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Why DJ Hova will always be a loser

Guest JustDade

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That's what I don't get, I've met the guy two or three times and he seemed pretty put together. I can sympathize with the frustration, lord knows it sucks when your work is discounted or not appreciated, but the last thing you wanna do is attack potential clients. I may not like some people in this scene, and I've lashed out here and there, but I'd dare to say for the most part it might be best to keep quiet or at least respectful, i.e. "this is how I feel blah blah blah, let's have a beer and talk about it...", because in the future that person or people could be your biggest asset.

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Guest redcommibastard

That's what I don't get, I've met the guy two or three times and he seemed pretty put together. I can sympathize with the frustration, lord knows it sucks when your work is discounted or not appreciated, but the last thing you wanna do is attack potential clients. I may not like some people in this scene, and I've lashed out here and there, but I'd dare to say for the most part it might be best to keep quiet or at least respectful, i.e. "this is how I feel blah blah blah, let's have a beer and talk about it...", because in the future that person or people could be your biggest asset.

true true :)

hey say, when are coming out again to one of our events - I thought I owed you a drink ;)

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Guest redcommibastard

Was gonna come out last night but I had a late night...next week possibly?

next week would be good - Greg got a good line up planned !

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Guest JustDade

Nelson is @ Demf at the moment :)

He is NOT a bad guy and not "ignorant" - I think largely he is a bit hotheaded and sometimes misunderstood - thats all - I've talked to him earlier and he is a bit distressed about how negative and out of hand this subject become - I dont believe he ment for it to go that rout :)

he is a damn good dj - thats for sure

... meet him in person - you'll see how nice of a guy he really is ;)

If he’s really wondering how this got so negative he should re-read what he wrote. Here are a few quotes from your pal:

“I Don't suffer cause I don't GO, the music is predictable an unimaginative...just like the DJ sets.â€

“the clubs in Miami are SO OUT of touch...it's sad.â€

“they're totally out of touch with what's cool and cutting edgeâ€

“Music is in the bad shape it's in because of the "Business Man". Ultra same deal...they had to add rock acts because they have NO CLUE. Every Year SAME acts for the most part....you know what I'm talking about.....it GETS OLD.â€

"This is the problem, this is why dance music scene is so squabbly down here.......the people that are in position to do the REAL shit.....at least upto this point haven't listened to PEOPLE like me and they have proven they can't do it by themselves.â€

“YOU HAVE NEVER BROUGHT ANYONE OF REAL TALENT TO MIAMI (maybe one or two guys at the most !) come on, you can't fake the funk with me, DADE.â€

“Ask Jon Cowan ? where's he from ? I've never been approached by him"

“I have an attitude with you because u think you're SO cool and you're REALLY Not......and you think u have done so much....and you HAVE CERTAINLY NOT.â€

“I don't have to ask anyone, I've lived here my whole life and know that your stretching the truth a bit. You have NOT brought the acts that you listed, that is FACT....and you're right ...You don't get it. Maybe YOU should be the one asking around about ME, I have achieved alot more than MANY here in Miami with VERY LITTLE resources.....you obviously don't know, Because again, you are out of touch with the LOCAL music communtiy and it's true POTENTIAL.â€

“I sound bitter, because I am ! I'm disappointed with people like you and Dade that fail to see that there is something artisticly creative about djing, and there are djs here in Miami that are not given the opportunity to play regularly for, "to me" NO GOOD REASONâ€

“Dade a true pioneer ? hardly.......ask me about true pioneers in Miami - Greg "stryke" Chin that's a pioneer !

I have pioneered much more than dade my friend, much more with little help that I've had.......Had I been in dade's shoes Miami would be a much different place already........we are behind the times ....all due to people like DADE.â€

“you (or dade) have never even given me a gig to begin with, and I've been at this 12 years"

"Change my tactic ? Honesty, frustration, and opinion is No tactic....just Human. I am sorry that YOU don't get it, If it means me not SPEAKING my Mind.....then I don't care about your gigs.â€

“I'm SOOO hard to work with....ask everyone around me, and I've been djing for 12 years....so I'm upset now maybe the last two years you've heard me rant about how fucked up things are.......what about the ten years previous to that ? MAYBE the ten years of paying my "DUES" and No one noticing is enuff to piss anyONE off I think.â€

“If you don't Think I've earned a gig by NOW, you have no Idea what I have been doing here for over 10 years....and that's fine...I can't expect everyone to know.....but ALSO, don't ACT like you know. I am a pleasure to work with beause I make people dance, this forcing people and educational dj sets ....is a MADE up fantasy by you who are scared of djs with REAL ability and who actually know what they are doing.â€

It sounds negative to me. All I did was point out that he was way off with his idea of the amount of money Space brings in and look how he reacted. You tried to make the peace and he wouldn’t have any of it.

I spoke to Stryke a couple of days ago and he told me that he had actually tried to get through to Hova in person. I won’t repeat what he told me, (if He wants to it’s up to him), but the was that when he left he was really disappointed that your boy just didn’t get it. He even refuses to listen to someone like Stryke who he claims to respect.

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Guest creativemafia

Dade has brought and contributed a considerable amount to this city

with credible events and talent bookings that few would dare to take risk

putting on. I can attest to it as I worked on many of them with him.

and his contribution to this city doesn't just start and end there.

so go crawl back in that hole you came from cause you are clearly

ignorant, insecure, and disgruntled.


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Guest JustDade

Thanks Sean. I really didn't take it too much to heart considering the source.

I did like him accusing me of trying to "fake the funk." Pretty funny coming from a guy who lists four dates st DEMF as gigs on his MySpace page when he's really just going to the festival.

Music >> All Shows for Nova View Band Profile


05/26/2007 10:00 PM - Detroit

, Detroit, Michigan 48216 -



05/27/2007 10:00 PM - Detroit

, Detroit, Michigan 48216 -



Looks like a clear-cut case of Funk-faking to me.

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