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CJ Radio

Guest Orls

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Guest Orls

Any plans to set up a radio on this site?

You guys know all the local talent maybe the playlist could be live sets they play around town. I don't get out as much as you locals and so I don't get a chance to hear all these guys. Thought the idea could get these local Djs some more exposure.


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Guest RzO

the t-shirts are the project for now, then a party 8)

radio sounds complicated, but i don't know shit about all that, all this stuff falls under pod's job capacity ;D

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Guest pod

Actually, right now is a bad time with the future of internet radio being up in the air.

Even if things fall "our" way, it's a hell of an expense.

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Guest endymion

We explored it years ago but the RIAA made it too expensive. Since then the situation has become even worse for small webcasters. The RIAA basically wants $500 per listener per year for royalties on the music. More information here.

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Guest coach

The RIAA is so insane. What if you run a radio station of local folks who don't care about being paid? Do you still have to pay this ridiculous royalty numbers? What if you are a music band and you run a station with only your stuff? Sorry, any mention of the RIAA makes me rant.

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Guest tekniQz

We explored it years ago but the RIAA made it too expensive. Since then the situation has become even worse for small webcasters. The RIAA basically wants $500 per listener per year for royalties on the music. More information here.

I dont know anything about radio broadcasting but when you say 500 dollars per listener.Does that mean 500 for everyone who listens??Meaning if you have 200 listeners then you would pay 200 times 500 dollars??If that is the case, man thats rediculious.

Why so high??


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Guest endymion

Does that mean 500 for everyone who listens??Meaning if you have 200 listeners then you would pay 200 times 500 dollars??If that is the case, man thats rediculious.

Yes, that's what it means. There are bills in the US House and Senate to reverse the CRB ruling, and the CRB has made another offer that's a little less painful. But yes that's what it means. $500 per user per year.

Why so high??


Because the RIAA wants to kill off net radio. They openly admit this. The RIAA's vision for how net radio should work involves 'four or five' large commercial companies and no small niche operators.

If you don't believe me then read this thread that I wrote about the history of FM radio.

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Guest ICON

we've been fighting this for years... it will NEVER happen. We have over 100 congress ppl involved now. I've flown to Wash DC twice to rally for this.

They are indeed trying to kill of internet radio, however... this year there was such a huge fight that the RIAA is shifting their gameplan.... 2010 is when this will go through.

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Guest tekniQz

Does that mean 500 for everyone who listens??Meaning if you have 200 listeners then you would pay 200 times 500 dollars??If that is the case, man thats rediculious.

Yes, that's what it means. There are bills in the US House and Senate to reverse the CRB ruling, and the CRB has made another offer that's a little less painful. But yes that's what it means. $500 per user per year.

Why so high??


Because the RIAA wants to kill off net radio. They openly admit this. The RIAA's vision for how net radio should work involves 'four or five' large commercial companies and no small niche operators.

If you don't believe me then read this thread that I wrote about the history of FM radio.

Bro i completly believe you.

It just amazes me at what they are trying to do.I mean you'd think that since its internet radio they'd try to have some underground stations flourish.I guess thats just not where the money is.

I will read up on it because it's very interesting.

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Guest ICON

Just use non RIAA tracks and you are free to go. In fact a new store just opened up with something crazy like 2 million non riaa tracks...

Then this means the RIAA will actually win... This is exactly what they want independant net broadcasters to do... That way the RIAA can target Yahoo! Launch, AOL Radio, Live 365, and Clear Channel.... These large webcasters have enough money to pay for the royalities... which in the end result will ONLY benefit them.. and will become a monopoly for internet radio.

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i'll be willing to pay to listen to good quality music ..

if a radio idea doesnt work then make it a "cooljunkie music" section .. no streaming audio but promotional downloadable sets from local djs, have a dj of the month special, make parties to promote, djs will play or donate music for exposure ... theres plenty of talent out there to make it happen

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Guest endymion

Just use non RIAA tracks and you are free to go.

Yes, exactly. That's why I keep pointing people to the Creative Commons.

In fact a new store just opened up with something crazy like 2 million non riaa tracks...

Really? Where?

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We have a music section. I move threads to it three or four times a day.

not a music section on the forums .. a music section on the main page, one that cj will actually promote in their email blasts ... something on the main page that says "cooljunkie dj of the month" and bio with a link to music ..


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Guest coach

Even posting mixes you guys do could become a problem on the legal side.

This is true. Encourage people to make their own music.
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Guest pod

Heh, true. We've gone over this every time though. The problem isn't the tech. Storage and bandwidth are cheap. The problem is the legal side. Right now, it's just too uncertain.

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Guest endymion

Pod, this all relates to that "DMCA" thread in back office forum. The legalities have actually become more certain. What Andrew is suggesting (minus the email blast promotion) is legally possible now under the DMCA. "Play" button right on the CJ web site just like on YouTube and everything. The DMCA puts the responsibility on the copyright holders to identify which DJ mixes include unauthorized reproductions of their tracks and initiate a take-down.

BUT if you operate as a net radio station then that's not true. The more you start to look like Pandora or Last.FM, the more likely that the compulsory licensing fees from the CRB will apply. That's why I point to YouTube as an example of how to set it up under the DMCA takedown paradigm rather than under the net radio paradigm.

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Guest endymion


Yes, I believe all of those things to be legally and technologically possible.

Also, IMHO, Andrew: you don't need CoolJunkie to make that happen. If CoolJunkie doesn't do it then that doesn't mean it's a bad idea. Maybe it's a a good opportunity that's worth jumping on, but CoolJunkie decides not to pursue it for other reasons.

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Guest Orls

Guys I am definetly not up to par with the legality of various ways of doing this, but I would be very surprised that all of the different sites that I have surfed thru in the past 7 years pays $500 per user to listen to music on its site. Again, I wouldn't be able to explain how they do it but I can say that the sites being about EDM in general they are probably on a similar budget as CJ.

Regardless it would be a great thing to look into as it could help bring exposure to the music we love as well as the local Djs.

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Guest endymion

They don't pay $500/listener/year right now. That would be impossible. That's the point. The ruling was recent, bought by RIAA lobbyists, designed to kill off net radio by making it impossible to run a legal broadcast.

Pandora is probably one of the sites you've been through in the last seven years. Hear it from them.

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