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New iMacs.

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You might piss off the Luddites on the forum if you suggest that.

Once they can create a bioware compatible system-on-a-chip with associated retinal display, I'm there.

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Guest trancepriest

Ok peeps, I already have a 22' lcd monitor that I use on a kvm switch between my dell and pc, so my question is why should I buy this now, only to have to buy the new OS? Shouldn't they give me a free upgrade???


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Ok peeps, I already have a 22' lcd monitor that I use on a kvm switch between my dell and pc, so my question is why should I buy this now, only to have to buy the new OS? Shouldn't they give me a free upgrade???


dude, it's like buying a car now for the same price when the new model comes out in a month, thus why car dealers mark their shit down, Apple should do the same!

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Guest RzO

Sasha will have it soon im sure ;D

I have never had a mac, but i must admit, i really want one. and next year, especially now that this new one is out, come tax return, im getting one!

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Guest ramon

Any options for bluetooth keyboard and mouse? My work Dell has em. ;D

yes they have Bluetooth 2.0 keyboard and mouse available as well.

this is the perfect office pc imo.

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Guest Buck White

Q. What's the difference between an eMac and a cow pat?

A. About 3 kilos and a Gameboy screen!

Q. What's the difference between a snail and a G4/5?

A. The snail runs faster!

Q. Seriously, why do people buy Macs?

A. The boxes PCs come are more secure and therefore slightly harder to open!

Q. Why do Mac users continue to use Macs?

A. They still don't want to open another box!

Q. What did the ex-Mac user say when he saw several hundred Macs half buried in cement?

A. Gee, I hope the guy's off getting more cement!

Q. How do you make a Mac go faster?

A. Drop it out of a top-story window!

Q. Why aren't more Mac users computer literate?

A. They would be, if they owned a computer!

Q. How do you make a Mac run faster?

A. Wind it up again!

Q. What do you do with a obsolete PowerMac?

A. Whatever you do, just don't take it off the store shelf and buy it!

A Mac user found a magic lamp with a Genie in it. The Genie said he wasn't as powerful as other Genies and could only grant one wish. So the Mac User brought out a map of the Middle-East and asked the Genie if he could bring peace to the people there. The Genie said "Ah, you see, its hard to do that. Those people have been fighting for years. It's a religion thing, and about territory. Why as soon as they are teenagers, they go to war. Pick something else." So the Mac User said, "Ok, make MacOS X Leapard an advanced, worthwhile multitasking system, that is crash-proof and stable, has support for multiple processors, and still has 100% compatibility with all the current MacOS apps." So the Genie shook his head and said, "Ah let me take a look at those maps again....."

Q: If you threw a Windows User and a Mac User off a cliff, who would get there first?

A: The Windows User, because the Mac User would have to stop and ask for directions!

Q: What is the difference between a Mac and an elephant?

A: An elephant never forgets.

Q: A high performance Mac and and a high performance Windows are in a store display window. A customer walks into the store. Which one does he choose?

A: The high performance Windows. There is no such thing as a high performance Mac.

Some Doctors went to look for brains to do experiments on, so they went to a body shop. The owner of the body shop showed them some brains, he said "This is a P.H.D. Brain and costs $10,000 and over here we have a M.B.A Brain for $15,000 and over here we have a Mac User's Brain for $50,000..." One of the Doctors stopped him and asked, "Why is the Mac User's Brain so expensive?" The owner smiled and said, "That's because they didn't use them very much!"

There was a certain bartender who was quite famous for being able to accurately guess people's IQs. One night a man walked in and talked to him briefly and the bartender said, "Wow! You must have an IQ of about 140! You should meet this guy over here." So they talked for a while about nuclear physics and existential philosophy and had a great time. A second man walked in and soon the bartender has guessed about a 90 IQ for him. So he sat him down in front of the big-screen TV and he watched football with the other guys and had a great time. Then a third man stumbled in and talked to the bartender for a while. The bartender said to himself, "Jeez! I think this guy's IQ must be about 29!" He took him over to a man sitting at a little table back in the corner and said, "You might enjoy talking with this guy for a while." After the bartender left, the man at the table said, "So do you use a Powerbook or a or a eMac?"

A noted computer expert and comedian was recently flying to Berlin. He decided to strike up a conversation with his seat mate.

"I've got a great Mac User joke. Would you like to hear it?" the man replied "I'll have you know that I'm a Mac User".

"That's OK. I'll tell it real slow!"

Q. What happens if you throw a Windows User and a Mac User off a skyscraper?

A. The Windows user is able to restore himself to the last saved point - on the roof - but the Mac User is busy calling Mac Support and punching a 36 digit code into his cellphone and crashes!

One day Timmy came home from school very excited. "Mummy, Mummy, Guess what? Today in English I got all the way to the end of the alphabet, and everyone else got messed up around 'P'!"

His mother said, "Very good, dear. That's because you're a Mac User."

The next day, Timmy was even more excited. "Mummy, Mummy, guess what! Today in math I counted all the way to ten, but everyone else got messed up around seven!"

"Very good, dear," his mother replied. "That's because you're a Mac User."

On the third day, Timmy was beside himself. "Mummy, Mummy, today we measured ourselves and I'm the tallest one in my class! Is that because I'm a Mac User?"

"No dear," she said. "That's because you're 26 years old."

Q. Why are Mac users so stupid?

A. When God was giving out brains they thought they were milkshakes and each asked for a thick one.

Q. How many Mac users does it take to change a lightbulb?

A. Just one. When the Mac user electrocutes himself, a fireman will do it for him.

Q. What does Father Christmas give to naughty children?

A. A Mac (we all saw that one coming)

Q. What do Mac when they get to work in the morning?

A. They drive back home again to look for their Powerbook.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Ok peeps, I already have a 22' lcd monitor that I use on a kvm switch between my dell and pc, so my question is why should I buy this now, only to have to buy the new OS? Shouldn't they give me a free upgrade???

If you buy this imac at the right time you might get an amnesty upgrade ot the new OS....
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Guest macboy

Ok peeps, I already have a 22' lcd monitor that I use on a kvm switch between my dell and pc, so my question is why should I buy this now, only to have to buy the new OS? Shouldn't they give me a free upgrade???

If you buy this imac at the right time you might get an amnesty upgrade ot the new OS....

Actually they don't do that anymore except in one circumstance: where you buy a Mac after the OS is released, but it's not preinstalled on your system.

In any event, we've been hearing Nick talk about getting a Mac for 3 years, but that he's waiting for this and waiting for that. Nick, this technology gets obsolete very fast. Of course there's going to be something better coming up. There always is, except in the case of Microsoft. After Leopard comes out, are you going to say "hey, they just talked about Cougar coming out in 2009, I'll wait till that drops!" Every day you put this off you are denying yourself the enjoyment of a hassle-free computer. Suck it up and pay the extra $129 when Leopard arrives.

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naw fudge that, it makes sense to wait, I'd say there is a very good chance by oct in the holiday season I can get the new OS and a better computer cheaper by then. Then I will buy it. Plus right now, I'm buying a 61inch HD TV.. I can afford both, but I rather get one then the other, my 7 year old dell is holding up well, causes me zero issues, except FireFox and itunes don't play well together depending on the day of the week.

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Guest Buck White

Q. What's the difference between an eMac and a cow pat?BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah.......

You can totally tell that these were PC jokes "reformatted" by a disgruntled PC user.

Oh, I love my Mac. I was just helping out all the PC lovers. I wasnt convinced it was some great purveyor of comedy writing this material either. My girlfriend has one of those PC things...she doesnt even like using it.

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Guest pod

I still feel that each system has it's place. For better or for worse, the Windows platform is ensconced in the business and the embedded world. Even cash registers and ATMs run XP embedded these days.

For home use, and media production use, go Mac.

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