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a common dilemia


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if im not in the mood, end of story. im not giving in just b/c he wants to. and him, oh hes always in the mood. never have to worree about him saying no. i know it may be selfish, but i dont do anything i dont want to!


" Music is a universal language. Where speech fails, then music begins. It is the natural medium for the expression of our emotions - the art that expresses in tones our feelings which are too strong & too deep to be expressed in words"

Charles W. Landon

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IMO..as for the guy: be a man and if the girl isnt up for it..then chill. Dont press someone to do anything they dont want to do..wether that be kissing...or fukin..or whatever. I personally am a gentleman..and if i hint to it what i want to do and the girl isnt cool with it...i double check to make sure my vibe wasnt mistaken...if its a no..then thats cool i can live with that. If its a yes..then its on!!!


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What exactly are we talking about here? The first time you have sex or a long-term relationship? If you've never had sex before then I think you should stand your ground and not do anything until you're ready for it.

A long-term relationship on the other hand... well, it's like anything else is a relationship. There's gotta be give and take. If I really really don't want it (usually meaning it's really late and all I can think about is how tired I'm going to be in the morning) then I don't give it up, but if I'm just not really in the mood then I usually give in. Of course, I expect him to do the same for me.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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I think that generally both partners are going to have days that they are not in the mood - though the girl more often.

And most times it should be fine - don't feel rejected and don't pester them.

But there is nothing wrong with occassionally doing your partner a favour and eating or blowing them when they want it but you don't. Not too often but once in awhile sure - why not? You do love them.

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Originally posted by mrdick:

I think that generally both partners are going to have days that they are not in the mood - though the girl more often.

Its funny, in a lot of my relationships, I have been the one who wanted it more...



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Originally posted by gambitrah:

damn why arent there any good old NY girls out here in CO...man i need to get back to the old neighborhood and import a girlie back!!!! smile.gif


if i were you i'd say fuck new york and hit the mountains. vail and aspen are CRAWLING with gorgeous women right now. (and my sad ass is stuck in ny.)

i'd say your chances of bagging a real goodlooking new york chick is higher in aspen right now than anywhere else smile.gif

fuck.. i miss the snow.. (and the snowbunnies that come along with it)

snowbmorph_ cwm13.gif

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Originally posted by starcapone:

when one wants to have sex and the other doesn't...what to do? give in or stick your grounds! cwm23.gifcwm6.gif

hmm.. what's the problem?

when you don't want to fuck, you don't want to fuck. even if you do end up doing it out of courtesy, chances are neither of you are going to enjoy it all that much anyway..

instead, take a raincheck, build up the expectation and do something special in a few days. that'll be more fun smile.gif

morph_ cwm12.gif

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This is true. Aspen is very nice this time of year..I was up there 3 weekends ago and I have to admit the women there ARE FINE! I miss the NY girl attitude..oh and love that accent! All the mountain girls out here are stuck up..stuck on themselves or stuck to some old fucker. But there are many more ski towns open smile.gif

yum yum bring it on!

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