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Wisdom teeth removal, poor me.


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Guest frankthetank

Don't settle for Vicodin. Get Lortab or Percoset. I think I had Lortabs when I had mine out. You will need all 20 they give you especially in the morning. Have fun eating KFC mash potatoes and milk shakes for two weeks. :)

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Don't settle for Vicodin. Get Lortab or Percoset. I think I had Lortabs when I had mine out. You will need all 20 they give you especially in the morning. Have fun eating KFC mash potatoes and milk shakes for two weeks. :)

Lortab sucks, percs are way better. They gave me roxicet (liquid perc) when i had my tonsils taken out year before last then switched me to liquid lortab when it turned out i was allergic to roxicet. Didnt take the pain away AT ALL. Had to end up swallowing regular percs just to not feel pain.

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Guest michael^heaven

Amazingly, I still have my wisdom teeth. Best of luck! I've had oral surgery before...no sweat. As long as they knock you out proper. 8)

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Guest Cosmigonon

4 at the same time???

How the fuck are you gonna eat???

When I had them removed, yeeeeeeeeeeeears ago, 1st they removed the ones from the left side, then 2 weeks later the rest, that way I was always able to chew from at least one side.

And what pain r u guys talkin about? ???

I mean, the procedure itself is painless, obviously, but all I had afterwards was probably some ibuprofen, and besides the obvious discomfort, i didn't feel any major pain that required painkillers...

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Guest lulamishka

And what pain r u guys talkin about? ???

I mean, the procedure itself is painless, obviously, but all I had afterwards was probably some ibuprofen, and besides the obvious discomfort, i didn't feel any major pain that required painkillers...

Exactly! What kind of dentists do you people have??

I had ALL 4 of mine taken out at once, and I did not need Vicodin OR Percoset. I even still have all 4 saved in the little sealed pouch they gave me. They're in my nightstand drawer. Teehee.

MAN UP, Ryan! ;D

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I pulled my own out one night when I was drunk...

J/K... :P

All but 1 of mine grew in fine. I didn't get mine pulled until I was 26. It always bothered me until then.

Dude you'll be fine..

Do it while you are awake. The pressure of them pulling on your teeth makes you feel like your head is in a vice but it does not hurt..

It's a really weird sensation..

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Well it doesnt hurt if they arent impacted. If they are, its pretty painful. I had an impacted wisdom tooth taken out, it hurt but only the same day. I went to a seminar the next morning for work. Was fine. Regardless, that script will eventually come in handy somewhere down the line....

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Guest dahzel

it all depends on the dentist but it shouldn't be that bad. see if you can get the i.v. so you don't feel shit and mos def go for the percs... it shouldn't be that bad. SUCK IT UP!!!

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ok i've survived. sucks to be back at work, i think that's the worst part. i was getting used to full days of ps2 (haven't turned it on in years) and i watched about 100 movies. had a little pain but not that much. barely any swelling at all. got vicodin and ibuprofen, they do just fine. and i can eat again.

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I had a friend of mine who’s a Dentist pull out one of my wisdom teeth. Two hours later, I was on a plane back to Miami.

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Guest kelly923

i had all 4 of mine out at the same time too ... slept for a week straight after , but there was never any serious pain involved

hope u are feeling ok ryan :)

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