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Clubs that will still be around in 3 years

Guest wasted24_7

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Guest addictedtospace

Exactly. The minute it became popular and accepted by the clubgoing masses, it'd be all over.

You can't win with the music elite.

The music ELITISTS Don't let other DJs' play with Him/Her......so WHO is/are the music ELITISTS in MIAMI ? .....at MANY of the "Minimal - Techno - Tech House" parties....you are seeing ALL kinds of DJS playing.....


RARELY DO YOU SEE ANY OF THE "TECH" djs playing at the those BIG venues, but You are seeing and hearing of the djs..at the thos big VENUES "starting" to play MINIMAL tracks.......? ?? WHO ARE THE ELITISTS ? Aren't people who are "Elitists", think that they're SO cool, and DON'T WORK with ANYONE accept theyr'e small circle of friends ?

So this argument that MIAMI minimal and tech djs, and music lovers are elitists couldn't be FURTHER from the truth.......

There are defenitely ELITISTS in Miami....but you're lookin in the wrong place. Our parties AREN'T EXCLUSIVE like these MEGA clubs that won't even LET ME IN !!! SO who is cool and who is NOT ?

Last Time I checked being cool was .......BEING COOL.....not HARRASSING people because they have sneakers, or they're not pleasing to the eye.....or you don't have enough money or whatever.......SO WHO ARE THE ELITISTS.... ?

I have seen plenty of people at Space with sneakers, broke as fuck and fugly. So what is your point again? I think it all comes down to this that you said "Our parties AREN'T EXCLUSIVE like these MEGA clubs that won't even LET ME IN !!!."

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Guest wasted24_7

They should think about hiring some female bartenders, its a cockfest behind that bar :-X

I will push my way through the most crowded nightclub to get to a non-female bartender. Ugh. Of course, there's exceptions....but generally. I still can't figure out why cats go goo-goo-ga-ga over some cantankerous slut bartender when there's tons of hot chicks in the club

. All you did was pop the top off of my Heineken....ho. I'm not signing my next paycheck over to you for doing that. Now take this dollar and die soon.

Its not about hitting on them or even finding them attractive, but they overall provide more. Flirt a little, and get some more for your buck and in turn tip them well. I sure as hell aint flirting with any guy bar tenders.

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Guest Jason_B

Women bartenders usually dont make good drinks (there are some exceptions). Except for that girl that used to be at the main room @ space that is now doing VIP. Catherin, carolin something like that... shes been there for ever... She makes some really good drinks!

But like I have said in the past.. Always stick to one bartender at a club.. .ALWAYS.. they appreciate familiar faces and good tippers of course...

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Guest wasted24_7

Of course, always keep going to same bartender unless your a prick who doesnt tip so goes from bartender to bartender lol. Mansion has great looking girls and they do a good job too ;D Suite and cameo as well

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Guest eroc0411

getting tips is always a great thing... But seeing familiar faces is sometimes better. It sets the mood 4 the night... I just hated it though when like 1 guy is ur acquaintance and his 3 guy friends lurk by the bar... Blocking all the females.. *If more then 2 guys are standing at bar and no females MOVE!! (plz) trust me the bartender will appreciate it, especially if u bring back some females! Always bought a shot for the dude if that happend...

Karu will be there for a long time.. The owner ceaser Has very deep pockets... Has big plans for that whole area...

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Guest addictedtospace

Women bartenders usually dont make good drinks (there are some exceptions). Except for that girl that used to be at the main room @ space that is now doing VIP. Catherin, carolin something like that... shes been there for ever... She makes some really good drinks!

But like I have said in the past.. Always stick to one bartender at a club.. .ALWAYS.. they appreciate familiar faces and good tippers of course...

Christina's her name.

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Guest pod

The times I've been to La Covacha (outside of those house nights a few years back), I've found the crowd not horrid at all. I've faced way worse at places which shall remain unnamed, and which some have mentioned here.

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Guest bassdropper



Deep ;D

Space ?

Pawn Shop


Grim future



ruins, privilaged and the chilli pepper
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Guest LaundryBar
I think I'll stick to Liquor and patch.

As much as I love "underground" music and have been pushing the sounds I love for many years, I have to agree with this 100%

Id rather be at a party full of beautiful girls dancing to local djs playing great tunes, than a party with an international dj music nerds (me included) love and 90% dudes standing around with their arms folded analyzing the music.

of course if we can get beautiful women dancing at a party with a headlining dj us music nerds love, then thats the perfect combo. It can happen, and it has happened...

The key to a good night out in "club land" imo is the right combo of beautiful women and great music...a hard thing to perfect but Im trying ;D

thanks to everyone who supports me and what I do

Very well said. I think that what you're doing over at LB is important and underappreciated.

Tell me, when you do a night with underground minimal, what is the head count? What is the basic per-head spending average? What is the guy/girl ratio?

What I'm trying to illustrate is the financial viability of doing those events at a maga-club.

By the way....I'm Dade.....pleased to meet you.

Hi Dade...Im Juan, nice to meet you (on the internet lol) too. Sorry I didn't respond to this sooner.

Im going to hit you up with a private message.

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add la covacha and bongos.....


i hope so, it'll keep that crowd the hell away from anywhere I go 8)

ive been to both and if its not reggaton i like the music there i love straight up salsa music..


it may get a bit ghetto at la covacha but the women are off the chain fine

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Guest coach

If you're getting bad service from female bartenders, maybe you should change your cologne. Or maybe you just have bad taste.

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Guest TaraTaint

If you're getting bad service from female bartenders, maybe you should change your cologne. Or maybe you just have bad taste.

In my experience, I've had some good female bartenders, but for the most part I'd rather hit up the guy bartenders. They rarely complain and are usually, IMO, the most friendly.

Oh, and Buck does not have bad taste in the ladies. He has had numerous rendevous with a certain Playboy Playmate.

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Guest coach

If you're getting bad service from female bartenders, maybe you should change your cologne. Or maybe you just have bad taste.

In my experience, I've had some good female bartenders, but for the most part I'd rather hit up the guy bartenders. They rarely complain and are usually, IMO, the most friendly.

Well, of course YOU get better service from the guys.
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Guest TaraTaint

Well...duh....it's cuz I got boobies

That deserves a "pics or STFU!"


Funny, I knew I was gonna get the ol' "pics or STFU"

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