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GU23 North America Tour//Adam Freeland//Shine at the Shelborne//Friday, May 18

Guest miaminightsblog

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Guest Clauds

i had a fantastic time with you crazy people...lol

no but seriously, it was such a fun night...a pleasure to see so many familiar faces.

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Guest Marina22

I came Friday full knowing that I would have fun with you all and I did. However, I did not know what to expect from Adam and even though I enjoyed his track selection and had fun hearing something different, I did not think his flow was great. This is just from a dancer's point of view you need to have a good placement of tracks to keep the dancing going. Perhaps that's why the dancefloor was emptier than it could have been. Sorry I missed Seb again, but thanks to Jon for bringing in the talent and expect great things to come. ;D

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Guest NicoleC

(Sorry for the repost, but I'm on about four hours sleep in two days and have no idea how or why I just deleted my previous post - delerium).

I had a wonderful time Friday night. A big "thank you" to all who brought us such a fun evening. It is great to finally see some musical diversity coming into Miami outside of conference.

I have a bunch of pictures and a few videos. You can access them on my blog on myspace. ;D

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Guest NicoleC

Lets just say I never spent such a short time in a club before. I walked and sebastian was playing and i heard about 2 tracks then adam freeland came on and me and my wife ran to the door (passing bling in the process) to go back to blue.

I just caught this - Adam did not come on after Sebastian. Are you sure that is who you heard spin?

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Guest Diaga

Lets just say I never spent such a short time in a club before. I walked and sebastian was playing and i heard about 2 tracks then adam freeland came on and me and my wife ran to the door (passing bling in the process) to go back to blue.

I just caught this - Adam did not come on after Sebastian. Are you sure that is who you heard spin?


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Guest djjoncowan

Lets just say I never spent such a short time in a club before. I walked and sebastian was playing and i heard about 2 tracks then adam freeland came on and me and my wife ran to the door (passing bling in the process) to go back to blue.

I just caught this - Adam did not come on after Sebastian. Are you sure that is who you heard spin?


too funny - i am not a breaks guy in any form but mr. freeland was impressive.... true showman

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Guest bassdropper

I know this post is a little bit late. First of all I went with my girlfriend who introduced me to some of the people she knows from the boards and I must say I got good vibes from everyone I met. Now my take on Adam's set, He had some good tracks to play, but his transistions were horrible, In my opinion I think he was just trying to play as many tracks as he could. And the placement of the tracks didnt mesh at all. For me a set should flow to the point you cannot tell another track is playing. He hardly let two tracks ride for a while. There were times people were jumping up and down and he play a track that had a whole different tempo. Anyways I still had a good time and look forward to meeting all of you again.

ppppppppeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaacccccccceeeeeeee!! Peter

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Guest meta

Lets just say I never spent such a short time in a club before. I walked and sebastian was playing and i heard about 2 tracks then adam freeland came on and me and my wife ran to the door (passing bling in the process) to go back to blue.

I just caught this - Adam did not come on after Sebastian. Are you sure that is who you heard spin?

Could of sworn it was sebastian, but hey i dont know what he looks like. all i know is that i left when adam was playing i didnt stay in the club anymore than 20 mins.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest NicoleC

I know this is a bit after-the-fact, but

the review (http://www.residentadvisor.net/review-view.aspx?id=4575)

and photos (http://www.residentadvisor.net/photo-gallery.aspx?set=1866)

from the night are up.

RA edited my words a bit, but hopefully you all will enjoy!

I have tons more photos that I hope to have time to post soon - I'll probably do it on myspace or photobucket. I just have so much to sort through since I've been in and out of town as well as trying to keep my head above water with "real" life. :)

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Guest Seb

I know this is a bit after-the-fact, but

the review (http://www.residentadvisor.net/review-view.aspx?id=4575)

and photos (http://www.residentadvisor.net/photo-gallery.aspx?set=1866)

from the night are up.

RA edited my words a bit, but hopefully you all will enjoy!

I have tons more photos that I hope to have time to post soon - I'll probably do it on myspace or photobucket. I just have so much to sort through since I've been in and out of town as well as trying to keep my head above water with "real" life. :)

hey I saw this not too long ago, nice one :)

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very nicely written kudos nicole!!!!

more drinks, more breaks......more drinks, more breaks.............

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Guest Diaga

there were a few that “ran†for the doors as soon as they heard a different style of music then they are used to . I equate it to how roaches scatter when the lights turn on

Ouch !

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