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I can agree with this.

Guest pod

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Guest pod

Good read.

I don’t correspond with teenagers as much as most of you would like to think, and I am on MySpace about as often as I frequent Puerto Rican chatrooms, but in the limited correspondence I have had with people under 20 years old I have noticed a disturbing trend: Nobody writes anything out anymore. Those of you who troll the internet looking for underage tang may not find this to be a surprise, but I am rather concerned. Apparently the age of IM, Texts and MySpace messages has made for a new generation of extremely poor writers.

Is this how they are teaching it in the schools now? Gone are the days of diagramming sentences and extensive drilling on the proper use of “lay†and “lie†and in are the appropriate times to abbreviate the word “to?†Yes, kids, that is how it’s spelled. Also, not sure if you knew this, but the word “people†actually has six letters, and “your†has four. Are grammar classes now teaching that it is perfectly acceptable to replace a number for a letter as long as the sound the same? Some day, historians will look back and say “Sometime around the beginning of the 21st century, the great American empire began to crumble. This is evident as their writing became extremely lazy and unsophisticated, and rules began to be compromised in favor or convenience and speed.†Blame George Bush all you want, I blame the fucking kids.

Did everyone born after 1987 also forget that you are supposed to capitalize words at the beginning of sentences? Same thing with apostrophes. Do you just figure this minor little dot isn’t important as long as someone gets the general idea? I mean, I guess you might remember when writing a term paper, but habits form fast, and the more you use this careless grammar the more likely you are going to be to fail miserably on that lovely “analytical writing†section they have added to the SAT. Fuck that up, and your 4.3 GPA and 18 student activities are pretty much worthless.

Many may make the argument that this type of writing is only used for casual communication, and that when it comes to professionalism, generation “M†is perfectly capable of spelling words out. But this argument is full of holes. As we all know the more you do something, the more habitual it becomes, and it would only be a matter of time before we are reading sales presentations that begin “In order 4 ppl 2 be more xposed 2 ur product, u must 1st consider the gr8 # of consumers in ur area.†Yeah, real professional. See, because little abbreviations soon start to slip into “semi-formal†emails and letters, and then into legal briefs, and next thing you know into Newspaper headlines. And in a generation or two our written communication will not even resemble what we use today.

So generation M, I know you are all obese, internet addicted, emo-listening freaks who comprehend neither delayed communication nor proper grammar, but do try and follow the laws our forefathers laid out when they wrote the constitution and did not begin it with “We the ppl, in order 2 4m a more prfct union.†It’s not that hard, kids. We are becoming a nation who writes like we are trying to fit our words on the back of a license plate, and that only serves to degenerate our society. Rules are there for a reason, for without them we descend into chaos. This applies not only to behavior, but to all aspects of life, including communication. This may not be a lesson they have time to teach you in school now, but it is one you should take with you into the world. Until next time, CU l8r. I’ll brb.

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Guest coach

Old people are such fucktards. It amazes me how everyone seems to forget what it was like to be a kid by the time they are 23. I'd really like to give this idiot a couple of swift kicks in the nards.

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Guest pod

Coach, by the time most of us were at least 12, we could probably formulate a coherent paragraph. These are kids a year or two shy of graduation writing like this.

Kids in Miami-Dade County are degenerates.

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Guest HouseJunkie

The aim is to communicate so whether it’s smoke signal, the finger or the queens English, as long as the idea it conveyed and understood I don’t see any problem.

On the flip side, Sharespare would probably read this article and think the same thing about the authors writing.

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Guest pod

The most I'll forget on IM is caps. Other than that, I'll keep it to within the modern accepted standards of the English language.

Brings up an interesting point though. What if English evolves (or devolves) into degenerate-Miami-kid-speak being the acceptable norm? Will those of us who bother to take the extra ten seconds to type out a word be regarded like we regard someone who uses "thee" and "thou", now?

I don't know, abbreviated IMs and emails seem like flip dismissals to me, almost like, "I'm soooo busy I can't type the word..."

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Guest coach

Yeah, the only people that I IM with on a regular basis who use proper grammar and spelling are my parents. *Everyone* else that I talk to regularly, from my age on down, types in what I call "shorthand".

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Guest pod

Shorthand is when you're transcribing an ongoing conversation.

Like the mighty Barbarino, I can type pretty damn fast, so actually typing out a word doesn't take me that much longer than it does to type "k" or "bye", or the dickwad phrase, "kthxbi".

You know, a lot of this shit propagates via radio waves. A few years from now, some alien civilization is going to wonder just what the hell happened to our communication methods. Just as they figure out what "Hello, how are you?" means, they'll have to decipher "brbafk".

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I'm also one of the few that always types out my IM's and posts. My emails are pretty much grammatically correct for the most part....since thats the main form of communication at work now.

I'm with Dan though....

Also, good grammar and spelling are little things i notice when i start talking to a guy online. Call me weird.

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Guest lulamishka

You know, a lot of this shit propagates via radio waves. A few years from now, some alien civilization is going to wonder just what the hell happened to our communication methods. Just as they figure out what "Hello, how are you?" means, they'll have to decipher "brbafk".

Geezus, speaking of... for whatever ungodly reason I was up early a few Saturdays ago watching some kids show one of the broadcast stations... and one of the preteen girls said as the show went to commercial, something to the effect of, "We'll be AFK... so BRB. LOL."

Some shit like that. I can't remember exactly what the fuck she said, but she definitely used at least 3 online shorthand references... I was like WTF? (lol) Is this how they want my neice to start speaking IRL?! AW HELL NO!

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Guest lulamishka

Also, good grammar and spelling are little things i notice when i start talking to a guy online. Call me weird.

If you're weird, then I'm weird. I pay attention to that, as well. Including with my own posts... I make good use of that Preview button. :)

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