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Space steals Biz's party ideas....

V. Barbarino

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It really is a rip off...but who cares, what can you do. .......does this mean i can wear shorts to space???? ??? ??? ??? Th enumber one rule on the board as you enter space is No Shorts!! Its so damn hot out there...

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Guest pod

I came this close [] to calling the CJ Party 'something something sessions' but decided against it when I saw the word 'sessions' everywhere.

I think with a party like Space's, which has many, many superb elements to it, a name isn't that necessary. Just go with "DJ so and so, blah blah blah, afterhours, patio, let's get drunk and rowdy"

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Guest dahzel

clubbing is a buisness just like publix and winn dixie. if one has a special the other will offer the same special or something similar... it's called competition... Buisness 101

of course some originality would be nice but come on, thats asking way too much. i mean come on, it's miami, a beach party should sell its self ;)

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Guest web_norah

Claudia La Bianca and Emi's afterhours flyers were the best way back when.

Biz has some good party and flyer ideas, no doubt.

Copying is so 1999. I hardly think a cute flyer has an impact these days.

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Guest JustDade

To tell you the truth I cant tell one from the other...thats ridiculous. Talk about monkey see' date=' monkey do. Space see, Nocturnal Do...



There is clearly NO resemblance between the two. First of all, the Space flyer does not have flip-flops. Second, the Noc flyer uses the beachball as an "o" and the Space flyer uses it as a background. One has a big "S" and the other has a big "N". You people are reaching if you see a similarity.

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Guest coach

Dade, your eyes must not be all healed. You missed that one has a blue background and one has a yellowish. And don't forget the difference in border colors. Clearly 2 completely different events at totally different venues. Are these even in the same state?

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Guest JustDade

I'll admit that there's a vague similarity in the names. But anyone can see that, other than that, they're completely different.

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I'll admit that there's a vague similarity in the names. But anyone can see that, other than that, they're completely different.

Dude, you don't work for LP anyone, you don't need to toe the Space line just to piss Biz off. Your disdain for him is shining thru on this thread, you should be ashamed of yourself.. Shouldn't you be in the garbage pile with some Asian kids?

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Guest addictedtospace

I'll admit that there's a vague similarity in the names. But anyone can see that, other than that, they're completely different.

Dude, you don't work for LP anyone, you don't need to toe the Space line just to piss Biz off. Your disdain for him is shining thru on this thread, you should be ashamed of yourself.. Shouldn't you be in the garbage pile with some Asian kids?

Haven't seen Biz post in this thread. I guess it isn't bothering him too much.

He must be letting his party not his flyer speak for him.

This thread sounds like "Teacher Johnny took my pencil..." :'(

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Guest endymion

There is clearly NO resemblance between the two. First of all, the Space flyer does not have flip-flops. Second, the Noc flyer uses the beachball as an "o" and the Space flyer uses it as a background. One has a big "S" and the other has a big "N". You people are reaching if you see a similarity.

You only get to say that somebody "stole" your idea if your idea was protected intellectual property that you actually owned. From where I'm sitting (at my desk in a trademark law firm) I don't see anything that could be protected in either one. Google found 1.2 million responses to a search for "summer sessions". Associating beach balls with a summer event isn't something that you could protect.

Come up with an original trademark for a summer event, file the trademark, THEN when somebody "steals" the idea you can complain about it. If your brand is unoriginal and you can't trademark it, then it isn't possible for anybody to "steal" it.

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Guest coach

There is clearly NO resemblance between the two. First of all, the Space flyer does not have flip-flops. Second, the Noc flyer uses the beachball as an "o" and the Space flyer uses it as a background. One has a big "S" and the other has a big "N". You people are reaching if you see a similarity.

You only get to say that somebody "stole" your idea if your idea was protected intellectual property that you actually owned. From where I'm sitting (at my desk in a trademark law firm) I don't see anything that could be protected in either one. Google found 1.2 million responses to a search for "summer sessions". Associating beach balls with a summer event isn't something that you could protect.

Come up with an original trademark for a summer event, file the trademark, THEN when somebody "steals" the idea you can complain about it. If your brand is unoriginal and you can't trademark it, then it isn't possible for anybody to "steal" it.

Um... you might be missing something...
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There is clearly NO resemblance between the two. First of all, the Space flyer does not have flip-flops. Second, the Noc flyer uses the beachball as an "o" and the Space flyer uses it as a background. One has a big "S" and the other has a big "N". You people are reaching if you see a similarity.

You only get to say that somebody "stole" your idea if your idea was protected intellectual property that you actually owned. From where I'm sitting (at my desk in a trademark law firm) I don't see anything that could be protected in either one. Google found 1.2 million responses to a search for "summer sessions". Associating beach balls with a summer event isn't something that you could protect.

Come up with an original trademark for a summer event, file the trademark, THEN when somebody "steals" the idea you can complain about it. If your brand is unoriginal and you can't trademark it, then it isn't possible for anybody to "steal" it.

lol tech, you are an idiot..

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Guest pod

In the eyes of the law, nothing was stolen since neither party has applied for a trademark to the term "Summer Sessions".

If it was that important of a name, Biz or Space would have gone and trademarked it.

It's not that hard to do.

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Guest endymion

You people are reaching if you see a similarity.

If your brand is unoriginal and you can't trademark it, then it isn't possible for anybody to "steal" it.

lol tech, you are an idiot..

You guys think that "Summer" is an original theme for a summer event that nobody else would have ever come up with on their own? Or do you think that the beach ball was the stroke of genius that Space "stole"?

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Guest Buck White

You people are reaching if you see a similarity.

If your brand is unoriginal and you can't trademark it, then it isn't possible for anybody to "steal" it.

lol tech, you are an idiot..

You guys think that "Summer" is an original theme for a summer event that nobody else would have ever come up with on their own? Or do you think that the beach ball was the stroke of genius that Space "stole"?


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Guest yume

I think I went to a "Summer Sessions" party in Rapid City South Dakota back in 1999. Obviously all of the clubs in Miami are stealing ideas from South Dakota dive bars.


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