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BSO police shoots lady in head then laughs on video about it!

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Guest tekniQz

Actually, i found this video hilarious.

I work with the police and sheriffs dapartment when im working and the shit that they put up with day to day is rediculious.Almost everyone they deal with hates them,tries to kill them or runs.People just act like pricks to them alot more than you'd think.They are people just like you and me,if poeple treated you like they get treated most of the time then you'd a diffrent feeling about people fucking with you at work.They are pricks sometimes but they risk they're lives everyday for us.I get to see this first hand whenever i go to call that is sketchy.They have helped me and my partners out on many occasions.Besides it looked sketchy the way she kept putting her hand under her skirt as if she had a gun.

This was probably not a popular opinion but its just what i think take it or leave it.

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Guest pod

I just got out of court right now for a bunch of traffic violations I've piled up over the years. In regards to the court people and the cops, I was polite and honest, and guess what, case dismissed. Got my license back, too.

The people ahead of me bitching up a storm and being dorks, got run roughshod.

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Guest coach
They are people just like you and me,if poeple treated you like they get treated most of the time then you'd a diffrent feeling about people fucking with you at work.

Oh please. People working at fast food get treated worse than the cops.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Do people treat cops like shit because the cops are assholes? Or, are cops assholes because people treat them like shit?

I've been profiled by those fucktards and mistreated so many times, and I've never been anything but meek and respectful to them. I've never been pistol-whipped or anything, but I've been cussed out, had my car searched, and been generally inconvenienced for no good reason. So no, I have to say that I don't feel any sympathy towards their so-called plight.

You don't wanna get in a gunfight? Don't be a cop.

I do have to say that I find the cops in Miami, and particularly Miami Beach, but be MUCH more pleasant and laid back than in Dallas. I've yet to have any trouble with them here.

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Guest JMT
Oh please. People working at fast food get treated worse than the cops.

yeah, that guy working the fryer at McDonald's really puts up with a lot of shit. one minute he's fighting off the Hamburgler, then Grimace takes a shot at him, and then Ronald is telling him how much his fries suck.

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Oh please. People working at fast food get treated worse than the cops.

yeah, that guy working the fryer at McDonald's really puts up with a lot of shit. one minute he's fighting off the Hamburgler, then Grimace takes a shot at him, and then Ronald is telling him how much his fries suck.


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Oh please. People working at fast food get treated worse than the cops.

yeah, that guy working the fryer at McDonald's really puts up with a lot of shit. one minute he's fighting off the Hamburgler, then Grimace takes a shot at him, and then Ronald is telling him how much his fries suck.


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Guest tekniQz
Oh please. People working at fast food get treated worse than the cops.

yeah, that guy working the fryer at McDonald's really puts up with a lot of shit. one minute he's fighting off the Hamburgler, then Grimace takes a shot at him, and then Ronald is telling him how much his fries suck.

You cant compare a police officers job to a burger flipper.It just doesn't work.I mean people try to kill and lie to police all the time.No matter what type of personality they have.I have friends who are police and mostly work with the sherriffs dartment and they are pretty cool.They just deal with things that make them act the way they do.

Thats just my take on things.I mean there are good and bad in every field.Some poeple are good and some are bad.I see things somewhere in the middle on alot of things.

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