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Help a Dick Out :)


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Ah my friends,

As each day goes by I get sadder that I don't have faces to attach to names. Orchid, Lipz, Nikki, CMB, Rachel, Moonshin and others. I so badlywant to meet you guys but its going to be at least 7 months before my brother moves to town and I have a place to stay. By that time I might even be able to afford a hotel.

I badly want to come down in May sometime. But its like $150+ anightfor a Manhattan hotel. I want to stay like 5-6 days so there goes a grand right there.

Unfortunately, all the people Ihave met virtually or e-mailedwitha re girls. Well not unfortunately - it has its perks. So without having met hem I can't ask any of the girls to lend me a couch - they would naturally be afraid.

So what I'm asking is does anybody know anywhere cheap - even off the island or in Jersey. Hotel / Hostel / park bench smile.gif / motel. I'm not fussy. I'll take a bit of danger and I don't mind the odd cockroach or a closet sized room. All I need is somewhere to sleep, shower,and store a bag or two. Then maybe I can get down quicker than I thought and do some real partying.

Anybody withideas or leads or ideas I would really appreciate it. I have no idea where to start looking because the regular sites and stuff don't list bargain basement shit or Hoboken or Jersey or stuff. I need Subway access to Manhattan though. No more than 15-20 minute walk from Subway.

Thanks all. I'll repost my plea from time to

time over the next few months and if I find anywhere or come accross money I didn't know I had then maybe you guys will see me. If not I should be able to afford the $2500 it will cost to stay 6 days sometime in the Fall.

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Dude, Comfort Inn in Edgewater, NJ is nice enough (I put my parents up there for a weekend) and reasonable for the area ($75-85) per night. It's right on the Hudson acroos from NYC. Easy bus and even ferry access to get to the fun.

Here's the #: (201) 943-3131

Good luck. Let me know when your coming...

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(crying) if i had my own apt. i'd let u chill w/ me, for sure. but that's not the case, so...i live right by the gwb. and there's this hotel/motel right by the bridge, i'm not sure how much it costs, i just smoked and got drunk in it for about an hour and a half. but if you don't find anything, let me know and i'll find out more info. but i'm sure one of your crush's will be more than happy to come to your rescue. cwm24.gifcwm38.gif

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Ah Starcapone,

That was so sweet. Ho could I forget about you. You're definitelyone of my bigger crushes and thanks for thinking about me smile.gif

I really am not trying to fish for someone to letme stay with them. I don't know much about these virtual friendships but they aren't necessarily real. I would never impose like that. They would be naturally very afraid that MrDick is well, a dick! Now, if I get to meet some people then maybe I can come ack and stay with them the next time and we can spend what would have been my hotel money on beer, drugs, strippers and music smile.gif

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