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Club Legend

Guest eroc0411

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Guest JMT

he doesn't create the news, he reports it.

you can't be here for 3 mere months and call the club legend out. he was making his bones while you were still reading tranceaddict.

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Guest saintjohn
So, one of you wants to step up and be the new club legend? Go for it.

Seriously. Put up or shut up.

In the words of Alan T:

The B to the R to the I to the N to the G to the I to the T.

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Guest Mattivi

he doesn't create the news, he reports it.

you can't be here for 3 mere months and call the club legend out. he was making his bones while you were still reading tranceaddict.

that was funny :D

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Guest Seb

- asked for it, literally, and I have obliged them. Seb knows who, ask him who said "Fuck Pod" yesterday.

lol I was actually trying to get you guys to make up last night but it didn't go over very well

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Guest pod

And most of u are nothing but kissing pod ass 2 begin w/! Have some pride bitches!

Even if they are, I have no issue with that.

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Guest Orls

Barbs could be the club leg whateva. We can't deny he's well informed but I agree with eroc - the truth is his predictions have fallen short as of late.

1) Condo land w/to be with Space patio since WMC - thats surely not even close to happening yet

2) Nocturnal should have been dead a long time ago - guess what he's now working with noc and booking that tsettos guy there

3)EDM was also suppose to have been gone and yet is isn't what is use to be its far from dead.

Dont mind pointing a couple of things he hasnt gotten right.

Nature of the beast. 8)

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Guest pod

Dan, you should do more quality control filtering on this cat's threads.

He's being hazed right now. Haven't met the guy yet, but he seems to have potential to be a solid CJ citizen.

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Guest skywalker01

on and saleen, since you are the club legend then surely you must have a hottie (or hotties, if that's how you roll) you can call your own. don't be scared, post a pic

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Guest eroc0411

Dan, you should do more quality control filtering on this cat's threads.

are u talking about me???

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Guest eroc0411

And most of u are nothing but kissing pod ass 2 begin w/! Have some pride bitches!

Even if they are, I have no issue with that.

Im not sayin u should... U got my respect.. But do i always have 2 agree w/ w/e u say or the main guys that run the show?... DEBATING is what makes it fun 4 me... We all got our opinions. Or are we all sheep and just follow the flock. U tell me POD??.. Im sorry but my mami always thought 2 me 2 think 4 my self..

and pod dont 4get u already owe me a beer... A nice corona w/ lime and salt is all i ask 4... I ain't 2 picky...

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Guest eroc0411

modest pod... Thats what we all love about you... But as long as u know that i know... then it's all kool... Merry X-mas ppl!

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Guest addictedtospace

And most of u are nothing but kissing pod ass 2 begin w/! Have some pride bitches!

Even if they are, I have no issue with that.

Im not sayin u should... U got my respect.. But do i always have 2 agree w/ w/e u say or the main guys that run the show?... DEBATING is what makes it fun 4 me... We all got our opinions. Or are we all sheep and just follow the flock. U tell me POD??.. Im sorry but my mami always thought 2 me 2 think 4 my self..

and pod dont 4get u already owe me a beer... A nice corona w/ lime and salt is all i ask 4... I ain't 2 picky...

Pod your the BEST moderator ever, fuck you! Bhaa bhaa.

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Guest JustDade

You kids are so cute. Even I have only been here for 4.5 years, but I finally found out the backstory. So, I'll share. He's the club legend because he partied the fuck out of this town back in the heyday. He knows everybody of consequence in the clubbing industry personally, even the ones in jail or dead. In his day, he put more hours in the clubs in a week than you punks do in a year. When you all know every single big-name DJ and club-owner in this town then you can call him out with authority. Until then you just look like a bunch of posers.

Of course, at some point he pussed out and "retired". Nowadays he is just some old geezer who sits around in his rocking chair listening to 30-year-old rock and complaining about the "good old days" while he waits to fade into history. Geezer.

So, one of you wants to step up and be the new club legend? Go for it. I really haven't seen anyone who can touch it, but maybe one of you is up to it. He certainly isn't doing anything to keep up his title, just resting on his laurels. So it is there to be taken. But until we have someone with his street cred, he gets the title.

Not so fast there, Coach........

I don't think it's fair to characterize Barbie that way. You're right that he doesn't go out as much anymore. However, that has not hurt the quality of his intel at all. He's still the guy with the breaking news. Being a Club Legend is more about what you get than where you get it.

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You kids are so cute. Even I have only been here for 4.5 years, but I finally found out the backstory. So, I'll share. He's the club legend because he partied the fuck out of this town back in the heyday. He knows everybody of consequence in the clubbing industry personally, even the ones in jail or dead. In his day, he put more hours in the clubs in a week than you punks do in a year. When you all know every single big-name DJ and club-owner in this town then you can call him out with authority. Until then you just look like a bunch of posers.

Of course, at some point he pussed out and "retired". Nowadays he is just some old geezer who sits around in his rocking chair listening to 30-year-old rock and complaining about the "good old days" while he waits to fade into history. Geezer.

So, one of you wants to step up and be the new club legend? Go for it. I really haven't seen anyone who can touch it, but maybe one of you is up to it. He certainly isn't doing anything to keep up his title, just resting on his laurels. So it is there to be taken. But until we have someone with his street cred, he gets the title.

Not so fast there, Coach........

I don't think it's fair to characterize Barbie that way. You're right that he doesn't go out as much anymore. However, that has not hurt the quality of his intel at all. He's still the guy with the breaking news. Being a Club Legend is more about what you get than where you get it.

He didn't go out that much to begin with... i partied wayyy more than the barbarino... but what does count is he has always always taken care of me and our crew.. he's a good guy, gets solid intel - he makes CJ fun with controversial threads that seem to piss people off but end up 11902102 pages..

he is the Club Legend (at least in his own mind ;) )

lol ;D

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Guest Marina22

i see where buck is coming from. there is a definite double standard when it comes to the club legend, he pretty much has carte blanche immunity with everything he says, where other people are not afforded so much leniency. whatever. anyways i will agree he keeps things lively around here, more often than not is right with his clubodamus predictions and doomsday prophecies. he is an intelligent person that much is evident, but his hubris is thinking that he is inherently better than everyone else who is not of caucasion descent or not indigently american, if there is such a thing. maybe it is all for show and for his own amusement(and you special people who are in the "know"), and even if that is the case, its still pathetic. he's kind of like that smartass frat boy friend you had in college, you thought he was cool, but once the veneer wore off you realized that deep down he's just a douche bag, and not a shining example of good human being. but you hung out and had some laughs because he has entertainment value no doubt. just a thought.

Complete double standard. ::) I am not politically correct all the time but I also don't respect or like racists. Barbarino obviously is or just does the act for effect. Regardless, it's not cool but he's given leniency because he adds entertainment...? I don't even laugh at his stuff because it's usually not funny at all. ie: that Delux, open format review(I hope that was a joke.. ::)) I wonder how many others would last that long if they were that blatantly racist?

His intel might be ok here and there but like the weatherman not always accurate. Intelligence? Are you kidding me? He can't even spell half the time, let alone write a paragraph. ::) I know Pod isn't getting rid of him ever so I guess we put up with him like Borat puts up with his retarded cousin.

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Guest pod

The odd thing is, if all of you guys hate him so much, why the hell do I see you all clicking on each thread he starts like a bunch of madpeople?

Racist or not, you're all being quite hypocritical if you don't want him around, and you still give him the time of day by clicking on his threads, and in a lot of case, responding to them. You're feeding fuel to the fire, the guy is a complete attention whore. I have it on the best authority that he wouldn't post as much if he didn't get a rise out of half of you.

I think it's symptomatic, unfortunately, of the pervasive political correctness which tends to run rampant around here these days. Which I find rather amusing, considering a lot of the Club Legend's detractors engage in behavior which is quite politically incorrect.

Double standard? Well, not really. There is a line here, and he's stepped over it once or twice, and I've taken appropriate corrective action, which he has accepted, unlike some other scumbags, whom I won't mention at this time.

Dade hit the nail on the head, too, he's not one to go out that much, even in his real clubbing days, I'd only see him out once or twice a month. But, for whatever reason, he finds out everything, and it's certainly good traffic. At the end of the day, we're running a business here, not a chapter of the campus Young Liberals' Club.

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