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Gore Responds to Charges His House Uses Too Much Electricity


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A spokesman for Gore quickly fired back Monday night, claiming, "The Gore's purchase all of their power through the local Green Powerswitch program -- it is 100 percent renewable power."

"In addition, they are in the midst of a renovation which includes installing solar panels on their home, which will enable them to use less power," Gore's spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said in a statement.


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Guest slamminshaun

A spokesman for Gore quickly fired back Monday night, claiming, "The Gore's purchase all of their power through the local Green Powerswitch program -- it is 100 percent renewable power."

"In addition, they are in the midst of a renovation which includes installing solar panels on their home, which will enable them to use less power," Gore's spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said in a statement.


Why didn't he do all this stuff before? He wrote Earth and the Balance how many years ago??? He's only reacting to this controversy and wouldn't have done it had someone not investigated this and caught him. $30,000 is what I read his utility bill is.....this guy is a fuckin' tool.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

A spokesman for Gore quickly fired back Monday night' date=' claiming, "The Gore's purchase all of their power through the local Green Powerswitch program -- it is 100 percent renewable power."

"In addition, they are in the midst of a renovation which includes installing solar panels on their home, which will enable them to use less power," Gore's spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said in a statement.


Why didn't he do all this stuff before? He wrote Earth and the Balance how many years ago??? He's only reacting to this controversy and wouldn't have done it had someone not investigated this and caught him. $30,000 is what I read his utility bill is.....this guy is a fuckin' tool.

And what good does Dick Cheney do for our country again??

He's a fu_kin tool..

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Guest saintjohn

From Wired:

Gore says he and Tipper regularly calculate their home and business energy use - including the carbon cost of his prodigious global travel. Then he purchases offsets equal to the amount of carbon emissions they generate. Last year, for example, Gore and Tipper atoned for their estimated 1 million miles in global air travel by giving money to an Indian solar electric company and a Bulgarian hydroelectric project.


So rich people can pollute, as long as they give money to some "green" project? This reminds me of the Roman Catholic Church selling Indulgences.

My Range Rover is Carbon Neutral. Really.

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Guest saintjohn

And a little humor:

Why does Al Gore's Nashville mansion use more than 20 times as much electricity as the national average?

Entire east wing is a walk-in fridge for snacks

Tipper says there's no point listening to Cannibal Corpse if you don't TURN THAT $#!+ UP

Bush stole all the off-switches

Needs to run the AC non-stop to keep his daughters from burning the place down with their hotness

He's building a Death Star

#6 - Grow lights?

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Guest coach

From Wired:

Gore says he and Tipper regularly calculate their home and business energy use - including the carbon cost of his prodigious global travel. Then he purchases offsets equal to the amount of carbon emissions they generate. Last year, for example, Gore and Tipper atoned for their estimated 1 million miles in global air travel by giving money to an Indian solar electric company and a Bulgarian hydroelectric project.


So rich people can pollute, as long as they give money to some "green" project? This reminds me of the Roman Catholic Church selling Indulgences.

My Range Rover is Carbon Neutral. Really.

This is totally what the Gov't, and even the international agencies are trying to do. To make a way for companies (and individuals, supposedly) to buy and sell pollution. The idea is to set a global pollution level, and then if one company pollutes less, they can sell their alotment to another company.
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Guest saintjohn
This is totally what the Gov't, and even the international agencies are trying to do. To make a way for companies (and individuals, supposedly) to buy and sell pollution. The idea is to set a global pollution level, and then if one company pollutes less, they can sell their alotment to another company.

Why "Carbon Neutrality" will only make things worse:

MANY readers profess puzzlement as to how carbon offsets could fail to reduce one's carbon footprint. The answer is that they probably do reduce one's carbon footprint, but by nowhere near the one-for-one ration that seems to be implied by the extraordinarily low price of carbon offsets. Unless they are implemented under a cap-and-trade system, these sorts of environmental efforts are plagued by something called the rebound effect, which is to say that using more efficient technologies causes the price to fall, which causes people to use more of the carbon-emitting substances in question. This is particularly true in markets for things like electricity, which are characterised by monopoly providers and extremely high fixed costs for existing plant, making it unlikely that carbon emitting generators will actually be taken offline (and made worse by the fact that the dirtiest power is supplied by the baseload plants, which are least likely to be taken offline).

If you are salving your conscience by buying carbon offsets, which allows you to cheerfully emit 20 times more than the average person, then even a conservatively estimated rebound effect means that carbon offsets are increasing the amount of emissions.

Read the whole thing here.

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Guest saintjohn
My Range Rover is Carbon Neutral. Really.

Yes, I know quoting myself is lame, but look what I just found at the New York Times:

Climate Care, for example, has linked up with Land Rover, a maker of sport utility vehicles, to help the company offset its own emissions. As part of a promotional program, Climate Care also helps purchasers of new Land Rovers offset their first 45,000 miles of driving.

In that way, the program may actually help sell “larger cars with higher emissions†and thus contribute more to global warming, according to Mary Taylor, a campaigner with the energy and climate team at Friends of the Earth.

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Guest pod

Even the most "green" people I know, engage in enough non-green activity to negate their environmentalism. My relatively austere lifestyle is greener than they are by default. Call me the "accidental environmentalist" if you will. If it's within 2 miles and I have time, I walk. If I'm pressed, I'm willing to walk up to 5. Throw on the iPod, and I'm happy.

And to prove a point, I'm leaving the office right now and walking home.

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Guest slamminshaun

A spokesman for Gore quickly fired back Monday night, claiming, "The Gore's purchase all of their power through the local Green Powerswitch program -- it is 100 percent renewable power."

"In addition, they are in the midst of a renovation which includes installing solar panels on their home, which will enable them to use less power," Gore's spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said in a statement.


Why didn't he do all this stuff before? He wrote Earth and the Balance how many years ago??? He's only reacting to this controversy and wouldn't have done it had someone not investigated this and caught him. $30,000 is what I read his utility bill is.....this guy is a fuckin' tool.

And what good does Dick Cheney do for our country again??

He's a fu_kin tool..

Dick Cheney isn't running around claiming to live a carbon-neutral lifestyle, Al Gore is...there's the difference

Seriously Terry, your "but, but, but Bush" defenses are old. Bush/Cheney has absolutely NOTHING to do with Al Gore's $1,200 electric bill. Al Gore's hypocritical, pathetic existence is to blame.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

A spokesman for Gore quickly fired back Monday night' date=' claiming, "The Gore's purchase all of their power through the local Green Powerswitch program -- it is 100 percent renewable power."

"In addition, they are in the midst of a renovation which includes installing solar panels on their home, which will enable them to use less power," Gore's spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said in a statement.


Why didn't he do all this stuff before? He wrote Earth and the Balance how many years ago??? He's only reacting to this controversy and wouldn't have done it had someone not investigated this and caught him. $30,000 is what I read his utility bill is.....this guy is a fuckin' tool.

And what good does Dick Cheney do for our country again??

He's a fu_kin tool..

Dick Cheney isn't running around claiming to live a carbon-neutral lifestyle

What the hell do we pay our tax dollars to pay Dick Cheney for anyways? What the hell does this guy do?

You know what's really getting old Shaun is all you Republican lovers trying to cover up all the wrong that your party has done. So in order for any of you to feel better for their fuck ups, you guys point out stupid little shit that Al Gore does.

Why don't you guys go dig up some dirt on Barak Obama for a change?

If I were a Republican, I'd be more worried about him than Al Gore at this point..

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Guest slamminshaun

A spokesman for Gore quickly fired back Monday night, claiming, "The Gore's purchase all of their power through the local Green Powerswitch program -- it is 100 percent renewable power."

"In addition, they are in the midst of a renovation which includes installing solar panels on their home, which will enable them to use less power," Gore's spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said in a statement.


Why didn't he do all this stuff before? He wrote Earth and the Balance how many years ago??? He's only reacting to this controversy and wouldn't have done it had someone not investigated this and caught him. $30,000 is what I read his utility bill is.....this guy is a fuckin' tool.

And what good does Dick Cheney do for our country again??

He's a fu_kin tool..

Dick Cheney isn't running around claiming to live a carbon-neutral lifestyle

What the hell do we pay our tax dollars to pay Dick Cheney for anyways? What the hell does this guy do?

You know what's really getting old Shaun is all you Republican lovers trying to cover up all the wrong that your party has done. So in order for any of you to feel better for their fuck ups, you guys point out stupid little shit that Al Gore does.

Why don't you guys go dig up some dirt on Barak Obama for a change?

If I were a Republican, I'd be more worried about him than Al Gore at this point..

I thought the problem with Cheney was that he had too much control and too much power. Now you're saying he doesn't do anything? Make up your minds already!

If Al Gore would just go away, nobody would bother with him. As long as this limo-drivin', Gulfstream flyin', douche-bag continues to preach to me about conserving while paying $1,200 for an electric bill, I'll continue to bash away on him. Gore's biggest problem is that he doesn't practice what he preaches while people like me do.

Anyway, I already did give you the dirt on Barack Obama (lord knows the media wouldn't do it). Who told all of you he was a chain smoker? I bet nobody knew about that until I posted it. I post dirt on all the Gulfstream-Liberals I can't stand, it just depends on who's in the news that day.

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Guest JMT

Gore buys his "carbon credits" from Generation Investment Management, a company he owns stock in and is chairman of.

so basically, its like he buys the credits from himself.

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Guest saintjohn
Gore buys his "carbon credits" from Generation Investment Management, a company he owns stock in and is chairman of.

So what of Gore personally benefits from Global Warming hysteria? We're only supposed to care about Cheney's ties to Haliburton, not Gore's involvement with Generation.

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Guest slamminshaun
Gore buys his "carbon credits" from Generation Investment Management, a company he owns stock in and is chairman of.

So what of Gore personally benefits from Global Warming hysteria? We're only supposed to care about Cheney's ties to Haliburton, not Gore's involvement with Generation.

Al Gore isn't the only one who benefits from "global warming hysteria". But see, if you point out all the people who profit from it, people attack you. I know, it happens to me all the time on these boards. Take this company for example, they'll offset your cat's farts for $6. If you think I'm kidding, click the link....

billions made in "carbon credits" and cat farts

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