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Moore rip's CNN a new one!

Guest yume

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Guest yume

I thought Moore kinda pulled an Orielly here, not letting Wolf say anything. I can't believe they let him on the air live. But I'm glad they did.

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Guest Buck White

i cant watch the whole thing because he makes me want to puke

I know what you mean. Wolf's obvious trepidation reminds me of a frightened little kitten inside of a laundry hamper.

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Guest yume

i cant watch the whole thing because he makes me want to puke

I know what you mean. Wolf's obvious trepidation reminds me of a frightened little kitten inside of a laundry hamper.


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Guest Buck White

Thank god people like Moore are around.

Good job on his part. ;D

Yeah. I love the people who call him a fat slob. Like that has anything to do with what he's trying to convey. Humans are good for that, though. Let's just discount anything and everything someone has to say because he/she rubs you the wrong way. Stupid monkeys.

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Guest slamminshaun

Thank god people like Moore are around.

Good job on his part. ;D

Yeah. I love the people who call him a fat slob. Like that has anything to do with what he's trying to convey. Humans are good for that, though. Let's just discount anything and everything someone has to say because he/she rubs you the wrong way. Stupid monkeys.

It has EVERYTHING to do with what he's trying to convey. He's trying to come up with reasons that health care costs so much in this country....well, take a look in the mirror! Fat slobs like Michael Moore are a contributory factor in driving up health care costs.

It's not about discounting what the guy says, its more about credibility and certain people not holding him to the same standards you hold everyone else to just because you like what he says. Al Gore gets a free pass for his private jet, $1,200 utility bill, and owning 3 houses....shit, he could be co-owner of an oil company and it wouldnt' matter because people like what he says. Woopiedoo!

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Guest Buck White

Thank god people like Moore are around.

Good job on his part. ;D

Yeah. I love the people who call him a fat slob. Like that has anything to do with what he's trying to convey. Humans are good for that' date=' though. Let's just discount anything and everything someone has to say because he/she rubs you the wrong way. Stupid monkeys.


It has EVERYTHING to do with what he's trying to convey. He's trying to come up with reasons that health care costs so much in this country....well, take a look in the mirror! Fat slobs like Michael Moore are a contributory factor in driving up health care costs.

It's not about discounting what the guy says, its more about credibility and certain people not holding him to the same standards you hold everyone else to just because you like what he says. Al Gore gets a free pass for his private jet, $1,200 utility bill, and owning 3 houses....shit, he could be co-owner of an oil company and it wouldnt' matter because people like what he says. Woopiedoo!

Actually...I was referring more to one thing having nothing to do with the other. There will always be a divergence of opinion on all subject matter. And calling him a fat slob...usually... has nothing to with what's being discussed, is all I'm saying. 8)

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Guest jamu

Excellent arguement Shaun. We should stop watching anything that attempts to educate America just because you disagree with their personal life style. Excellent mentality!

By the way tell me when you Meet Mr and Mrs perfect to educate America and be our perfect watch dogs. Because I am sure like most of our neo conservative america you looking for Mr and Mrs White Christian Anglo Saxon Savor who does nothing wrong and lives like Mr and Mrs automaton.

Let me guess we should start watching Pat Buchanan and Bill O'Reily for our sacred truths to what is correct. lol.....

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Guest slamminshaun

Excellent arguement Shaun. We should stop watching anything that attempts to educate America just because you disagree with their personal life style. Excellent mentality!

Hey dude, I never said don't go see his movie. In fact, I said several times in other threads that I plan to see it. Sure, I watched Inconvenient Truth....and my argument is how can you watch that movie and then NOT be critical of Al Gore's lifestyle????? It's what I call "selective environmentalism", you only attack polluters who aren't left-wingers. Everyone else gets a free pass.

Similarly, how can you watch the movie Sicko, and then NOT be critical of Michael Moore's lifestyle? His fatness is causing health care costs to rise....many of the so-called left-wingers on this board have made this argument over and over again about other fat people, even suggesting the gov't should regulate what people eat. But those same people seem to forget that Michael Moore weighs over 300 pounds! Ironic? Nah....selective activism, yes.

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Guest jamu

Shaun just so you know it costs us more as a country to take care of the debt created by our insurance system then then it does to treat all the diseases themselves. Think about that. His being fat is hardly relevant or even worth yelling about or going off on some hypocritical rant and rave.

And no I don't attack just right wing idiots, but as far as Al Gore goes let's see here, hmm am I going to fault the only guy that is proactively doing something to help us out and educate American just because he has a private jet and three homes that require maintence.... um no.... compared to lets see here...... Bush or several other republicans that have investments in oil companies and other environmentally hazardous companies and do nothing or even pay off our representatives through the lobbying process to make sure that stuff that they are doing to actively hurt our environment goes unseen?

Hmmm private airplane travel, or maclicous toxic waste dumping, which one am I going to be most worried about? Some guys light bill or the fact that we can't get legislation approved for advancement on new energy sources?

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Guest jbit

We should stop watching anything that attempts to educate America

The problem is when people look at the extremist left wing views of Moore as "educational".

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Guest Buck White

We should stop watching anything that attempts to educate America

The problem is when people look at the extremist left wing views of Moore as "educational".

Seriously. Who gives a flying f*ck what paunchy bastards like that have to say.

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Guest jamu

We should stop watching anything that attempts to educate America

The problem is when people look at the extremist left wing views of Moore as "educational".

I am going to humor myself by ask "you" what "you" would consider "educational"..... this is going to be interesting. I can already see I am going to get some laughs.

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Guest Buck White

We should stop watching anything that attempts to educate America

The problem is when people look at the extremist left wing views of Moore as "educational".

I am going to humor myself by ask "you" what "you" would consider "educational".

Perhaps this


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Guest musicalmissionary

His fatness is causing health care costs to rise....

So Michael Moore's fatness causes our absurdly high prescription costs? His fatness causes our inefficient health care infrastructure that makes simple tasks overcomplicated and thus expensive (that one came from my dad who's been a doctor in the US for over 30 years)? His fatness turned American Health Care into a for profit industry with more Washington lobbyists than any other industry? I'm sure all those dirtbags aren't cheap. His fatness causes frivolous malpractice lawsuits that drive up malpractice insurance and healthcare costs?

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Guest slamminshaun

His fatness is causing health care costs to rise....

So Michael Moore's fatness causes our absurdly high prescription costs? His fatness causes our inefficient health care infrastructure that makes simple tasks overcomplicated and thus expensive (that one came from my dad who's been a doctor in the US for over 30 years)? His fatness turned American Health Care into a for profit industry with more Washington lobbyists than any other industry? I'm sure all those dirtbags aren't cheap. His fatness causes frivolous malpractice lawsuits that drive up malpractice insurance and healthcare costs?

Don't blame me for this view. This is an opinion that started and has become rampant among left-wing, organic-eating pinheads everywhere! Fat people cause medical care to go up, fat people cause global warming, we should regulate what fat people eat, it's ok to fire someone from their job because they refuse to lose weight...

If I become enlightened and embrace these liberal views, how can I not blame Michael Moore for everything considering he weighs over 300 lbs? If he was a neo-con, every liberal in this country would be calling him a fat slob!

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Guest musicalmissionary

His fatness is causing health care costs to rise....

So Michael Moore's fatness causes our absurdly high prescription costs? His fatness causes our inefficient health care infrastructure that makes simple tasks overcomplicated and thus expensive (that one came from my dad who's been a doctor in the US for over 30 years)? His fatness turned American Health Care into a for profit industry with more Washington lobbyists than any other industry? I'm sure all those dirtbags aren't cheap. His fatness causes frivolous malpractice lawsuits that drive up malpractice insurance and healthcare costs?

Don't blame me for this view. This is an opinion that started and has become rampant among left-wing' date=' organic-eating pinheads everywhere! Fat people cause medical care to go up, fat people cause global warming, we should regulate what fat people eat, it's ok to fire someone from their job because they refuse to lose weight...

If I become enlightened and embrace these liberal views, how can I not blame Michael Moore for everything considering he weighs over 300 lbs? If he was a neo-con, every liberal in this country would be calling him a fat slob!


I'm very liberal and I could care less what people eat. So cut the crap and stop discrediting Michael Moore's ability to comment objectively on the American Health Care system due to his weight. Should someone have AIDS in order to write a report on it? Of course not. So someone doesn't have to be in perfect health to comment on health care. They just have to have eyes, ears and a brain (2 out of 3 would suffice).

The point he's making in the movie is that health care has been handed over to greedy bastards who have devised a system that rewards "medical reviewers" the more they deny coverage. That's just fucked up no matter how you look at it or who reports it.

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Guest slamminshaun

Who's discrediting what he's saying? I didn't argue any of the points in his movie, did I? The Cuban government loves him, which I can see why. Any friend of Fidel is not a friend of mine. I have yet to see the movie, but plan on seeing it once I get the chance and will draw my own conclusions.

But I don't know how much more clear I can be, so take off your political blinders for two seconds because I agree with you! Here's what I've been saying....If you believe what the general liberal consensus is, then people like Michael Moore are causing health care to go up....whether you're apart of that consensus, I don't know, and don't care. All I know is that people should be able to be fat if they want and not live in fear of the government regulating what they eat.

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Guest musicalmissionary

If you believe what the general liberal consensus is' date=' then people like Michael Moore are causing health care to go up....whether you're apart of that consensus, I don't know, and don't care. All I know is that people should be able to be fat if they want and not live in fear of the government regulating what they eat.


Show me where this "general liberal consensus" is documented please.

And please watch the movie before you comment on it...

He's trying to come up with reasons that health care costs so much in this country....well, take a look in the mirror! Fat slobs like Michael Moore are a contributory factor in driving up health care costs.

The movie barely touches the topic of why our health care costs are so high except for the obvious fucked up scenario with our pharmaceuticals. It's mostly about how the system is setup to deny as many people coverage as possible.

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Guest RzO

still haven't seen the vid. since it says no longer available

but i dig Mr. Moore (obviously) so i want to hear it!

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