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Ladies: real answers please


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Because we are HORRIBLE creatures!! lol

NO seriously..sometimes its just our defensive for being hurt about something...

Did you DO something??? cwm22.gif


Dont ever stop smiling-->you never know who is falling in love with your smile...

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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Honestly, the reason that I tend to do that.. (not as much anymore), is to take the focus off of myself, in a situation where I may feel like the pressure is on.. Maybe I did something wrng, and I am trying to take the focus off of whatever that is, -- best way I can do that, is to "flip" the situation.. .. Gotta say this though, I did stop doing that.. I have learned a lot from the last relationship that I was in, and one of the things is that when you are arguing, which can be perfectly healthy, and normal... to argue about the situation at hand.. Do not bring up the past.. the past is the past.. and if whatever they did was THAT bad, then you shouldnt have forgiven whatever it was.. Therefore, if you choose to forgive someone for something, and go forward, then GO FORWARD.. Do not go back and bring up that thing, ,OVER AND OVER.. Its not only annoying, and childing, but its rather selfish in my opinion... but this is IMO only..


im not the average gerl in yer video -

and i aint built like a supermodel -

but ive learned to love myself unconditionally because i am a queen!!


am i less of a lady if i dont wear pantyhose?? -

my momma always said a lady aint about what she wears its all about what she knows!!--

............... "ouT 4 doL"


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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

hehehe...I think the 3 of us were thinking dirty.. and if you know Mikey you'd understand why....LOL!

True. but I wasnt goin there~

Its hard for me to go into details "here", but I've noticed the female species will get "close" then at some future point, disregard or negate all past things to fit whatever suits them at the moment.

this isn't what happened, but a funny joke:

girl says "I love you"

girl and guy get into argument at some future time

Girl ends it, guy says I thought you loved me

Girl now says "Oh I didnt really mean it, I was drunk"

they never stand by what they said previously. thats like calling a do-over when things dont go your way.


Nobody owns me baby!

New Mix CD available "5 HTP"


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Originally posted by apotheosis:

Why do females always "throw it back in your face"?

be more specific hun...u got some of us thinking...cum..lmao..



* can't deny me, why would u want to .. u need me, why don't u try me .. baby u'd want to .. believe me *

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I think there's some confusion here over terminology... when you "throw something in someone's face" it means you bring something up that they said or did in the past, normally during an argument. As Nikki and Peache said we usually do this as a method of self-defense.

I'm a little confused over exactly what you meant, Apotheosis... cwm36.gif


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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Originally posted by imnikki:

Honestly, the reason that I tend to do that.. (not as much anymore), is to take the focus off of myself, in a situation where I may feel like the pressure is on.. Maybe I did something wrng, and I am trying to take the focus off of whatever that is, -- best way I can do that, is to "flip" the situation.. .. Gotta say this though, I did stop doing that.. I have learned a lot from the last relationship that I was in, and one of the things is that when you are arguing, which can be perfectly healthy, and normal... to argue about the situation at hand.. Do not bring up the past.. the past is the past.. and if whatever they did was THAT bad, then you shouldnt have forgiven whatever it was.. Therefore, if you choose to forgive someone for something, and go forward, then GO FORWARD.. Do not go back and bring up that thing, ,OVER AND OVER.. Its not only annoying, and childing, but its rather selfish in my opinion... but this is IMO only..

right on nik.. i totally agree...

::screaming out to everyone:: she's in my harem!! woohoo!





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Wow, all you horny little girls out there. I re read my post again, and I still didnt see any sexual reference, but hey if yer GOOD, I'm GOOD! when is that meetup anyway hehee.

ImNikki got it right on the nose! (and I'm not being sexual here) Vampie might come back with "you talking cum with noses? ewwwww"


Nobody owns me baby!

New Mix CD available "5 HTP"


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Originally posted by djmoonshine:

right on nik.. i totally agree...

::screaming out to everyone:: she's in my harem!! woohoo!


Thank ya Thank ya.. =P

,.. yay.. we are harem hewaZZ . WoHooO LMAO - .


im not the average gerl in yer video -

and i aint built like a supermodel -

but ive learned to love myself unconditionally because i am a queen!!


am i less of a lady if i dont wear pantyhose?? -

my momma always said a lady aint about what she wears its all about what she knows!!--

............... "ouT 4 doL"


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Originally posted by apotheosis:

Wow, all you horny little girls out there. I re read my post again, and I still didnt see any sexual reference, but hey if yer GOOD, I'm GOOD! when is that meetup anyway hehee.

ImNikki got it right on the nose! (and I'm not being sexual here) Vampie might come back with "you talking cum with noses? ewwwww"

smart ass.. lol



AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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