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Clubs that will still be around in 3 years

Guest wasted24_7

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Guest pod

Well, you're knee-deep in this too with your umm...dare i say business? ;D

On a semi-related note, a lot of music heads would be surprised about how much the people doing parties and running clubs at all levels know about DJs and music. Unfortunately, sometimes personal taste has to take a backseat to the reality of things.

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Guest colione98

Well, you're knee-deep in this too with your umm...dare i say business? ;D

On a semi-related note, a lot of music heads would be surprised about how much the people doing parties and running clubs at all levels know about DJs and music. Unfortunately, sometimes personal taste has to take a backseat to the reality of things.

Take Mayor from gryphon, tony g, etc.....

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Guest pod

True enough. Mayor, the Guerras, LP, etc. They know who these DJs and artists are, and probably like them. But personal preference sometimes has to take a backseat.

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Guest JustDade

"Maybe the reason you never get to "get crazy on the patio to music that heads prefer" is that you're the wrong type of head. "

you are right on that one, i am not a pill head...so you got me there...

"Somehow they owe you a chance to play with their big toys."

no they owe the people getting ripped off the chance to hear music they dont know exist, and if they did, they would be asking for it...but lp, opium never tried an alternative dj party, so no one really knows...i just would like to be proven wrong just once, and see if LP loses his ass with cocoon on the patio, or dennis ferrer in the main room....

"first of all as one of the "assholes" i will be the one to say on bahalf of all my "idiots"....FUCK OFF YOU STUPID TWAT"

umm....how about no?? i was going to, but now that i seemed to have given you some sore labia, i wont fuck off, but i might say you definitely responded with the professionalism that i expected...

". The reason that your music only gets play at Blue or Laundry Bar is because that's enough to satisfy the market demand for it."

market demand becomes a non issue when the sole providers of big time nightlife have not attempted to make available an alternative sound....we all were not born with taste...its acquired once one knows about alternative and sometime better choices....when choices are limited and censored, market demand is controlled by the people who provide the goods/services...

"If Picotto, Hawtin, Leibing and six more were on the bill, you would be luck to get 1000. "

prove it....until then, you will sound like a completely soulless and money hungry pendejo, who never really had any intrinsic set of values and goals in providing the best music/nightlife miami can offer, or any desire to stay true to the EDM system of values...money money money...


tool? what makes any of what i said a tool???? a tool for wanting big clubs to take part in some great djs and great music that they seem to be missing out on....and by the way, we are not in high school anymore....words like "tool" and "twat" make you, a grown adult, seem much more distraught than I, a mere child compared to you in age and experience....

"OK......now you don't want to pay for the drinks either. Way to make your case to the big clubs."

i tried to, i have bought the tables and the bottles but it got old...thats why you lost me, and others like me....dont you get it??? no you dont, you dont care...

The flaw in your arguement is that you believe people are getting ripped off if they're not listening to the music YOU think is good. I have listened to the music and DJs you want to have play here. While I appreciate what they do and, yes, I get it.....it's not what I want to hear all night in a club. The truth is that most people would agree with that. Just because you and a few of your pals think it's the shit does not make it so.

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Guest Mattivi

i kinda of agree with dade on this one. im from detroit where the underground musik you guys love is alive and well. but places like detroit, berlin, and a few others have had an established culture of this sound for years. it didnt happen overnite, so your going to have to patient and keep upbeat and positive like ramon and a few others on this board. sooner or later things will break the surface, and from what ive been reading on CJ lately it seems like things are finally starting to happen, but its still in its infancy.

back to dade's point, minimal is an acquired taste, i grew up around it, and i still cant take a whole nite immersed in the dark, murky, underground beats of minimal. no offense its just boring after awhile. i enjoy certain tracks, buts its just not my cup of tea, i like a good mixture of things, thats why i like Coxy he plays a nice blend of house and tech. anyways, it takes a really learned+ educated ear to really appreciate it, and by and large miami is a party town, with high rents, flashy people, so i doubt it ever really ever catches fire here... but i believe there is room for it. ;D

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Guest Mattivi

I wonder if minimal was "the" sound in the clubs, if the music heads would still bitch?

they would move on to the next underground thing "sub-minimal" or something to that effect ;D

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Guest Mattivi

I wonder if minimal was "the" sound in the clubs, if the music heads would still bitch?

the hypocrisy of the whole thing really makes me laugh sometimes. Pod, lets say your right, that if it was the music of choice in most clubs and "everybody was doing it". would it lose its veneer as 'underground' with all the musical elitist on this board? I mean would they than bitch that the dj xyz sold out? or that a bunch of newbs and posers pollute their scene and events now?

part of the problem i see on this board is that the people that are into this music think they are so special and priviledged to be into this sound, and that they are ahead of the game and everybody else is just clueless and into cheese. and that if clubs/clubbers just got exposed to it they would see the proverbial light and bow to the music gods for this great discovery. but if that were to happen, i have this premonition that would soon turn their backs on it because it lost that veneer of cool/underground status because it went mainstream. its an interesting paradox of sorts.

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Guest pod

Exactly. The minute it became popular and accepted by the clubgoing masses, it'd be all over.

You can't win with the music elite.

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Guest LeVeL

The flaw in your arguement is that you believe people are getting ripped off if they're not listening to the music YOU think is good. I have listened to the music and DJs you want to have play here. While I appreciate what they do and, yes, I get it.....it's not what I want to hear all night in a club. The truth is that most people would agree with that. Just because you and a few of your pals think it's the shit does not make it so.

I agree the minimum that I could be able to listen to that sound is for 2 Hours after a while its a headache waiting to happen.

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Guest DJ Nova

Exactly. The minute it became popular and accepted by the clubgoing masses, it'd be all over.

You can't win with the music elite.

The music ELITISTS Don't let other DJs' play with Him/Her......so WHO is/are the music ELITISTS in MIAMI ? .....at MANY of the "Minimal - Techno - Tech House" parties....you are seeing ALL kinds of DJS playing.....


RARELY DO YOU SEE ANY OF THE "TECH" djs playing at the those BIG venues, but You are seeing and hearing of the djs..at the thos big VENUES "starting" to play MINIMAL tracks.......? ?? WHO ARE THE ELITISTS ? Aren't people who are "Elitists", think that they're SO cool, and DON'T WORK with ANYONE accept theyr'e small circle of friends ?

So this argument that MIAMI minimal and tech djs, and music lovers are elitists couldn't be FURTHER from the truth.......

There are defenitely ELITISTS in Miami....but you're lookin in the wrong place. Our parties AREN'T EXCLUSIVE like these MEGA clubs that won't even LET ME IN !!! SO who is cool and who is NOT ?

Last Time I checked being cool was .......BEING COOL.....not HARRASSING people because they have sneakers, or they're not pleasing to the eye.....or you don't have enough money or whatever.......SO WHO ARE THE ELITISTS.... ?

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Guest myles hie

Exactly. The minute it became popular and accepted by the clubgoing masses, it'd be all over.

You can't win with the music elite.

The music ELITISTS Don't let other DJs' play with Him/Her......so WHO is/are the music ELITISTS in MIAMI ? .....at MANY of the "Minimal - Techno - Tech House" parties....you are seeing ALL kinds of DJS playing.....


RARELY DO YOU SEE ANY OF THE "TECH" djs playing at the those BIG venues, but You are seeing and hearing of the djs..at the thos big VENUES "starting" to play MINIMAL tracks.......? ?? WHO ARE THE ELITISTS ? Aren't people who are "Elitists", think that they're SO cool, and DON'T WORK with ANYONE accept theyr'e small circle of friends ?

So this argument that MIAMI minimal and tech djs, and music lovers are elitists couldn't be FURTHER from the truth.......

They're are defenitely ELITISTS in Miami....but you're lookin in the wrong place. Our parties AREN'T EXCLUSIVE like these MEGA clubs that won't even LET ME IN !!! SO who is cool and who is NOT ?

Last Time I checked being cool was .......BEING COOL.....not HARRASSING people because they have sneakers, or they're not pleasing to the eye.....or you don't have enough money or whatever.......SO WHO ARE THE ELITISTS.... ?

I think he was referring to the people listening to the music not the people playing the music. As in "this style of music is the best and all others suck"

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Guest pod

OK, so you have me there. The venues do act elite. So what?

What I'm getting at is that the music heads, ostensibly who whine for greater opportunities to strut their stuff, are also very guilty of displaying their own variety of elitism, in the sense that whatever the flavor du jour in the 'underground' music community is, is the only thing you're allowed to listen to by them. God forbid I'm at a Ricardo Villalobos event and I tell someone that I had a great time at Roger Sanchez's event the week before. I'd probably be shot, if any of them could figure out how to disengage the safety on a firearm.

OK, and explain to me which mega clubs won't let you in. If you're industry like you proclaim, you should be able to skirt most dresscode regulations.

And, if you hate the "megaclub" scene so much, why are you even trying to get in?

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Guest DJ Nova

Exactly. The minute it became popular and accepted by the clubgoing masses, it'd be all over.

You can't win with the music elite.

The music ELITISTS Don't let other DJs' play with Him/Her......so WHO is/are the music ELITISTS in MIAMI ? .....at MANY of the "Minimal - Techno - Tech House" parties....you are seeing ALL kinds of DJS playing.....


RARELY DO YOU SEE ANY OF THE "TECH" djs playing at the those BIG venues, but You are seeing and hearing of the djs..at the thos big VENUES "starting" to play MINIMAL tracks.......? ?? WHO ARE THE ELITISTS ? Aren't people who are "Elitists", think that they're SO cool, and DON'T WORK with ANYONE accept theyr'e small circle of friends ?

So this argument that MIAMI minimal and tech djs, and music lovers are elitists couldn't be FURTHER from the truth.......

They're are defenitely ELITISTS in Miami....but you're lookin in the wrong place. Our parties AREN'T EXCLUSIVE like these MEGA clubs that won't even LET ME IN !!! SO who is cool and who is NOT ?

Last Time I checked being cool was .......BEING COOL.....not HARRASSING people because they have sneakers, or they're not pleasing to the eye.....or you don't have enough money or whatever.......SO WHO ARE THE ELITISTS.... ?

I think he was referring to the people listening to the music not the people playing the music. As in "this style of music is the best and all others suck"

I've heard that a MILLION times about TIESTO...and everyone has the right to their own opinion. I don't think Tiesto is the shit

, but the people that like him have the right t say and FEEL that way.......and so do the people that love any kind of music, or food, or cars .....

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Guest myles hie

Exactly. The minute it became popular and accepted by the clubgoing masses, it'd be all over.

You can't win with the music elite.

The music ELITISTS Don't let other DJs' play with Him/Her......so WHO is/are the music ELITISTS in MIAMI ? .....at MANY of the "Minimal - Techno - Tech House" parties....you are seeing ALL kinds of DJS playing.....


RARELY DO YOU SEE ANY OF THE "TECH" djs playing at the those BIG venues, but You are seeing and hearing of the djs..at the thos big VENUES "starting" to play MINIMAL tracks.......? ?? WHO ARE THE ELITISTS ? Aren't people who are "Elitists", think that they're SO cool, and DON'T WORK with ANYONE accept theyr'e small circle of friends ?

So this argument that MIAMI minimal and tech djs, and music lovers are elitists couldn't be FURTHER from the truth.......

They're are defenitely ELITISTS in Miami....but you're lookin in the wrong place. Our parties AREN'T EXCLUSIVE like these MEGA clubs that won't even LET ME IN !!! SO who is cool and who is NOT ?

Last Time I checked being cool was .......BEING COOL.....not HARRASSING people because they have sneakers, or they're not pleasing to the eye.....or you don't have enough money or whatever.......SO WHO ARE THE ELITISTS.... ?

I think he was referring to the people listening to the music not the people playing the music. As in "this style of music is the best and all others suck"

I've heard that a MILLION times about TIESTO...and everyone has the right to their own opinion. I don't think Tiesto is the shit

, but the people that like him have the right t say and FEEL that way.......and so do the people that love any kind of music, or food, or cars .....

Its the way its said. Everyone can have an opinion but if it "sucks" or is not as good just because you don't like it, thats being elitist.

l33t ;)

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Guest pod

If you want people to respect your art, respect theirs.

And also, respect the fact that a nightclub is ultimately a business. It's not an art gallery.

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Guest DJ Nova

If you want people to respect your art, respect theirs.

And also, respect the fact that a nightclub is ultimately a business. It's not an art gallery.

I respect art wherever it is, and it's not in MANY PLACES in MIAMI...but it's been really improving :) Art Galleries are Businesses....I think most gallery owners would agree.

If the nightclubs here are so big on MONEY and Business

why do they keep driving it away with POOR service, and OVERPRICED DRINKS AND DOOR CHARGES!?

DO people in Miami Like to be abused ? I think it makes people feel like they're Special....this FALSE sense of being cool can be bought here any weekend of the YEAR here in Miami.

I can't afford ...nor would I want it

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Guest coach

Even art galleries are businesses. Art museum might be what you meant.

House used to be the "underground", too.

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Guest LaundryBar

this is all only my opinion so please read it with an open mind...

some people are SO passionate about the music and producers they love, sometimes they do not understand or tend to forget that they are the exception not the norm. It takes a special person to dive in head-first into music and make it their life, especially when they get so specific that its not even dance music as a whole, its minimal or tech or whatever...something very specific (and these days a lot of these people end up becoming djs anyway). Most people who like to go "clubbing" couldnt give a rats ass who is playing the music or even what the music is as long as it doesnt take away from the entire experience. They want to be there with friends, probably be drunk, and the music is an after-thought. To passionate music lovers that can be blasphemy. At Laundry Bar we have the luxury of being an intimate venue who can host dj focussed events and cater to that specific crowd and since we aren't a mega club we can fill up with that target audience. But in reality the vast majority of people either dont care what the music is and when they do, they want to go out to hear a dj that is tried and true here in Miami. It makes them feel like its a better chance of guaranteeing a fun night out. they "play it safe" and that works for them and there is nothing wrong with that.

Me, personally, I like to go to multi-genre nights. I dont want to hear the same thing for 5-6 hours straight. Even hour long dj sets can get boring if the dj doesn't switch it up a bit. Those are the best djs to me, ones that can switch thru genres and still keep up the flow/groove. Also, when I go out I prefer to hear music that is dancefloor oriented & bass heavy, but that is me, and what I like doesnt mean its the only thing or the right thing.

There are as many different places here in Miami as there are different types of people, and I think its great...

sorry if I went off track a bit, that was all just off the top of my head :)

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Guest pod

My question is, is the service really that horrid if thousands of people still go out every weekend, year after year?

The service might be horrid to you, because maybe you're used to being walked in the back door, getting a blowjob from the cocktail waitresses, and the owner giving you an open bar tab for the evening.

But, again, if the service is horrid, why do people still go out by the thousands ever week?

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Guest LaundryBar

also, I think its true, its not what you say but how you say it. If you want a certain nightclub to give a different type of music a chance you should probably come at them in a nicer way than "damn, are you blind? dj so-and-so is blowing up all over China and you still havent had him out here even tho you have enough money to pay him? WTF??!?!?!"

Alot of it has to do with people skills and how you say what you want to get across...in business and life in general...

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Guest Buck White

My question is, is the service really that horrid if thousands of people still go out every weekend, year after year?

Yes. ;D

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Guest 4040

Exactly. The minute it became popular and accepted by the clubgoing masses, it'd be all over.

You can't win with the music elite.

It's a bit of irony here. The elitist if you will (not all) are the ones to that actually bring the scene into the ground complaining about music and dj's, not twisting the knob properly on the mixer and the new one free bottle on a bottle for vip. It seems like the ppl that frequent space not knowing who the dj is support the scene in a more positive way.

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Guest DJ Nova

My question is, is the service really that horrid if thousands of people still go out every weekend, year after year?

The service might be horrid to you, because maybe you're used to being walked in the back door, getting a blowjob from the cocktail waitresses, and the owner giving you an open bar tab for the evening.

But, again, if the service is horrid, why do people still go out by the thousands ever week?

same reason people still vote, only ELECTORAL VOTES count, but yet people still vote.

People will continue to go out no matter what, people still go out and party in places like Iraq, Macedonia, and Israel...places that are constantly under threat of BOMBS, shootings...and other CRAZY violence.....they RISK they're LIVEs to party and people do this here in the STATES and all over the world when they take DRUGS. .... So people overcome all kinds of obstacles to have a GOOD time.

I've never Recieved that kind of treatment POD, my horrid experiences with service are UNWARRANTED ATTITUDE at the bar and at The DOOR.....I'm goin to a party and the first thing that I have to do is confront the door guy...?

who the f*ck is he ?

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