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Beckham signed with LA, good bye Euro Trash!

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Guest pod

Too funny, while I still will never watch good for the MLS and the Beckhams, if you are rich, there is no better place to live on this planet than the US.

What about the Caymans?

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Guest Fez

he's probably sick of the british press.

no....he knows he's old and about to retire....so he went ahead and took some stupid american's offer...

good for the mls, but it won't be anywhere near how a european, asian, or latin american futbol game is :)

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Guest pod

Who cares? He's getting a quarter of a billion dollars. If someone wants to pay him that, then so be it.

Whoop-de-fucking-do if it isn't like how the rest of the world does it.

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Guest Fez

Who cares? He's getting a quarter of a billion dollars. If someone wants to pay him that, then so be it.

Whoop-de-fucking-do if it isn't like how the rest of the world does it.

nobody cares, only the team owner who dropped the cash and will not see any results ;)

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Guest pod

nobody cares, only the team owner who dropped the cash and will not see any results ;)

Shit happens I guess. Beckham is rich. The guy paying him is wealthy.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Who cares? He's getting a quarter of a billion dollars. If someone wants to pay him that, then so be it.

Whoop-de-fucking-do if it isn't like how the rest of the world does it.

nobody cares, only the team owner who dropped the cash and will not see any results ;)

Exactly.. Better players from around the world have come to play in the US and it has not done anything to make ths sport more popular.

The only way soccer will ever be popular in the US is if the Team USA wins the World Cup twice in a row and a bunch of people jump on the band wagon..

But that will never happen!!

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Guest pod

Kids, it's just a sport. Who cares if it's popular. If you really liked it, you'd be out playing it and not sitting in front of your 1080p screens wondering why it's still in 480p.

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Guest xmuzik

i think it will be a good thing for soccer in america, it wont be the second coming or some shit like that , but there will be more interest in the sport overall as far as mainstream america is concerned.

i mean lets be real, the news , tabloids, magazines , online sites etc. will cover every moment of this and every nipple slip of posh, generating tons of press & no matter what anyone says all press is good press unless your micheal jackson or britney spears

when it comes to the american press

for those that doubt this, just go to a american soccer game in your city and you'll see that there are alot more , and i mean alot more fans of the sport than what people think.....

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Guest pod

Every so often, someone gets it in their head to try and drum up interest in the sport by having a global star play here in the US.

Face it kids, it's not gonna catch on. The best it'll be is communities of Europeans and South Americans in the cities who watch and (hopefully if they can) play it, and the kids of white people in the suburbs.

Maybe that's half the issue. The sport here in the US is largely seen as something that the kids of WASPs and suburbanites do. As a result, the real 'oomph' is taken out of the game from day one. The real rough n tumble nature of the sport is dialed down so little Riley, Dakota, or Josyph won't clonk their little skulls too much. Not to say turn it into a bloodsport for kids, but take a cue from youth hockey and youth American football and let the natural rough and tumble of the game play out.

But anyway, with that in mind, by the time these people are adults, they see the sport as only "something rich kids do", or a "wuss" sport.

They don't see the out and out battle royale that an English game is, or the excitement of a game down in South America. Nevermind the Ultras, the Firms, and hooligans. I think the sport would take off here if it was known that the tradition was to break shit and fight after every game.

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