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Urban Myth? Kirkland Vodka is Grey Goose?

V. Barbarino

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Guest addictedtospace

Coach might start a rumble.

Best Vodka hands down has to be "Rain." It actually will give you a hangover while drinking it.

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ummm nick - feel free to pick me up a bottle of kirkland and i'll compare since i don't have a costco card...

i usually drink kettle one though but i'll buy a bottle of grey goose just for this experiment.. lol

a costco membership pays for itself just in paper towels and toilet paper.. you should get one!

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Guest pod

I think Corzo is starting to make inroads here in town. I know Cameo has it now.

As for the Kirkland, distillation is only part of making a good vodka. There's the original ingredients to worry about, the quality of each stage of distillation, etc.

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Guest barstar diana

There's only one type of tequila and that is 'El Guerrero'

lol the guerras totally shoudl do that, lots of money in the long run, minimal investment to get started...

entrepreneurial possibility maybe to diversify in?


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  • 1 year later...
Guest Reesey33

I just went to COSTCO this past weekend and we did not need a COSTCO membership ( in florida) to purchase alcohol. The liquor store is actually completely seperated from the rest of the store and the clerk told us that there's a law prohibiting them to require a membership in order to purchase alcohol, just ID.

I thought the vodka was great. I've drank a lot of cheap Vodka's throughout college and have become really sensitive to the taste. I loaded my drinks up and couldn't hardly taste a thing. Well worth the price. It compares well to Grey Goose if it isn't the same. I didn't notice a difference especially because it's so smooth. But, I wouldn't doubt it is grey goose because there's no costco or walgreens or walmart that are personally going into every business (medicine, meats, alcohol) for themselves to compete as a name brand, yet we can buy their generic products that have their name on it. That's because they don't get into those businesses. They are resellers and typically they can sign contracts with other company's (Advil, Sara Lee, Grey Goose, etc) to have them package and label their products under their name and the parent company gets a commission off their sales. But they sell at a much lower price because the parent company sells to them at a large discount typically half the retail price for being a large distributor and is ultimately making money on it as well.

The Kirkland Vodka is great. Super cheap to split between multiple people and more than enough to last a small group an entire night. But tastes good.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest ccserbcc
how many times is this kirkland distilled??

thats were quality comes in

a decent vodka would be distilled at least 3x

higher end vodkas like grey goose and belvedere are 5 and 6xs distilled

i have yet to see one more than 6x, although it would be ultra smooth the flavor would start being affected

Actually, the number of times a vodka is distilled has nothing to do with the quality of the vodka. It's a complete marketing scheme that companies picked up on a few years back, when vodka became what it is today.

To make vodka, you distill it till it's pure alcohol or 180 proof. If it takes you 3 times to reach this, then it takes you 3 times. Many smaller production vodka's (which are typically better) have smaller distillation procedures so it takes them longer to reach 180 proof.

The "quality" of a vodka comes from how it's filtered, and the quality of the water added to the 180proof vodka. Water is added to bring the vodka down to it's bottling proof. The quality of the water is far more important than the number of times a vodka is distilled. Finally, the vodka is filtered. Filtering is used to remove as many impurities from the vodka as possible. The better the filtration (more expensive vodka's use a micro quartz freeze filtration, or something similar, while cheaper vodkas will use a charcol filtration), the smoother the final product.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest jagedlion
Actually, the number of times a vodka is distilled has nothing to do with the quality of the vodka....

While I agree with what you say on filtration, number of distillations does matter.

As you said, when making vodka you seek to make pure alcohol. Unfortunately pure alcohol cannot be distilled, as water and ethanol are an azeotropic mixture. Noob

180 proof, or 90% (technically, 89.43%) is the approachable limit of the azeotropic mixture. Because of this, while you get diminishing returns from additional distillations, they are beneficial. There is no such things as a "better" distillation is this regard as I am referring to the chemically ideal distillation maneuver.

Here is the distillation diagram so you can see what I mean.

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