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Foxy Brown tells her side of arrest at Pembroke Pines beauty shop

V. Barbarino

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Foxy Brown tells her side of arrest at Pembroke Pines beauty shop

sun-sentinel.com staff & wires

Posted February 27 2007, 1:05 PM EST

NEW YORK -- Rapper Foxy Brown turned up in a Brooklyn church to tell her side of the story of how a visit to a Pembroke Pines, Fla., beauty supply store went awry and ended in her arrest.

Brown said that she was dragged half-naked out of the restroom of the store and then picked on by police officers because she is black.


"I was exposed from the waist down on the toilet," the 27-year-old rapper said Monday at Brown Memorial Baptist Church in the Clinton Hill neighborhood.

"The only crime I'm guilty of is being a young black woman," she said.

Brown, whose real name is Inga Marchand, could face jail time if a judge decides she violated probation after she got in trouble for hitting two manicurists with a cell phone in 2004. She has to go back in front of the Manhattan judge this week.

Police in South Florida have said that Brown spat on the owner of Queen Beauty Supply, 12105 Pembroke Road, and then got into a scuffle with an officer in the parking lot. The incident occurred on Feb. 15, when Brown and a friend stopped at the shop in Pembroke Pines.

Brown said she was only going to the bathroom, but that the store owner refused to let her finish and then dragged her out, still undressed.

Store owner Hayssam Ghoneim said he asked Brown to leave the restroom because he was closing up shop. But he said she spat on him, and that a surveillance video shows that the rapper left the restroom door open the entire time.

"The camera will show what happened. That's why I am not worried. Cameras don't lie," Ghoneim said. There are several surveillance cameras in the shop.

"She can say anything she wants, that's the beauty of this country," added Ghoneim, who is from Lebanon. "But the truth will come out by itself."

Brown was charged with resisting an officer and simple battery, police said.

Brown's lawyer, New York state Sen. John Sampson said he anticipates a police brutality charge out o the case, saying his client's personal assistant, Priestess Wallace, says she was hurled against a wall by the arresting officer.

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Guest stryke303

You know Nick, I've been so busy lately, that I haven't had much time to spend on the message boards. And your post today reminds me of one of the reasons I try not to spend too much time on them. I understand the point you may be trying to make with this post. However, I cannot stand the fact that you sit there and try to generalize other races. I find it disgusting and extremely hurtful. I believe in the right to be able to speak your mind. Our first amendment promises and guarantees that right. However, we have a responsibility as Americans and as moral, ethical, and decent human beings to exercise that right with care, tact, and just a bit class. You continue to take the road traveled by those who seek to “put inferior races in their place.†To be clear, I am not defending Ms. Brown and what she sees as being arrested because she’s black. I don’t believe in race cards. I do not believe in living a life based on being held back because of the colour of my skin or the belief system I choose to hold. I continually strive to be the best PERSON I can be, period. However, when I read your posts about the “stupid latins†or you “bringing porch monkey back†(yes, I know it’s from a movie, but your implication screams “shut up and know your place niggerâ€), I cannot help but feel the following things:

1)disgust: your thoughts on races and everyone else who isn’t as good as you believe yourself to be, sickens me to my stomach.

2)sadness: the fact that you may laugh these things off and say that you’re just joking. You do, however, truly believe your jokes. You hide behind the façade of humor to cover up your true intent.

3)hurt: knowing that I am none of the things you claim that most “blacks†are or that my friends of other cultures and ethnicities are the things that you claim them to be. It hurts. It hurts because there are so many people from all races and backgrounds, who strive to be good to themselves, good to others, and good to this God given world. Then there are people like you who continue to refuse to see that and continue to call us “porch monkeys†out because we’re supposedly, stupid, violent, or whatever other negative stereotype you try to put on us.

I have never looked at you and thought that because of your actions, all others from your ethnicity share the same “colourful traits†as you do. Please consider your actions and words. Consider this a request from one gentleman to another.


Greg “Stryke†Chin

P.S. you can't bring porch monkey back...because no such thing exists.

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Guest Buck White


By Karl Monsma

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So by using a line from a Kevin Smith movie I am casting negative stereotypes upon blacks? I would love to hear your explanation to this one. As for my intent, you don't know shit son, you don't know me, and if you buy into the crap you read on here then we could assume:

1. I'm racist

2. You are a great dj

3. Miami loves techno

ps. Tell your girl Foxy she's using the race card at the expense of good cops just doing their jobs.

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Guest stryke303

So by using a line from a Kevin Smith movie I am casting negative stereotypes upon blacks? I would love to hear your explanation to this one. As for my intent, you don't know shit son, you don't know me, and if you buy into the crap you read on here then we could assume:

1. I'm racist

2. You are a great dj

3. Miami loves techno

ps. Tell your girl Foxy she's using the race card at the expense of good cops just doing their jobs.

well, I rest my case. Attack me as you wish. My post had nothing to do with Foxy's stupidity. I do, however, clearly see your lack of understanding in what I said in my previous post. This has nothing to do with me as a DJ or anything to do with techno. I do happen to know a thing or two about things other than "techno." It seems to be a word you like using even more than I do. Take good care of yourself Nick. I don't hate you, never did. And you're right, I don't know you. And at this point, I think that suites me just fine. Anyway, my best to you. But, please do me a small favour. If you're going to leave your Clerks II comment up, please add a "g" to the word "brinGing." Let's at least keep the author's use of grammar in the script correct.



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Guest Comport

Since the issue of race has been brought up and there is some conflict on this board, I figure I should put my two cents in.

It is unfortunate that we do not realize that the comments we make (especially on a message board since there is now way to show or convey context or intentions) might affect other people in a negative way. It is also unfortunate that the majority of Americans have a very individualistic approach to explaining why minorities (predominantly African- Americans and Latinos) are over represented in the unemployed population. Many feel that it is caused by factors that are generalized to a race. However, the truth is that our culture does not want to help people get ahead because they will be competing for the same financial and material rewards that we all would like to attain. So before people post racially motivated post or comments, we should see how they are going to affect others, what the causes of these generalizations are, and what we can all do to eradicate these negative generalizations. It seems that we do not understand that when all hope is lost there is no motivation to strive for upward mobility from poverty to middle class. We cannot understand that because most people have what we need to survive and have hope and motivation to achieve. What I am trying to say is be sympathetic to other people of all races.

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Guest Mattivi

what i think greg is getting at is that its lame to use a internet handle as a cop out to making racist stereotypes and generalizations(even tho some are quite amusing) and than hide behind blanket statements like "Oh you dont know me". or if the alterior, sneaky, and infantile motive is to ignite/exacerbate some sort of heated forum debate just for the sake of debate. i mean we've all seen it a million times here on cj, "oh your just falling for gayleens trap", "he does this just for kicks" and all that BS. i mean some of that shit was funny the first 93 times but it gets stale after awhile, and when you get down to it, it just insensitive, so i see stryke's point.

insulting people from a position of self-percieved superiority doesnt really speak well of someone, whether or not you know him/her or not. or if he "is a nice guy when you see him out, u just got to get to know him."(and im sure he is). but that shit doesnt really justify such tactless and crass behavior here on the boards. i mean u have to be real pathetic bastard to think that just because its the internet, u can get away with saying racist shit. i mean would say that shit to them in public? if you would, than yeh your a real man, at least u have the gonads to stand up for what you believe in. but if u say this shit on a internet board and than someone calls you out on it, and all you got is some cookie cutter blanket statement and more insults as a retort? pretty sad if you ask me. just my .02 cents.

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Guest Mattivi

even tho you veered off the subject material, i think its pretty save to say that if jews represented a higher percentage of the population that some would be strugglling. this is too big of a sociological issue to paint with such a wide stroke. moron.

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even tho you veered off the subject material, i think its pretty save to say that if jews represented a higher percentage of the population that some would be strugglling. this is too big of a sociological issue to paint with such a wide stroke. moron.

Indians come here with no problems

Koreans come here with no problems

But Hispanic kids join gangs, so why no Indian or Korean gangs? Why no Hebrew Crips?

You should go back to school and learn what percentages mean.

As the population of Jews increase or decrease for that matter, the % who struggle remains the same. That's how percentages work.

Poor is poor and the reasons remain the same regardless of what color you are.

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Guest TonyMark

Every time someone makes fun of Latinos, especially when they repeatedly mention the negative side of them it makes me feel that frustration and/or lack of knowledge of their culture is speaking for them. To those Latino haters: Numbers speak for themselves and in the very near future, if you don't speak Spanish you'll be out of the game.... so if you can't beat them...unite them! (see the positive side of Hispanics and their economic contribution to this continent). On top of that, it's likely that in the next decade many will miss important business opportunities if they don't speak Mandarin Chinese.


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Guest pod

I don't see Spanish being the dominant language in this country anytime soon. The lingua franca of the globe is broken English.

By the time that changes, we'll have AI software in our cell phones to handle translations, complete with idiomatic recognition.

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Guest Mattivi

even tho you veered off the subject material, i think its pretty save to say that if jews represented a higher percentage of the population that some would be strugglling. this is too big of a sociological issue to paint with such a wide stroke. moron.

Indians come here with no problems

Koreans come here with no problems

But Hispanic kids join gangs, so why no Indian or Korean gangs? Why no Hebrew Crips?

You should go back to school and learn what percentages mean.

As the population of Jews increase or decrease for that matter, the % who struggle remains the same. That's how percentages work.

Poor is poor and the reasons remain the same regardless of what color you are.

i think you misunderstand where im coming from. lets speak hypothetically. lets say it was jews or koreans that were brought over by white slave traders instead of blacks(who were geograhphically convienant) during the advent of america. do u not think they would be in the same position as blacks now? do u think this is strictly based on color(that blacks and latins have a higher propensity and/or genetically predisposed for crime and poverty) or is there possibly a bigger sociological issue at hand? im not saying your wrong, but dont u think that their may be a bigger angle to this than u think? or do u honestly believe that latins and blacks are intellectually and morally inferior people and are to be blamed completely for their current situation? be honest. shit im wasting my breath.

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Guest pod

A lot of this stems from what I like to call the "Miami corruption" Let's face it, there's a lot of scumbags around here. You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

However, the scumbaggery here knows no color. If anything, some of the whites around here are ten times more devious and conniving than in other areas. I've got tons of friends of the black or Latin persuasion, and if anything, I'm treated like family when I visit their homes. I have nowhere to go for Thanksgiving, for example, and for the past three years, a Latin family has taken me in, and didn't ask for a cent in return, even though I've gladly bought my share with me.

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Guest Mattivi

A lot of this stems from what I like to call the "Miami corruption" Let's face it, there's a lot of scumbags around here. You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

However, the scumbaggery here knows no color. If anything, some of the whites around here are ten times more devious and conniving than in other areas. I've got tons of friends of the black or Latin persuasion, and if anything, I'm treated like family when I visit their homes. I have nowhere to go for Thanksgiving, for example, and for the past three years, a Latin family has taken me in, and didn't ask for a cent in return, even though I've gladly bought my share with me.

agreed. i dont disagree with the some of things being pointed out, but insulting large groups of people for the sake of proving a point is pathetic. but yes a lot of the stereotypes out there are perpetuated everyday and to some extent are true, but like u said corruption comes in all colors, its just more skewed here in miami because its so international.

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Guest pod

And also, a further skew, a lot of us are involved somehow in nightlife, which doesn't exactly attract people of upstanding character. There's good people in this industry, but you know the drill, there's a lot of people who don't belong within 100 yards of a venue.

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even tho you veered off the subject material, i think its pretty save to say that if jews represented a higher percentage of the population that some would be strugglling. this is too big of a sociological issue to paint with such a wide stroke. moron.

Indians come here with no problems

Koreans come here with no problems

But Hispanic kids join gangs, so why no Indian or Korean gangs? Why no Hebrew Crips?

You should go back to school and learn what percentages mean.

As the population of Jews increase or decrease for that matter, the % who struggle remains the same. That's how percentages work.

Poor is poor and the reasons remain the same regardless of what color you are.

i think you misunderstand where im coming from. lets speak hypothetically. lets say it was jews or koreans that were brought over by white slave traders instead of blacks(who were geograhphically convienant) during the advent of america. do u not think they would be in the same position as blacks now? do u think this is strictly based on color(that blacks and latins have a higher propensity and/or genetically predisposed for crime and poverty) or is there possibly a bigger sociological issue at hand? im not saying your wrong, but dont u think that their may be a bigger angle to this than u think? or do u honestly believe that latins and blacks are intellectually and morally inferior people and are to be blamed completely for their current situation? be honest. shit im wasting my breath.

It's a complex question with a very simple answer. Look at the black generation who got hit with fire hoses, they won their freedom and yes some died for their freedom, but they got their rights and did very well with it. Were they on par with whites, no, but they made significant progress. The problem is the next generation didn't do shit and squandered everything their parents and grandparents fought for. You can't blame drop out rates of 50% on slavery anymore, you simply can't especially when other minority groups come to the US and do much better.

Since I'm white and not allowed to talk about it, i'll let cosby explain. read here

I truly only hate one ethnic group on this planet, and that is the French.

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