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Guest irishboy

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Guest irishboy

you would be suprised the Guiness can be horrible in many pubs round Dublin.It also can cost around $7/8 in a standard pub,even though the brewery is only round the corner.Main thing about Guiness in warm weather is it has to be VERY cold!!

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Guest pod

This is true. Out of the can (with the widget) I put them in the freezer for a bit before consumption.

That holds true for any beer. I simply can't drink warm beer. Well I can, but it becomes work, and having to work to do something fun sucks.

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Guest irishboy

yeah cold is good,anyway thanks pod,ive learned my lesson about posting certain topics on the forum,didnt think it would cause trouble just i suppose thats due the different culture i come from!!!I'll remember it when i get to the States.Anyway if everyone thought the same the world would be a very boring place!!! 8)

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Guest LisaLoca7Bianca

Besides, E and weed are so last century. All the cool kids have graduated to crystal meth and ketamine. Nothing like taking stuff that was made in some tweaker's bathtub to brighten your day.

LMAO!! Times have changed!

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Guest phillydred

Personally, I like a black and tan......puored by an adequate bartender of course.......it is considered sacreligius (to mix and Irish with a Brit beer) across the pond over there.....but me likey......

btw.......I thought K had its heyday in the late nineties......I haven't seen a yellow label (Ketaset bottle) in years and I cant honestly remember last time somebody was like " Yo, want some K?"......that shit brings back some terrible memories.....

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Guest dancefloored

lmao at the you tube clip ;D

with the thread titled 'drugs' I knew it was one I would get a laugh out of

by the way my grandma drinks warm beer!

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Guest ezgoing74

You got to be fucking stupid. What, you are not going to move to the states if you can't find drugs. I think you brain is fried. Hey why don't you bring your own stack, maybe 2 or 3 thousand pills, 200 lbs of weed. People like you (and Saleen) are the ones killing the scene. You fucking retard.

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Guest rhythmburn

there are no drugs in the miami house scene...just mitsubishi mints...

gotta have that 'fresh breath'

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Guest mr.miami

Whats the story with drugs in Miami??mainly weed and pills??

Are they easy to get and are they expensive??


Haha. This brings new meaning to the word junkie in cool junkie. Perhaps you should meet some street junkie.

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Guest irishboy

to gabo,a bit of info for you on the black n tan situation!Ben and Jerrys brought out a new ice-cream over here called "Black and Tan" and there were people moaning about it!Bit over sensitive in my book but there ya go!!!!

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Guest skywalker01

ibiza is a bit different than miami with regards to drugs. i saw people openly (in plain view of staff) dealing more than once. basically nobody gave a shit which was surprising. obviously it's not out in the open to that extent in miami (or anywhere else in america) but if you want it, you can get it.

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Guest Marina22

ibiza is a bit different than miami with regards to drugs. i saw people openly (in plain view of staff) dealing more than once. basically nobody gave a shit which was surprising. obviously it's not out in the open to that extent in miami (or anywhere else in america) but if you want it, you can get it.

I heard the same about Ibiza, in clubs, but here in the states obviously it is not only illegal but you get tossed out of the club for it. Alchohol is just legal here and I think sometimes worse than drugs.

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Guest Fernando A

Yea, Ibiza and Miami are nowhere near each other when it comes to openness to drugs. Ibiza has been known as kind of a haven for the free-spirited since the 60's, and it still hasn't changed much apparently. You can buy/do drugs pretty much anywhere you want. You can buy drugs off your waiter at a cafe. I even saw one of the performers at Space (Ibiza) walk to the edge of the stage in the middle of his act, pull off his mask, and do a bump courtesy of someone in the crowd...everyone started cheering. Here, things aren't nearly as loose. You will definitely look around at an afterhours party and see a lot of people on drugs, but it's not always a good idea to ask around for something you want. You can get ripped off/arrested pretty easily. Just keep in mind that this is a city and we're in the states, don't do anything stupid, and have a good time!

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Guest frankthetank

Yea, Ibiza and Miami are nowhere near each other when it comes to openness to drugs. Ibiza has been known as kind of a haven for the free-spirited since the 60's, and it still hasn't changed much apparently. You can buy/do drugs pretty much anywhere you want. You can buy drugs off your waiter at a cafe. I even saw one of the performers at Space (Ibiza) walk to the edge of the stage in the middle of his act, pull off his mask, and do a bump courtesy of someone in the crowd...everyone started cheering. Here, things aren't nearly as loose. You will definitely look around at an afterhours party and see a lot of people on drugs, but it's not always a good idea to ask around for something you want. You can get ripped off/arrested pretty easily. Just keep in mind that this is a city and we're in the states, don't do anything stupid, and have a good time!

Good advice...

Plus if you do find something you will most likely be ripped off aka bunk stuff.

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