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Apple WWDC keynote, today, Monday, 1 PM

Guest endymion

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Guest endymion


WWDC starts today. The Apple-hosted conference for third-party software developers like myself. The announcements at WWDC generally regard developer issues, so the big announcements today will probably be previously-secret features in Leopard.

Here is a listing of some of the rumors about what's going to be announced today. There will be "live" continuously-updated coverage here.

What are the secret, unannounced features in Leopard? Everybody has a theory. Find out today.

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Guest endymion

It's a banner at the Moscone Center in San Francisco that we don't get to see until 1 PM Eastern. It's covered in a big black cloth.

The T shirts on sale say, "Power to the programmers", so I'm guessing that after today I'm going to be working on an iPhone app.

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Guest pod

Software Development Kit.

Essentially, now there's a set of rules and apps so Ryan can write software for the iPhone.

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Guest endymion

Yeah, it's not an actual SDK that lets me compile an app directly for the iPhone's processor. It's a library of CSS and Javascript that lets me 'skin' a web app so that it looks and feels identical to the built-in apps. Close enough for me.

I've been strongly in favor of this solution since the iPhone was announced anyway. I don't want to compile and distribute an app for your rev 1 iPhone and then have them switch processors in the rev 2 iPhone. I just don't want to care what your processor in your phone is. This way I never have to.

Some of my other developer friends have been pretty irritated at the lack of an SDK, and I just kept telling them, "Don't sweat it, Safari is the route to getting your apps to run on the iPhone, just use web apps. All of the data that you care about is on the network anyway." Looks like that became official Apple policy.

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Guest ramon

What makes it so special?

one of the tab features is to drag off a tab and it can create its own window.

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Guest endymion

What makes it so special?

Faster than MSIE (2x) or Firefox (1.6x). Like Firefox it uses the same code base between Unix and Windows, originally derived from the Mozilla renderer's rival, KHTML.

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Guest ramon

Hmm, OK, but that's not exactly groundbreaking.

its damn fast .. i have 15 tabs open right now and the machine hasn't blown up yet :)

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Guest lulamishka

Hmm, OK, but that's not exactly groundbreaking.

.. i have 15 tabs open right now and the machine hasn't blown up yet :)


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Guest endymion

you can turn your Fire Fox into Safari with a theme..

Uhm, no. It goes far deeper than that.

Apple ported WebKit to Windows. Ponder the implications. Commodification of the operating system is something that Microsoft has feared for decades. Welcome to that.

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Guest jona7

my ff for mac looks like safari, but it isn't! HAH ;D

But i use ff mostly for the add-on's safari doesn't have :-\

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Guest pod

Variety is nice, so hopefully it'll spurn FF to make a speed improvement. Though Safari isn't that much faster than FF.

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Guest endymion

enough about safari .. how insane does leopard look? .. :)

Leopard is really nice. I've been testing it for six or eight months, minus Cover Flow and Stacks and some of the other 'secret' features that were announced yesterday. Spaces is extremely nice and better than YouControl Desktops or any of the other third-party virtual desktops. Time Machine simply rocks.

A lot of people were really irritated by Apple telling us to use AJAX web apps for building iPhone apps. But that's short-sighted. Apple is effectively replacing WAP/WML with XHTML/CSS/Javascript. That's huge news and a giant leap forward for mobile handset users. I'm personally thrilled because I happen to be sitting on a giant chunk of Perl that turns any computer anywhere in the world into an iPhone app. Wuhoo!

It's a good time to be a Mac developer.

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Guest LeVeL

Heard that Steve Jobs is going to offer the new OSX Leopard to PC users too...taking it into direct competition with Windows Vista.

I applaud this ten-fold, its about time Apple breaks the mold and expand their horizons.

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