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Guest Kenny410

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Guest slamminshaun
My vote is to delete the thread.

That was my initial reaction, too, but honestly - who looks bad here? The Space security staff? Or the one-post wonder who characterizes them all as "black idiots" and "broke fucking losers who cant find a fucking job anywhere else"?

And then there's this line:

"They see us with 2 fucking hot chicks going to VIP, and he fucking hates that he cant do that shit."


Welcome to the CoolJunkie forums, Kenny410.

I was thinking in terms of why let him use this forum to commit libel. Let him go somewhere else with the "suck kok" talk.

I've always wondered about the difference between free speach protected venting and libel. This seems like protected speach, from what I understand. I mean, I thought we weren't PC around here.

When it comes to national figures, celebrities, politicians and the sort, I have no problem with someone saying off the wall stuff. Examples would be "Bush sucks a cock" or "Paris Hilton sucks cock"....While the ladder is literally true (we have video evidence), the former is only symbolic political speech. They're fair game by virtue of having attained a public status, thus, any "sucks cock" talk would be protected speech.

The bouncers at Space, on the other hand, are not public figures. I would've even been ok with calling them "cocksuckers" as this is a generally accepted synonym for "jerk" or "asshole"...but this moron didn't put it that way.

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Never in my fuckin life, have i seen such racist fucking assholes as bouncers in clubspace. These bunch of black idiots, gain some temporary power every night, and fucking abuse it like if they are the shit. That is why they are bouncing instead of clubbing, cuz they are broke fucking losers who cant find a fucking job anywhere else.

Anyone who has complaints about bouncers, post your story on here.

As i am waiting in line, handing in my license, the bouncer goes off on some poor girl, who they didnt want to let in because they didnt like her license. She goes across the street to talk to an officer because her license is legit. The cop checks it, scans it, and approves it, she comes back in line and this fucking piece of dog shit tells her this :

"I dont give a fuck what that pig says. You do what i say and i say to get the fuck out of here you fucking whore. Get the fuck out of my line stupid slut. Fucking bitch ass whore"

She replies with "You dont have to disrespect me like that" and he continues on with the name calling... FOR NO FUCKING REASON! This same fucking cocksucker, later on kick my friend out, after finding 2 girls, and going to their friends birthday party upstairs in which we got invited to. This piece of shit sees my friend and just grabs him, shoves him to the back door and kicks him out of the club. Guess what for?

FOR NOT HAVING HIS SHIRT TUCKED IN!! mind you, im with a fucking T-SHIRT, he has a nicer shirt than me on, and mines not even tucked him, and he just gets kicked out. FUCKING POWER ABUSING PIECES OF SHIT. They are just fuckin haters. They see us with 2 fucking hot chicks going to VIP, and he fucking hates that he cant do that shit.



"Now you wonder why you see bouncers getting shot in the news? Because they most likely disrespected someones gf or sister, and they deserve what they got."

that statement is fucked up.......

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Guest pod

Frankly, I would expect this sort of bullshit to be posted on another board, but not here. I would delete this, but I want to leave it, so Kenny can answer for himself, and fuck himself over.

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Guest RzO

not to mention, it is quite funny to read. Grammar and all.

Ill be sure to watch out for all those kok-suckers from now on :D

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Guest Untouchable Chino

..POD honestly, personally...i would ERASE/DELETE this thread..who ever that person is, happened to get home and make-up a screen name and for all we know he is mad cause he wasnt allowed in and so he decided to exagerate..in the years ive been working, i have never ever heard anyone being treated like that and although Space bouncers/staff have a reputation for being one of the toughest if not the toughest, you know that to every action there is a reaction..

funny part is, that its a catch 22, just like sometimes we hate cops cause they give us tickets, but they are the first one to help us out in a time of need and then they are our heroes..i bet if that guy was getting jumped by 5 guys and the bouncers helped him out..he wouldnt be insulting them and disrespecting them.. at the end of the night..their jobs is as black and white as it gets..there is no gray or different tones..its about doing what they are told and some of them are good at what they do.. i have had my differences with some bouncers before..but i will never insult of any of them or take away credit for what they do.. they put their lives on the line to keep the club patrons save..bottom line..


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Guest pod

Chino, I agree with you 100%. However, like I said, I want everyone to see how much of a jackass he is.

I'll archive this before I go to sleep if he doesn't respond.

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Guest RzO

funny part is, that its a catch 22, just like sometimes we hate cops cause they give us tickets, but they are the first one to help us out in a time of need and then they are our heroes..i bet if that guy was getting jumped by 5 guys and the bouncers helped him out..he wouldnt be insulting them and disrespecting them.. at the end of the night..their jobs is as black and white as it gets..there is no gray or different tones..its about doing what they are told and some of them are good at what they do.. i have had my differences with some bouncers before..but i will never insult of any of them or take away credit for what they do.. they put their lives on the line to keep the club patrons save..bottom line..

Chino, that is a really good way to put it. Everyone on here knows this is bit of bullshit, whoever this person is. I wonder why after making this post he has not come back to any of our responses.

Ive met many of the guys at space, hell I chat with most of them when I am there and their job is the toughest in town. Looks like someone mouthed off and got dealt with.

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Guest skywalker01

Some of our fellow citizens died in Iraq yesterday, serving our nation in the defense of freedom, the pursuit of happiness, and respect. And you decide to make an issue over your friends getting "drama" at a nightclub? Grow up, sir. Grow the fuck up.

i disagree. i don't agree with the way he posted, but he certainly has a right to bitch. you could bring up the "soldiers" argument anytime someone bitches about anything here or in daily life to try and put things in perspective, but the reality is that people will go about their daily routines and vent about shit that pisses them off.

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Guest pod

That doesn't mean it's right. Not just him, but a lot of people have to put their own petty egos in check and realize that "drama" in a nightclub is insignificant. I've seen too much real bullshit go down in this world to give someone a pass because their poor little ego was bruised because they got regulated at a nightclub. I bring up the argument of my brothers and sisters dying in a pointless war to put things in perspective.

This guy has to grow up and get real. I remember when people settled this like men, rather than being a whiny little bitch.

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Guest addictedtospace

Chino, I agree with you 100%. However, like I said, I want everyone to see how much of a jackass he is.

I'll archive this before I go to sleep if he doesn't respond.

He hasn't responded because he probably can not remember the password to the fake account he created to hide behind.

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Guest SpaceLauraVIP

Never in my fuckin life, have i seen such racist fucking assholes as bouncers in clubspace. These bunch of black idiots, gain some temporary power every night, and fucking abuse it like if they are the shit. That is why they are bouncing instead of clubbing, cuz they are broke fucking losers who cant find a fucking job anywhere else.

Anyone who has complaints about bouncers, post your story on here. Now you wonder why you see bouncers getting shot in the news? Because they most likely disrespected someones gf or sister, and they deserve what they got.

As i am waiting in line, handing in my license, the bouncer goes off on some poor girl, who they didnt want to let in because they didnt like her license. She goes across the street to talk to an officer because her license is legit. The cop checks it, scans it, and approves it, she comes back in line and this fucking piece of dog shit tells her this :

"I dont give a fuck what that pig says. You do what i say and i say to get the fuck out of here you fucking whore. Get the fuck out of my line stupid slut. Fucking bitch ass whore"

She replies with "You dont have to disrespect me like that" and he continues on with the name calling... FOR NO FUCKING REASON! This same fucking cocksucker, later on kick my friend out, after finding 2 girls, and going to their friends birthday party upstairs in which we got invited to. This piece of shit sees my friend and just grabs him, shoves him to the back door and kicks him out of the club. Guess what for?

FOR NOT HAVING HIS SHIRT TUCKED IN!! mind you, im with a fucking T-SHIRT, he has a nicer shirt than me on, and mines not even tucked him, and he just gets kicked out. FUCKING POWER ABUSING PIECES OF SHIT. They are just fuckin haters. They see us with 2 fucking hot chicks going to VIP, and he fucking hates that he cant do that shit.


Space security are tough but that is what they are paid for....but in my 3 years at Space I have never seen them treat someone this bad. Honestly, I do not believe a single word of this post. This person probably just got pissed off because of something that happened that night and totally blew it out of proportion to "try and get back at us." People are always going to find SOMETHING to bitch about regarding Space. Our staff is always open to hearing out complaints when addressed maturely.

Now that I think of it, I bet this person just created this account and put up this post to get a kick out of how much attention it would get....Pod, are we deleting this bullshit?

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