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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Should we reinvigorate CoolJunkie?

Guest endymion

Do you, a member of our community, want to us to update CoolJunkie's technology and design?  

  1. 1. Do you, a member of our community, want to us to update CoolJunkie's technology and design?

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Guest endymion

I want to make CoolJunkie more about the community. More controlled by the community. Of the People, by the People, for the People...

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Guest endymion


Here's to the Crazy Ones.

The misfits.

The rebels.

The troublemakers.

The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently.

They're not fond of rules.

And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can quote them, disagree with them,

disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing that you can't do, is ignore them.

Because they change things.

They invent. They imagine. They heal.

They explore. They create. They inspire.

They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.

How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?

Or, sit in silence and hear a song that hasn't been written?

Or, gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

We make tools for these kinds of people.

While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.

Because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world,

are the ones who do.

Who wants to work with me to serve the Miami nightlife forum community? Get in touch.

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Guest lyrik

Am I having deja vu...a lot of this sounds eerily familiar. Not for nothing POD but by stating "our" people and "our" party you are alienating a lot of people that wouldn't step foot in Space regardless of the promotion, but they are still apart of the CJ population. I personally don't have anything against the club, it just doesn't cater to my tastes usually. Above that I have gone a few times over the years and yes I realize they are probably the biggest booster of this site so I do see why you mention them and defend their honer on what seems to be a daily occurance...you might as well cut and paste your response by now and sticky it at the top of the board.

I have however learned over the years that numbers don't lie in almost all facets of life. Take into consideration the lop-sided vote for something fresh around here....so far the thread is only 3 pages long with the weekend just starting...by the time early morning drunken posts commence those stats may even out a bit.

Personally I am still an active member to this day even though I am 3 states away. CJ will always have its share of loyal members, but people do grow up and in part move on. I say this because I like the site. My wife even thinks its a little funny that I post as much as I do on a Miami board though I live in Dallas, but I find it a great way to stay in contact with a few good friends and a crowd of people I grew to really like more so than any other place I have lived. I do however see more and more of us hangin it up...maybe its just natural progression I dont know I can't say if I'll even post 5 months from now with a new baby on the way, but without change there is no progress so with that said I say more...POWER TO THE PEOPLE, FIGHT THE POWER, STAY BLACK and by all means HAVE IT YOUR WAY RIGHT AWAY.

...and remember until next time take care yourself and each other. :-*

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Guest Fuerte44

the hip hop and regaetton crowd?? dont get me wrong, i am not stereotyping bit do we really want to have to sift through the endless ghetto themed parties along with the "20 techno parties listed every day?" unless we have a separate events section, i would believe that most of us would prefer to keep that stuff separated from EDM discussions and parties...if u guys want to go that route then go further dillineate sections by edm or hip hop etc....

u say you want to tap into the youth, and you are right by saying that crowd enjoys hip hop more commonly, but as far as edm goes, i would bring in the alternative art crowd that are college aged, intelligent and partygoers to more sophisticated events...those art shows in the design district just beg for a fusion of edm, whether it be downtempo to minimal to ambient with the open minded crowd that frequents the events...by doing so the progression and attraction that edm has could draw them into nightlife that features fresh edm sounds that would yeild a larger cj target audience as well as creating profit for the venues and djs....thus making the edm scene better as a whole

i would like to know who is the youngest here, i am 21, and sometimes i feel that my age becomes an excuse to be judged a bit harsher for my opposing views, whether valid or not, so i would suggest that if trying to tap into a younger crowd, that members would change the mindset a bit in order to make new people feel comfortable to express, analyze, ask and evaluate freely....

i would be interested in helping in any way i could to capture a younger audience...it is good for everybody

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Guest pod

Alright kids, here's the thing. I welcome all walks of life, and all opinions.

But please, I really, really really want civilised discussion. Speak your mind, but in a coherent fashion

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Guest endymion

I wonder what will happen to this web site, now that nobody is maintaining the technology any more. I tried so hard for so long to help but why bother? I'm not interested any more, it's just so boring here.

I stand for change, and I can't do that here. If there is anybody reading this who is also interested in change, then please get in touch. I need something interesting to work on. I need to feel like I'm making things better for people. That's what I do.

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Guest 0crystal0

i would lean more toward the indie rock crowd that hip hop/reggeaton as they mirror us more. alot of EDM DJs/parties are integrating themselves w/ the idie rock DJs/parties as it is. maybe not so much here but else where.

we need to give new people a reason to come to the site and boards. have another spinoff or something. do preliminary voting on the website. Even if they come and sign up and only vote/post once you have collected an email address you can later market to. that marketing will generate the guestlist, tickets, etc that generate money. Out of those people signing up and voting a few will stick around and post more. it will give some influx of new blood.

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Guest pod

In my experience, the indie rock crowd does not spend money. They're the people that sneak flasks into nightclubs because they're not old enough to drink, or are too cheap to drink. Or, if they're 'of age', they're like 22 and still pre-gaming in their cars with a bottle of rotgut vodka followed by a few doses of stuff that the clubs can't sell at the bar.

Hip-hop crowds on the other hand, spend. And they spend some more.

From a personal perspective, I'd rather deal with the indie rock crowd, too, since they're the sort of people that I can pick on and beat up easily, but spurious insults and gratuitous violence towards some kid with floppy hair and thick-rimmed glasses isn't gonna get the bills paid. Unless I kind of make a CoolJunkie UFC league.

In this corner, weighing in at too much, we have Pod, using some poorly executed Krav Maga thing he saw on TV. He thinks he can do that move since he's drunk.

In this corner, weighing in at 2 ounces, is annoying indie rock kid, using the patented girl-slap technique.


But anyway, in my experience, I've found that a lot of the so-called "cutting edge" crowds in the entertainment scene around here, are very, very, very cheap. It might look good to cater to them, but it's not gonna pay the bills.

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Guest 0crystal0

i agree indie kids are fairly cheap, but they are getting a little older and have a bit more to spend. was just trying to find a happy medium that could co-mingle in some happiness.

i am sure i'll get shit for this but ......

the hip hop crowd just seems to bring drama and w/ drama comes all that we have spurned. look at Life, Noc, Club , etc. why do we want to invite those that are ruining our scene to join our community? do you think that our good party manners are going to rub off

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Guest pod

I'll invite the hip-hop community to post whenever they want, but the same rules will apply to them. I don't care what music you're into, I'll ban you all the same if you fuck around.

It reminds me of the time we were labeled as being anti-trance or something because (gasp!) I happened to moderate the forum in an effective manner.

I don't expect our 'good manners' to rub off on them because, let's be honest, we don't have any. We're largely a bunch of self-centered brats here. 8)

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Guest endymion

without change there is no progress so with that said I say more...POWER TO THE PEOPLE, FIGHT THE POWER, STAY BLACK and by all means HAVE IT YOUR WAY RIGHT AWAY.

I can't agree more. And thanks for the post from outside of Miami. I feel the same way. I have a nightlife and I go out, but not to any of the handful of events that are covered here at CoolJunkie. I used to be a raver but there's more to life. But yet for some bizarre reason I keep coming back here.

It's because, at least for a little while, CoolJunkie served as the social fabric that tied a bunch of friends-of-friends together. But that moment in time has passed. That was before MySpace, and before Club Planet became MySpace, and before Facebook and YouTube and Digg and all of the other stuff out there that does a better job of serving as social fabric than this rotting forum with a broken search box. That means that we don't get new blood, and those of us who are still here are just here to keep in touch with old friends.

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Guest endymion

damn that was depressing tech.......

Bling, I'm sorry if I made you realize that you're getting older. I am too.

Don't fear change. Change is good. What's depressing is that change is not happening.

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Guest yume

In this corner, weighing in at too much, we have Pod, using some poorly executed Krav Maga thing he saw on TV. He thinks he can do that move since he's drunk.

In this corner, weighing in at 2 ounces, is annoying indie rock kid, using the patented girl-slap technique.


ha. :)

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Guest JustDade

Back on topic.......

NO! We should just let CJ die. It's clear that CJ has changed since the merger. Nick is gone and now banned from the board. What does it say that the guy who created this is now banned? It says to me that it's over.

Here's an offer........

I'll put a board up on the Shadow Lounge site and Pod can manage it. No ads....no rules.....just chaos. Pod??

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Guest endymion

What does it say that the guy who created this is now banned? It says to me that it's over.

I completely see your point of view on that. That's why I was looking for confirmation from Barbarino that CoolJunkie really banned Nick. I'm still willing to work with Track to help this community, but the price just went waaaaaay up if they really banned my former partner from the site that we built together. What did he say to get banned?

Also, what does it say about CoolJunkie that they are still touting Nick as a moderator when he's actually been banned? Nick has got undeniable credibility in this industry and CoolJunkie appears more credible with "g.a.t." and "Nickjunkie" listed as moderators. It has the appearance of an endorsement to keep listing them as moderators.

That Shadow Lounge forum sounds fun, Dade. I'm not sure if it will help much to balkanize the online nightlife community into message boards hosted by different venues. But if my potential is going to be wasted here then somebody else may as well step up. It isn't hard to install vBulletin or something, let me know if you need any help.

In terms of the bigger picture, I've heard from a lot of other people out there who are interested in taking part in the next phase. Nightlife Web 2.0. The community will be better off in the end if the different players can be diplomatic and work together for the greater good. My phone has been going nuts, so the future looks bright. Seems like CoolJunkie is the only player on the scene who doesn't want to work with me.

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