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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Club Legend

Guest eroc0411

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Guest eroc0411

Hmmm i'm no expert but i would define a club legend as some1 that reports and has breaking news in and about other venues. Other then at Space and the few clubs over the bridge. All i can recall recently is mediocre reporting on the now defunct Twilo. (I'm pretty sure we all knew that place was going under) ANd i'm pretty certain it was Pod who broke the news about The trucks at nocturnal the 1st time around...

South Beach made Miami what it is, and yet our "club legend" is a club legend 2 whom??? Not once have a read a report on the Beach. How did he get this title and y does he still have it??? (was it self imposed like Michael Jackson is the king of Pop?)

I been on cool junkie for about 6 months and his breaking news category certainly lacks... All he is an instigator and lately even that has been poor...(not as cute, funny or sarcastic)

Better step ur game up homeboy!... U we're very entertaining at 1 point... But u seem 2 be losing ur steam...Maybe Broward has gotten the best of you...

Oh yea Long live Rock N Roll (this seems 2 be ur passion as our club legend how bout u put sum gigs together.. Curious of ur "Club Legend" PULL around here...

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Hmmm i'm no expert but i would define a club legend as some1 that reports and has breaking news in and about other venues. Other then at Space and the few clubs over the bridge. All i can recall recently is mediocre reporting on the now defunct Twilo. (I'm pretty sure we all knew that place was going under) ANd i'm pretty certain it was Pod who broke the news about The trucks at nocturnal the 1st time around...

South Beach made Miami what it is, and yet our "club legend" is a club legend 2 whom??? Not once have a read a report on the Beach. How did he get this title and y does he still have it??? (was it self imposed like Michael Jackson is the king of Pop?)

I been on cool junkie for about 3 months and his breaking news category certainly lacks... All he is an instigator and lately even that has been poor...(not as cute, funny or sarcastic)

Better step ur game up homeboy!... U we're very entertaining at 1 point... But u seem 2 be losing ur steam...Maybe Broward has gotten the best of you...

Oh yea Long live Rock N Roll (this seems 2 be ur passion as our club legend how bout u put sum gigs together.. Curious of ur "Club Legend" PULL around here...

here we go again...... when will people learn...........

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Guest pod

Eroc, you don't know the history of this forum. He's "The Club Legend" for a reason.

And there's no news on South Beach. Clubs of no consequence open and close all the time there. The real hot item right now is Downtown.

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exactly Pod. he put his own foot in his mouth when he said "3 months" :P

Dan how many times have we seen this before. the funny thing is we all know Nick wont even reply to this thread lol

btw didnt i win the club legend poll done here a few yrs back.......

i digress


im retired ;D

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Guest Buck White

You know what's funny ? I wouldnt know this cat if I caught him taking a sh*t on my lawn...but whenever I watch ATHF and Carl makes an appearance....I think of this Club Legend guy. It's the damndest thing.

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Guest eroc0411

exactly Pod. he put his own foot in his mouth when he said "3 months" :P

Dan how many times have we seen this before. the funny thing is we all know Nick wont even reply to this thread lol

btw didnt i win the club legend poll done here a few yrs back.......

i digress


im retired ;D

I know its ONLY 3 months... Hence, The Question...

I also know this is a tight knit community... But 4 us new comers u know...

And dont think i dont notice how if some new person has something 2 say and 1 of the big 3 don't agree the whole forum jumps on the new guy... Lucki 4 me i got a thick skin... But i seen very few New ppl and thats a shame!!!

and 4 the record i dont care If mr. V. replys... Im just sayin hes been better... Hopefully he'll return w/ a vengeance.. He's 1 of the main reasons i joined. It was fun reading his posts... Again "WAS" Cooljunkie needs NICK... we all now that!

and for the record i joined in feb... so it's 6 months and counting... WOW time flies!!!!

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Guest pod

Well, in my mind there's not a lot of breaking news, so The Club Legend is being quiet.

Only items "pending":

- Nocturnal's "death rattle".

- Downtown situation in general.

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Guest vaughan

Mr. V here... what can I help you with today?

paper or Plastic...

Ohhhh.... THAT Mr. V. sorry... carry-on

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Guest Buck White

When kikes, n*ggers, whores, gooks and illiterates will go to bat for you...you're truly doing something right.

Perhaps this was the only lullaby his mother knew...and sang it to lil baby Saleen and his siblings daily....ahem.....

Ten Little N*gger Boys went out to dine;

One choked his little self, and then there were Nine.

Nine Little N*gger Boys sat up very late;

One overslept himself, and then there were Eight.

Eight Little N*gger Boys traveling in Devon;

One said he'd stay there, and then there were Seven.

Seven Little N*gger Boys chopping up sticks;

One chopped himself in halves, and then there were Six.

Six Little N*gger Boys playing with a hive;

A Bumble-Bee stung one, and then there were Five.

Five Little N*gger Boys going in for Law;

One got in Chancery, and then there were Four.

Four Little N*gger Boys going out to Sea;

A Red Herring swallowed one, and then there were Three.

Three Little N*gger Boys walking in the Zoo;

The big Bear hugged one, and then there were Two;

Two Little N*gger Boys sitting in the Sun;

One got frizzled up, and then there was One.

One Little N*gger Boy living all alone;

He got married, and then there were None.

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Guest Buck White

All I'm saying is when kikes, g00ks,ni66a's,o'fay's and stupid spics alike revere you...you're doing something right. I, personally, don't hang out with liars or racists....so forgive me if I don't share the same affinity as one might...for your bigot "legend" here. And...enlighten me.....he's a club legend because he wakes up on Monday and posts, "I tripped over a n*gger today...and I've got the tar marks on my knees to prove it" and then some idiot gets off his knees and posts, "LMAO....that's why he's the club legend". I just find it strange, impertinent and a bit unsavory. And I know FOR A FACT...that he's not saying these things to the people he needs to be saying them to.

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Guest pod


The "Club Legend" posts started probably about an hour before we kicked this forum live about five years ago.

Let's put it this way, the real people in the know keep him in the loop. Sometimes I find out from him what is what. I'm talking the real news too, not the usual "DJ so-and-so is starting a new party" posts.

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Guest Mattivi

i see where buck is coming from. there is a definite double standard when it comes to the club legend, he pretty much has carte blanche immunity with everything he says, where other people are not afforded so much leniency. whatever. anyways i will agree he keeps things lively around here, more often than not is right with his clubodamus predictions and doomsday prophecies. he is an intelligent person that much is evident, but his hubris is thinking that he is inherently better than everyone else who is not of caucasion descent or not indigently american, if there is such a thing. maybe it is all for show and for his own amusement(and you special people who are in the "know"), and even if that is the case, its still pathetic. he's kind of like that smartass frat boy friend you had in college, you thought he was cool, but once the veneer wore off you realized that deep down he's just a douche bag, and not a shining example of good human being. but you hung out and had some laughs because he has entertainment value no doubt. just a thought.

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Guest pod

Entertainment value? For sure. He keeps us laughing.

If it wasn't the Club Legend, bear in mind we'd have to create him. I'll be blunt and say that I would probably shut the forum down if the best we could do is tracklistings and DJ reviews. How boring. Really kids, I can prove that no one cares about that. People come here for the dirty stuff. And, the Club Legend provides. You have no idea how many people ask me about him in the course of an evening.

At the end of the day though, even if he is insulting and offensive, it's more of a general activity. And overall, the community has accepted him. It's like a fact of life.

And yes, I've smacked him down before. However, unlike most people I've laid down enforcement orders on, he accepts the judgments and moves on. He's very tame compared to the old days.

The people I've actually had to ban have:

- asked for it, literally, and I have obliged them. Seb knows who, ask him who said "Fuck Pod" yesterday.

- threatened people with violence either in the common area or via PM

- violated the law

I know a lot of you are new around here, but after awhile, you just get used to it and move on.

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Guest Mattivi

i think barbs is humping and gets his material from lisa lampinelli. they would make quite the guido pair. of course this is unlikely since she reportdly likes black men, but the similarites makes me wonder, but a the end of the day she is too thin and too hot for the our plump and balding club legend. lol..

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Guest coach

You kids are so cute. Even I have only been here for 4.5 years, but I finally found out the backstory. So, I'll share. He's the club legend because he partied the fuck out of this town back in the heyday. He knows everybody of consequence in the clubbing industry personally, even the ones in jail or dead. In his day, he put more hours in the clubs in a week than you punks do in a year. When you all know every single big-name DJ and club-owner in this town then you can call him out with authority. Until then you just look like a bunch of posers.

Of course, at some point he pussed out and "retired". Nowadays he is just some old geezer who sits around in his rocking chair listening to 30-year-old rock and complaining about the "good old days" while he waits to fade into history. Geezer.

So, one of you wants to step up and be the new club legend? Go for it. I really haven't seen anyone who can touch it, but maybe one of you is up to it. He certainly isn't doing anything to keep up his title, just resting on his laurels. So it is there to be taken. But until we have someone with his street cred, he gets the title.

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Guest LeVeL

Hmmm i'm no expert...

that about sums it up.

exactly...STFU, sit down and relax and let the news come, don't ask for it.

These newbies are going to have to start getting more training..

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Guest eroc0411

You kids are so cute. Even I have only been here for 4.5 years, but I finally found out the backstory. So, I'll share. He's the club legend because he partied the fuck out of this town back in the heyday. He knows everybody of consequence in the clubbing industry personally, even the ones in jail or dead. In his day, he put more hours in the clubs in a week than you punks do in a year. When you all know every single big-name DJ and club-owner in this town then you can call him out with authority. Until then you just look like a bunch of posers.

Of course, at some point he pussed out and "retired". Nowadays he is just some old geezer who sits around in his rocking chair listening to 30-year-old rock and complaining about the "good old days" while he waits to fade into history. Geezer.

So, one of you wants to step up and be the new club legend? Go for it. I really haven't seen anyone who can touch it, but maybe one of you is up to it. He certainly isn't doing anything to keep up his title, just resting on his laurels. So it is there to be taken. But until we have someone with his street cred, he gets the title.

thank u coach! finally some1 answears the question!!! All he has been doing is resting on his laurels...

I guess janet jackson said it best... "WHAT HAVE U DONE 4 me Lately"... Oh so it a rule on this forum where u can't question the past???? Fuck that i didn't know this was lil germany. But instead of 1 hitler we got how many... And most of u are nothing but kissing pod ass 2 begin w/! Have some pride bitches!

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Guest coach

Questioning the past is irrelevant. It was what it was. Saleen/Barbarino earned his title fair and square. And, yeah, now he is sitting on his laurels, getting old and fat. Which gives you the chance to go out and take the title from him. But until anyone else can bring what he brings, he remains the "retired" club legend. Just bitching about it on a forum won't get you the title. As a matter of fact, if you're looking to topple him, you should be out power-drinking right now instead of home in front of your computer.

(Notice how I can insult both sides at the same time? That takes special skill.)

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