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Clubs that will still be around in 3 years

Guest wasted24_7

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Guest pod

Mansion - Yeah.

Cameo - Yeah.

Deep - Maybe. The original owner doesn't own it anymore.

Space - Yes. Despite the gloom and doom.

Pawn - New management there is kicking ass and taking names.

SET - Maybe. That building is cursed.

Privé - Past it's design lifetime. SET is there to take it's place.

Dream - It opened like 3 weeks ago. Too early to tell.

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Guest wasted24_7

Went to Mansion last night... They've redone the whole VIP. Always improving themselves, still the best mega club in miami hands down.

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Guest wasted24_7

lol I guess some people do have to deal with that. But if you come well dressed and with girls, its never really a problem. Very well run door. It helps I guess that I've worked there ;D

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Guest mr.miami

Best run door in town as at voodoo lounge where they will let anyone and everyone in which makes for a great crowd. None of these clubs with tough doors offer anything more than what you can get at every other place down here.

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Guest pod

lol I guess some people do have to deal with that. But if you come well dressed and with girls, its never really a problem. Very well run door. It helps I guess that I've worked there ;D

I'm sorry.

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Guest Fuerte44

disclaimer: i have been up for a few days. for those who are offended, please take with a grain of salt.

how about this.....

who fucking cares who will be open then....the more important question is....what can be done in the next three years to change our scene for the better?

when will people start going out for other reasons other than how hard the door is....how cool you look in vip...how many girls you have....

i know there is always a need for vip, look cool venues...dont get me wrong...

but i know miami locals have a broader perspective on music, many are transplants from overseas, or have traveled enough to be able to know what good music is....

so when is everyone going to demand a different party, versus the vomit open format, hip hop/commercial house formula????

why the fuck and i going to pay a G to sit on a cheap ass couch drinking a 50 dollar bottle to listen to top 40 mash ups, or over played electro house mierda?

i liked that track by outwork "electro" in like 2005 for the first time , after that it was annoying....i was at the mark a few weeks back and i hear the "electro" lyrics played over kurd maverik's "the rub"....this is 2007 and a half for fucks sake....so much music out there...and people are paying out the ass to hear this shit?

if it wasnt for the djs to play later that night i would have asked for my cover and bar tab to be reimbursed....and every asshole in the same lame ass 7Diamonds long sleeve dress shirt with those pointy cheap ass looking Marc Nason shoes throwing napkins on every breakdown...how many times can we cheer and jump around to "world hold on" in Miami?

the thing that bothers me is that i know people can handle and would love real music....but we are still going to be 5 years behind the rest of the dance music world by doing shit like this week in week out....

like seriously people....this is getting super fucking lame....i have been here long enough, and have traveled enough to realize in my young age that miami people need to start having more respectable demands for a party experience...i know they have it in them

will those big club names still be open....probably...but who fucking cares...they will be playing the same fucking music, with the same assholes next to you...when does it get old????

there comes a time where super clubs sell out enough commercially to be able to have enough money to bring in some great talent who has never been to miami....and give something back to the industry people, the heads, the djs, the local producers, the music enthusiasts....not the image enthusiasts

(example see: green velvet, samuel l sessions. laurent garnier, justin martin, tolfrey/eliot, nick warren, thanks to all of those who lined these up)

these "little guys"in town are bringing in heavy dudes, who can kill a party, make everyone money, and make EVERYONE happy....

when the fuck is space gonna say....ummmm ok....since we stole an ibiza club name...lets see whats hot on the white isle for the last 4 years....ummmm lets see....it sure as hell aint tribal...or electro for that matter.....why dont we bring ricardo or richie or luciano and have them bring the house down....

i know the space brigade will attack me and say well we have a working formula why change it....were packed every night, dont fix it if it aint broken...

my point is why not get back to the roots of where this all began by keeping things fresh, new, underground(yes i said it) and most definitively not commercial!!!!! i can go to pleasure island in orlando for cheese....and not worry about getting spit on by crack heads...give something back to those of us that live here who demand music other than nyc tribal electro house....fuck man....it seems like every time i used to walk in to space the same track was being played....im sure some of you know it "bassification"...i counted like 4 times as we are paying that track was on....no joke...

there have been more than a handful of free parties this summer that i would have paid the price of that tiesto fuck to go to...but i want to know when people are going to realize that they are getting ripped off by these super clubs.....

i was talking to a friend, and i related it to the vegas mega hotels, and how they find it very hard to keep people to gamble there, as many go to see the decor or attractions...then bounce off the strip to hit up locals casinos cause they pay out better....

sorta how miami is....tourist traps and overpriced formulaic super rip off clubs...and under rated locals bars off the beaten path that dont offer such a great astounding club experience, but make up for in ten fold with the vibe and the music....

sorry rant is over...

p.s. i dont want all you ppl posting past guest djs that space has brought or this place has brought....i used space as an example, but i generalized all of those places...the same local djs week in week out...who many of them i enjoy and have met....good people...but when you are paying a big cover and buying 12 dollar plastic cup splashes of watered down vodka....i at least want to hear music that was not played in 2005....

in summation.....I WANT MIAMI PEOPLE TO ASK FOR MORE.....complacency and ignorance will continue to ruin the scene by watering it down...cheesing it out....

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Guest Buck White

Nice post, Tech. I finished a whole cup of coffee reading it. And yes...you will get slammed by a few. The retort will sound like this, " A mimimimimimimimimi " ;)

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Guest michael^heaven

my point is why not get back to the roots of where this all began by keeping things fresh, new, underground(yes i said it) and most definitively not commercial!!!!!


*beats dead horse*

First of all, Miami is not like London or Berlin where you actually have a large amount of people that know there music, live for it, & go out just to hear it. In Miami, the great majority go out to clubs to show off their cash, clothes, ect. or to hook-up, or just to get loaded & party. Hearing fresh, great music by great artists, played by amazing djs is last on the agenda for most. If at all! I agree with you completly, Tech, but the cash cows know what works & costs less. These people are not your edm heads. They are business men out to cash in. I seriously doubt they are gonna risk profits &/or loss of business for any reason. Personally, having to get dressed to the max, dealing with strict door policies/dress codes, insane drink prices, snobery, & stale music is not my cup of tea either. However, if you live in Miami, you basically have to deal with it. Luckily, not everywhere, & there are people that feel the same way as you :). Just not the majority!

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Guest ezgoing74

Well Space has been dead for some time now. Even during WMC I stay away from the mega clubs. We need to evolve, some people are still stuck to old sounds. And going back to Space, yes I was a follower and yes I got fuck by thier staff.

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Guest miamibeachaudi



Deep ;D

Space ?

Pawn Shop


Grim future



Mansion will unfortunately remain.

Cameo's name might stay but it will have to have a major facelift if its to remain in 3 years.

Pawn shop is on its way out. Space/Nocturnal .. who knows.

Suite/Snatch are on their way out. Dreams and the fifth never had a chance.

Deep will remain.

Nikki beach will remain.

Sobe live and Opium Garden will probably remain.

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Guest e360

disclaimer: i have been up for a few days. for those who are offended, please take with a grain of salt.

how about this.....

who fucking cares who will be open then....the more important question is....what can be done in the next three years to change our scene for the better?

when will people start going out for other reasons other than how hard the door is....how cool you look in vip...how many girls you have....

i know there is always a need for vip, look cool venues...dont get me wrong...

but i know miami locals have a broader perspective on music, many are transplants from overseas, or have traveled enough to be able to know what good music is....

so when is everyone going to demand a different party, versus the vomit open format, hip hop/commercial house formula????

why the fuck and i going to pay a G to sit on a cheap ass couch drinking a 50 dollar bottle to listen to top 40 mash ups, or over played electro house mierda?

i liked that track by outwork "electro" in like 2005 for the first time , after that it was annoying....i was at the mark a few weeks back and i hear the "electro" lyrics played over kurd maverik's "the rub"....this is 2007 and a half for fucks sake....so much music out there...and people are paying out the ass to hear this shit?

if it wasnt for the djs to play later that night i would have asked for my cover and bar tab to be reimbursed....and every asshole in the same lame ass 7Diamonds long sleeve dress shirt with those pointy cheap ass looking Marc Nason shoes throwing napkins on every breakdown...how many times can we cheer and jump around to "world hold on" in Miami?

the thing that bothers me is that i know people can handle and would love real music....but we are still going to be 5 years behind the rest of the dance music world by doing shit like this week in week out....

like seriously people....this is getting super fucking lame....i have been here long enough, and have traveled enough to realize in my young age that miami people need to start having more respectable demands for a party experience...i know they have it in them

will those big club names still be open....probably...but who fucking cares...they will be playing the same fucking music, with the same assholes next to you...when does it get old????

there comes a time where super clubs sell out enough commercially to be able to have enough money to bring in some great talent who has never been to miami....and give something back to the industry people, the heads, the djs, the local producers, the music enthusiasts....not the image enthusiasts

(example see: green velvet, samuel l sessions. laurent garnier, justin martin, tolfrey/eliot, nick warren, thanks to all of those who lined these up)

these "little guys"in town are bringing in heavy dudes, who can kill a party, make everyone money, and make EVERYONE happy....

when the fuck is space gonna say....ummmm ok....since we stole an ibiza club name...lets see whats hot on the white isle for the last 4 years....ummmm lets see....it sure as hell aint tribal...or electro for that matter.....why dont we bring ricardo or richie or luciano and have them bring the house down....

i know the space brigade will attack me and say well we have a working formula why change it....were packed every night, dont fix it if it aint broken...

my point is why not get back to the roots of where this all began by keeping things fresh, new, underground(yes i said it) and most definitively not commercial!!!!! i can go to pleasure island in orlando for cheese....and not worry about getting spit on by crack heads...give something back to those of us that live here who demand music other than nyc tribal electro house....fuck man....it seems like every time i used to walk in to space the same track was being played....im sure some of you know it "bassification"...i counted like 4 times as we are paying that track was on....no joke...

there have been more than a handful of free parties this summer that i would have paid the price of that tiesto fuck to go to...but i want to know when people are going to realize that they are getting ripped off by these super clubs.....

i was talking to a friend, and i related it to the vegas mega hotels, and how they find it very hard to keep people to gamble there, as many go to see the decor or attractions...then bounce off the strip to hit up locals casinos cause they pay out better....

sorta how miami is....tourist traps and overpriced formulaic super rip off clubs...and under rated locals bars off the beaten path that dont offer such a great astounding club experience, but make up for in ten fold with the vibe and the music....

sorry rant is over...

p.s. i dont want all you ppl posting past guest djs that space has brought or this place has brought....i used space as an example, but i generalized all of those places...the same local djs week in week out...who many of them i enjoy and have met....good people...but when you are paying a big cover and buying 12 dollar plastic cup splashes of watered down vodka....i at least want to hear music that was not played in 2005....

in summation.....I WANT MIAMI PEOPLE TO ASK FOR MORE.....complacency and ignorance will continue to ruin the scene by watering it down...cheesing it out....


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Guest coach

Heh, who cares if people like to go to the mega-clubs, anyway? Not like most of the would be in the "underground" if they didn't. There is some overlap between markets, but not much. Both can coexist fine. Keep the underground rolling for the people who understand it, and keep the commercial clubs rolling for everyone else. That way everyone's happy.

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Guest pod


You've made the typical newbie mistake, you assume because the board population agrees with you, that Miami agrees with you.

Not true. I invite you to throw an event based on your principles.

You will most likely fail or at least lose money.

Newbie, the world in Miami does not work on "underground" DJs and DJ whores and their pseudo-gay lovers crouched under the mixer.

For the last time, Nightclubs are a business!!!

Anyone who thinks they're gonna throw a consistently successful "music-head" night in this town is kidding themselves.

OK, analyze this, why is it that every time there's a "music-head" DJ in town he, or she, is playing at a different venue? Consistent music nights simply don't sell!

Music heads tend (not totally...there's exceptions) to not:

- drink

- traffic the bar

- go to the club unless there's a list

Simply put, it's a losing proposition right now. And the whole "music elitism" doesn't make it better.

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Guest wasted24_7

The majority of people go out for the experience, not just the music. If I wanted to listen to my pref of music, I could comfortably do that at home, but I decide to go out for the experience. The girls, meeting new people, and of course the music is very important, but it isnt the most important factor..

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Guest Mattivi

i think basically what pod is trying to say is that the majority of miami is just looking to go out, :D score a piece of patch, get liqoured up, and look cool doing it.

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Guest Miss_Digital


all u need is four walls, a dj and a sound system

everything else is trivial

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Guest pod

Not in Miami, sweetheart. For your agreement with him to work, you gotta be in like, Detroit or somewhere. I won't mess with Detroit since I don't own a tank.

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