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Keith Olbermann on Bill O'Reilly

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Guest funky monkey

Keith Olbermann for President!!!! ;)

....he's the only media person with balls enough to speak his mind!! much respect!!

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Guest slamminshaun

Olbermann is NOT the only person speaking his mind. He's probably just the only one you agree with. Attacking O'Reilly is a regular feature on his show....nothing new.

I'm sure if O'Reilly wanted to, he could create a collage of clips taken out-of-context to poke fun at Olbermann, but he doesn't. Surely, there must be better things to talk about in the world than Bill O'Reilly....apparently Olbermann is incapable of finding them.

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Guest funky monkey

actually, my opinion does not stem from this particular commentary on O'Riley - actually is not really about this clip at all - but moreso on his continuing tendency to call people out all across the board (politicians, celebrities, other media people, etc.). you are right, he isn't the ONLY one who tells it like it is, but he is one of very few who do so consistently and without remorse.

and I don't always agree with what he says, just really respect that he says it anyways.

so, I'll rephrase to be more accurate:

....he's one of few media people with balls enough to speak his mind, whether I agree with him or not!! much respect!!

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Guest Fuerte44

likewise....keith is the effin man....

shaun, there actually are not many better things to do in the nightly editorialized "news" world than rip apart bill o'rielly....he is infecting our country with one sided, unsubstantiated right wing vomit...my friends and I watch him for comedic entertainment...like i would chapelle's show...

in speaking to many of my poli sci professors...they agree with my statement in that in the media world the only way to battle "one sided, unsubstantiated right wing vomit" is with one sided, slightly substantiated left of center counter truths....

and mind you, i believe that Keith does not do that...he has his own show...chooses his enemies and picks them off one by one on a nightly basis...no matter how the subject is allied politically....

I fear your argument is another result of a right wing failure to research and evaluate before judgment is made...."apparently Olbermann is incapable of finding them (better things to talk about)"

so his segment time line of the fox new releases covering terror threats and plots uncovered that directly correlate to and mask major US governmental debauchery such as this fucked up thing we call the War on Terror/Iraq, our wonderful AG Gonzalez and the attorney scandal, Sheik Bandar "Bush" and the 50 billion he stole from the US Iraq reconstruction fund, the entire 2004 election and illegal voting process masterminded by Karl Rove {that in which Kennedy and Whitehouse, sen from RI, submitted a formal complaint to the justice dept this week for :-) } the list goes on...thats real news work...something bill hasnt done is years....so he deserves all the ridicule he gets multiplied by ten....

Keith writes his entire show himself...word for word....and manages to cover most of the injustice that happens everyday in our country...whether it be on capitol hill or in Iraq, Gaza or the US/Mex border, ALL THE WHILE still finding time to rip into our celebrities, athletes and media....and most importantly BILL O'WHINY....

watch a show and he just might bring you over from the dark side....

good day...

by the way funky monkey good meeting you at the midnight perverts show last week

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Guest slamminshaun

watch a show and he just might bring you over from the dark side....

I've seen his show several times. I can understand why you hate Bill O'Reilly, because you don't agree with him! People like Olbermann are NO DIFFERENT than O'Reilly. If you honestly think Olbermann is "left of center", you must also think San Francisco is a "left of center" city.

Personally, I like Olbermann on there....he's good for a laugh, especially his ratings.

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Guest Fuerte44

olbermann does not yell at his guests...he is a professional...bill is an unreasonable prick....i can appreciate some conservative view points in theory...

i do not consider my self leftwing or liberal or an SP(in comparison to bill, we are all left imo) ...i take theories and viewpoints from many different sides to form my own party....but mind you...the last person that i will listen to is someone who is yelling at me...or his/her guests....

bill orielly needs to go to charm school

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Guest slamminshaun

olbermann does not yell at his guests...bill orielly needs to go to charm school

Rosie O'Donnell? Randy Rhodes? Al Franken? Chris Matthews?

Them are some real charmers there boy!

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Guest yume

I watched that show where Orielly went off on NBC for reporting for 2 minutes on the bombing. I think what is happening in Iraq is the most important news right now. People are dying on both sides, including children. Should we just turn away and pretend it isn't happening? I think our country does way too much of that already.

In that same show, Orielly went on for more than 2 minutes about Paris Hilton. That is not news.

I like to watch him for comedic value as well. :)

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Guest slamminshaun

I watched that show where Orielly went off on NBC for reporting for 2 minutes on the bombing. I think what is happening in Iraq is the most important news right now. People are dying on both sides, including children. Should we just turn away and pretend it isn't happening? I think our country does way too much of that already.

I agree, this IS the single most important thing going on in the world....as you know, my brother is fighting in Fallujah right now so this is more than just a "fun debate" for me.

I saw the same O'Reilly show you saw, his point was that constantly showing carnage on the news does nothing but embolden our enemy....I think that's a very valid point. It's war, we know people are dying....but one report after the other with no substance and no point other than to deliberately (and in many cases, joyfully) flash carnage across the screen is not journalistic, it's activism.

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Guest funky monkey

likewise....keith is the effin man....

so his segment time line of the fox new releases covering terror threats and plots uncovered that directly correlate to and mask major US governmental debauchery such as this fucked up thing we call the War on Terror/Iraq, our wonderful AG Gonzalez and the attorney scandal, Sheik Bandar "Bush" and the 50 billion he stole from the US Iraq reconstruction fund, the entire 2004 election and illegal voting process masterminded by Karl Rove {that in which Kennedy and Whitehouse, sen from RI, submitted a formal complaint to the justice dept this week for :-) } the list goes on...thats real news work...something bill hasnt done is years....so he deserves all the ridicule he gets multiplied by ten....

Keith writes his entire show himself...word for word....and manages to cover most of the injustice that happens everyday in our country...whether it be on capitol hill or in Iraq, Gaza or the US/Mex border, ALL THE WHILE still finding time to rip into our celebrities, athletes and media....and most importantly BILL O'WHINY....

watch a show and he just might bring you over from the dark side....

good day...

by the way funky monkey good meeting you at the midnight perverts show last week

very, very well said - thank you for putting it better than I could have!!!

....and thanks, it was nice meeting you too! ;)

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Guest coach

olbermann does not yell at his guests...bill orielly needs to go to charm school

Rosie O'Donnell? Randy Rhodes? Al Franken? Chris Matthews?

I've never watched O'Reilly, but are you saying he is a comedian? 2 of those 4 you mention definitely are. Don't know the other 2.
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Guest coach
I saw the same O'Reilly show you saw' date=' his point was that constantly showing carnage on the news does nothing but embolden our enemy....I think that's a very valid point. It's war, we know people are dying....[/quote']I'm sorry Shaun, but this is just plain wrong. Showing carnage emboldens our enemy? That goes against thousands of years of military and political history. Leaders have always used the destruction of people and property to rally their populace for action. That is EXACTLY what Bush did in pushing for the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, for that matter.
but one report after the other with no substance and no point other than to deliberately (and in many cases, joyfully) flash carnage across the screen is not journalistic, it's activism.

Again, incorrect. That is not activism, that is sensationalism. Both sides do it. Bush and his people did it to flame the American anger and get the country hyped up for war. The anti-war group does it to scare people into thinking their friends and families are dying needlessly. BOTH sides use it to their benefit. But *mainly* the networks do it because it sells advertising. It has almost nothing to do with politics, just money.
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Guest slamminshaun

olbermann does not yell at his guests...bill orielly needs to go to charm school

Rosie O'Donnell? Randy Rhodes? Al Franken? Chris Matthews?

I've never watched O'Reilly, but are you saying he is a comedian? 2 of those 4 you mention definitely are. Don't know the other 2.

The View isn't a comedy show, and neither was Air America. Obviously neither were very funny since Rosie was shown the door and Franken had a total of 18 listeners. They may have started as comedians, but are very much TV political activists now. The point was made that O'Reilly "yells at his guests"; my point was that for every O'Reilly, there's 5 screaming liberal personalities to offset him.

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Guest coach

The View isn't a comedy show' date=' and neither was Air America. Obviously neither were very funny since Rosie was shown the door and Franken had a total of 18 listeners. They may have started as comedians, but are very much TV political activists now. The point was made that O'Reilly "yells at his guests"; my point was that for every O'Reilly, there's 5 screaming liberal personalities to offset him.

[/quote']So there used to be 7? Or do you mean there used to be 5 and now there are 3? If Rosie and Franken got the boot, that is 2 less. If left-leaning commentators are so unpopular, as you demonstrated by your above comments of Rosie being booted and Franken having no listeners, then how can you claim there are so many?

It's funny, Pod says it is all "trendy" to be a liberal. You say the liberals get no support. I dunno what's up!

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Guest slamminshaun

The View isn't a comedy show, and neither was Air America. Obviously neither were very funny since Rosie was shown the door and Franken had a total of 18 listeners. They may have started as comedians, but are very much TV political activists now. The point was made that O'Reilly "yells at his guests"; my point was that for every O'Reilly, there's 5 screaming liberal personalities to offset him.

So there used to be 7? Or do you mean there used to be 5 and now there are 3? If Rosie and Franken got the boot, that is 2 less. If left-leaning commentators are so unpopular, as you demonstrated by your above comments of Rosie being booted and Franken having no listeners, then how can you claim there are so many?

It's funny, Pod says it is all "trendy" to be a liberal. You say the liberals get no support. I dunno what's up!

It's also trendy to wear retro shirts, neon green "fierce" sneakers, white belts, and oversized sunglasses....but a VERY low percentage of the population does it. Trendy doesn't always mean mainstream.

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Guest Mattivi

O'reilly is a hell of a journalist, asks tough questions alot of people wont ask, uncompromising, diligent, etc. but he also is a self-righteous, pompous, sanctimonius, stubburn, two faced prick, preaching traditional family values, while leaving dirty, lewd messages to his subordinates. and for someone in his position u think he compose himself with a little more class and tact on the air, instead of flying off on tangents and screaming at guests and cutting them off mid sentence is often quite rude and counterproductive. having said that, cable news needs a watch dog like bill, but he isnt a the saint some people make him out to be. sean hannity, even tho he leans to far right for me, has a lot of the same stances as O'Reilly, but gets his points off more eloquently, cogently, and professionaly, without disrespecting and screaming at guests. just a thought..

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Guest coach

The View isn't a comedy show' date=' and neither was Air America. Obviously neither were very funny since Rosie was shown the door and Franken had a total of 18 listeners. They may have started as comedians, but are very much TV political activists now. The point was made that O'Reilly "yells at his guests"; my point was that for every O'Reilly, there's 5 screaming liberal personalities to offset him.

[/quote']So there used to be 7? Or do you mean there used to be 5 and now there are 3? If Rosie and Franken got the boot, that is 2 less. If left-leaning commentators are so unpopular, as you demonstrated by your above comments of Rosie being booted and Franken having no listeners, then how can you claim there are so many?

It's funny, Pod says it is all "trendy" to be a liberal. You say the liberals get no support. I dunno what's up!

It's also trendy to wear retro shirts, neon green "fierce" sneakers, white belts, and oversized sunglasses....but a VERY low percentage of the population does it. Trendy doesn't always mean mainstream.

Hmmm.... Interesting point.
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