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New CJ T-Shirt Vote.

Guest pod

Should we do them?  

  1. 1. Should we do them?

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Guest pod

OK, we'll hash out the design later, but if you're interested, click the vote button.

Again, I have to seek approval from the powers that be to do this, but if you guys are interested, please click the vote button so I can bolster my case.

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Guest djjoncowan

you only have one option.... what if the vote is not to make them? just curious...

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Guest pod

Well, everyone in the other thread was like "yeah, do 'em!" ... I just need a numeric of how many 'yeahs' we have.

A no option doesn't make sense in this case if you think about it.

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Guest shrek_inc

the first one to post about the t-shirt had a great line....some one remember what was it?

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Guest Devilicious

tentative yes - make sure you have girl styles, it needs to be fitted and many of us prefer tank tops

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Guest pod

T-Shirt is a generic catchall. I could say T-shirt, tank top, dress shirt, polo shirt, cardigan, caftan, chador, burqua, that funny gourd thing that !xobile would wear.

Last time we did this before a lot of you were around, we had guys and girl styles.

Note. If I get the go-ahead for this, it's not gonna happen overnight. They need to be designed and all that good stuff, when our design staff has time to do it.

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Guest nickjunkie

I've been keeping an eye on this and I'm glad you're all so ready and willing to wear our corporate logo on your lovely bodies. In keeping with the overall ethos of CJ though, I'd like to do something a little cooler than just an american apparel tee with our logo slapped on.

That may cost a little more, but so long as we break even I'm happy to move ahead. We'll come up with a couple of ideas and post them here along with prices, and you guys can vote on the final designs. How's that for democracy?



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Guest pod

That's what I've been advocating. ;D

OK kids, looks like the boss man says it's a go. We'll hash out some pricing and concepts and get back to ya.

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Guest RzO

when will they be done!?

looks like a 100% go to me ;D

and i agree with the black and white ones, like the space shirts , white for beach/day stuff, black for the raving nights!

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Guest Miss_Digital

where is the radio buton for no

this makes users more likely to just click yes

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