you can't stop a jar head in a bar fight. My bar was an hour from Camp Lejune.

What that video showed was two guys both not willing to shoot on each other so it turns into an 80% boxing match, which if you had a younger Tyson who doesn't need to protect himself (see video) he would murder those guys.

You want to be a tough guy? Put a heavy bag in your garage and in 6 months you can destroy people like no tomorrow. Sure the pros are pros but for the avg joe, just get a heavy bag and skip the kung fu crap.

you just keep posting all this BS that just further proves your an imbecile. tyson would get waxed in the ufc, young or old. and a jarhead on a sixer cant be stopped? yeh, real intelligent, lol.

like JMT said these guys eat, drink, sleep, and shit FIGHTING. its all they do, some bozo with a "born to lose" tattoo who pounds on a heavy bag in their mom's basement doesnt stand a rats dick chance of defeating a MMA fighter who works with some of best trainers in the world, DAY IN AND DAY OUT. its not even up for debate. so please, stop posting this inane nonsense and put the white-out away.

you're beating a dead horse...

i agree w/ you as well...but you're talking to a true patriot that only sees his way or the highway.

same goes when it comes to cars...

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Guest Tru1

tribalism...you are right on this.

There is no arguing with him.

"skip the kung fu crap"?

I think the only thing that would change his mind would be for him to see some 5'7" 170# guy put a big bouncer like him on the ground with a well placed throat, knee, or groin shot.

I don't care how much you hit a heavy bag. If you are going up against someone with considerable training, and split second timing...you are done.

Most good martial artists I know can take apart brawlers twice their size with ease.

I don't care how big you are...you get nailed in the throat: you can't breathe, and you can't fight.

Nick, Imagine swinging for the fences with a guy that has spent hundreds of hours of his life training on how to:

time it,

open it,

strike it,

and take your throat out mid-swing.

The big brawler would be done before he even knew what happened.

do me a favor...tap your throat gently with your hand...now imagine getting hit there with enough power to break some boards.

You starting to understand?

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Your argument is like saying Tony Stewart or some ass clown in ARCA or Bush can out drive me, well of course they can out drive me, it's their job, but if you put Schumacher in a car next to them I don't think anyone with certainty would say Stewart would win every time.

While I think a real pro boxer could easily take guys who are 80% boxing, I won't say every time, but more times than not. But I'm not blinded by the bandwagon of UFC or Hollywood movies like you morons.

Breaking boards? That science show a few months backed proved the most powerful strike with your hands is from a pro boxer, break your tivo out and record it, called fight science on Discovery. This is why a boxers hands are considered lethal, they can and do and have killed. You can karate chop george foreman all day long, not only will he kill these ass clowns but he'd sell even more grills to the UFC losers to cook their crow on.

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Guest JMT

there are no boxers in UFC. why? because they cant compete anymore.

boxers hands "lethal weapons"? sounds like someone has been watching too many hollywood movies alright...

Debunked: Boxers are required to register their hands as "lethal weapons."

Research has failed to reveal any statutory, regulatory or other requirement that boxers -- or anyone skilled in martial arts -- "register" their hands or any other body part as "lethal weapons" in the U.S., UKoGBaNI, Canada, or any other common law nation. However, a criminal defendant's experience in boxing, karate, or other forms of hand-to-hand combat may be relevant to determining various legal issues.

First, in the United States at least, the question of whether hands (or other body parts) of a boxer, martial artist or any other person even qualifies as a "deadly" or "lethal" weapon depends largely upon how "deadly weapon," "lethal weapon," or "deadly force" is defined (usually by statute, which is then interpreted by the courts). _See,_ _e.g.,_ Vitauts M. Gulbis, "Parts of the Human Body, Other Than Feet, as Deadly or Dangerous Weapons for Purposes of Statutes Aggravating Offenses Such as Assault and Robbery," 8 A.L.R.4th 1268 (1981 and supplements); Christpher Vaeth, "Kicking as Aggravated Assault, or Assault With Dangerous or Deadly Weapon," 19 A.L.R.5th 823 (1995 and supplements). Most statutes have been interpreted to require an object external to the human body before a "deadly weapon" element can be met. For example, in _Minnesota v. Bastin_, 572 N.W.2d 281 (Minn. 1997), the Minnesota Supreme Court overruled the trial court's conclusion that the left fist of the defendant, a former licensed professional prize fighter, was a "deadly weapon..."


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Guest Mattivi

Your argument is like saying Tony Stewart or some ass clown in ARCA or Bush can out drive me, well of course they can out drive me, it's their job, but if you put Schumacher in a car next to them I don't think anyone with certainty would say Stewart would win every time.

While I think a real pro boxer could easily take guys who are 80% boxing, I won't say every time, but more times than not. But I'm not blinded by the bandwagon of UFC or Hollywood movies like you morons.

Breaking boards? That science show a few months backed proved the most powerful strike with your hands is from a pro boxer, break your tivo out and record it, called fight science on Discovery. This is why a boxers hands are considered lethal, they can and do and have killed. You can karate chop george foreman all day long, not only will he kill these ass clowns but he'd sell even more grills to the UFC losers to cook their crow on.

do yourself a favor guy....stick to clubland news and gossip, its clearly your realm of expertise...because this clearly is not. last time i checked kung fu and karate are not preeminent martial arts utilized in the ufc. so please quit making mocking references to them. it makes you sound even more of a buffoon than you really are. so please, throw in the towel, you've been owned enough already in this thread ;D

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Guest swirlundergrounder

This is why a boxers hands are considered lethal, they can and do and have killed. You can karate chop george foreman all day long, not only will he kill these ass clowns but he'd sell even more grills to the UFC losers to cook their crow on.

And people who have black belts are considered by the law to be lethal weapons. That is why in some states it's illegal for kids under the age of 18 to truly have black belt.

Even though in some martial arts it takes an average of 5 years to reach your first black belt, kids who have trained for 5 years from the age of 5, who are now 10 years old have a black belt with a white stripe in the middle of the belt for example.

Even though they have black belt training they will not be considered a true balck belt until the age of 18.

I don't care how bad ass of a boxer anyone is. Legs are longer than arms. And one swift kick to the head of a boxer as he's winding up to throw a punch will do him in also.

So what good is a boxers hands (no matter how long their reach) if they can't even get to their opponent?

Some of the taller Muay Tai boxers keep their opponents away from them with thier legs. So what's a boxer to do in that case?

Boxers need to step into their punches. What happens to them as they are stepping into their punch and the martial artists kicks the boxer in the knees?

In that case it does not take much power for the martial artist to kick the box in the knees and disable the boxer...

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