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So, ya'll thought I was just gonna sit back and let yas keep pestering me about not being the Queen anymore??? We'll of course you were sadly mistaken. (no offense anyone...this is all jokes)

So, I found this new topic to discuss today. No, it's not typically classified as a fetish per say. I like to regard it as a "way of living for the new millenium". I came across it watching "UNDRESSED". Maybe some of you are familiar with the MTV show, maybe not. It's quite cheesy in my opinion but hey, it was 1AM and I couldn't sleep.

The episode was about this couple who considered themselves to be polyamorist. It's fabulous let me tell you. Totally something that belongs in our times. These people don't feel that love should be limited to a single indiviual. They believe you can have multiple deep relationships with more then one person. By doing this, the person themselve begins to evlove and learn more about who they are.

We've all heard the saying "You learn different things from different relationships. You grow through the different people you encounter and devleop a stronger more deeper relationship with." This is the basic thinking behind polyamorist.

Ployamory is nopt for everyone of course. Many people think they belong with only one person. Many others find themselves questioning, "Is it possible for me to love more then one person" Well, according to this society of people, yea it is possible. If you feel a monogamous relationship is one which you can not live within, well, this may be for you....I'm beginning to think it is for me...yikes~

Now, polyamory means "loving more then one individual". It can be either sexual, emotional, spiritually, or a combination of all. People who partkae in this type of living rely heavily on trust and honesty. Everyone involved in the relationship knows of the other individual(s). Bringing a new partner into the situation does not mean that the person feels less loved. The new person is usually accepted quite easily as long as everyone feels comfortable, secure, and all needs are met...both physically and mentally.

Now think about it. How could this be soo bad?? There's trust, honesty, comfort, and security. These are all qualities which we want from a monogamous relationship yet many times dont actually receive. Having multiple partners can actually make that closure came about.

I think its quite interesting. I'm loving the idea yet don't know of my emotions would quite possibly allow me to be involved in such a relationship. Jealousy could rear it's head. Yet true polyamorist, don't have that. And it's all atributed to the facct that they know of each other and have the same desires. It's possible to love more then one individual. It's possible to deveop deep emotional and physical relationships with more then one person too.

Astonishing if you ask me. What are your opinions?? If any and Im sure there are quite a few...

sorry for any spelling mistakes...I just dont feel like going back and proofreading lol



BTW...there is much more that goes into this. I can get into the jealousy topic more if you choose. We can even discuss the benefits of this relationship and guidelines. This is much different then swingers so please don't think of it that way either. It's quite different.


I quit~~~~~yea yea yea --- its all over now

"Try to suceed without me"

[This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 04-10-2001).]

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Intersting, kat, very interesting...(and yes am very familiary with the show because I find myself lying awake at 1am not being able to sleep!!!!)

I don't think this lifestyle would work for me. The first thing that sticks out in my mind would be that I have a jealous streak. Now, mind you I'm not talking some psychotic jealousy or antything, but enough for me to be uncomfortable in that type of relationship. I like to be the center of attention in man's eye...the only one he wants to be with...and I don't like to share!

Now, I have not yet found this man, so anyone capable of any of that, please let me know!!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

Intersting, kat, very interesting...(and yes am very familiary with the show because I find myself lying awake at 1am not being able to sleep!!!!)

I don't think this lifestyle would work for me. The first thing that sticks out in my mind would be that I have a jealous streak. Now, mind you I'm not talking some psychotic jealousy or antything, but enough for me to be uncomfortable in that type of relationship. I like to be the center of attention in man's eye...the only one he wants to be with...and I don't like to share!

Now, I have not yet found this man, so anyone capable of any of that, please let me know!!!!

I agree I can't share my man with anybody

If I am with a man I want him to be just for me not for 1000 of girls ..



Making Love And Having Sex The Biggest Pleasures in This Life. ScaredGirL.

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Okay girls, dont take this the wrong way but I think youre slightly missing the point.

Its not really about "sharing". Its more about evolving with more then one individual in a deep emotional and physical relationship. Expressing yourself with many.

It truely isn't sharing. It's not cheating either as long as everyone is open and honest.

Okay, look at it this way....You have your boyfriend and the two of you got in a heated fight. You need someone else to sort of help you through it and concole you. Well with these relationships, everyone is open from the beginning. There are less fights at hand. Jealousy is possible but it may just be self conscinece because youre not expressing yourself. If you tell your partner the problem, he / she will be able to aleviate it.

Everything is in the open. You constantly know what is happening withint the relationship amongst the others. Sure you are somewhat sharing but each person involved has a love and trust for all other members. So basically, its one relationship...not mulitple.

Help any? I think I just confused myself there...




I quit~~~~~yea yea yea --- its all over now

"Try to suceed without me"

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I understand what you are saying. And the idea is good, that you would have other people to turn to in a non-sexual way, but if thats the case, then I have that now...I have my friends.

But going back to my point, (i think i have one), I would not be comfortable with that kind of relationship. Knowing that there was someone else in my man's life that he could be with whenever he wanted. If I do find Mr. Right, I don't want to share him (and to me, him having other relationships would consitute sharing).



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Oh I totally understand. This type of relationship isn't meant for all people. Hell, I dont know if I could quite do it myself...but no sense in blowing it off in my mind.

If you find the right man, kudos to you...yet I personally feel I will never be truely capable of finding someone who can handle me. Just one person that is. Monogamy is a beautiful thing yet I like keeping my options open personally.





I quit~~~~~yea yea yea --- its all over now

"Try to suceed without me"

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Well, what if having only one true love is a myth... What if you really, truly love 3 girls cause they each are different in their own ways? Do you guys think this is possible? Obviously if you just sleep with everyone than polyamory would be an excuse... But I think it can be possible to be in love with more than one person... (I predict a lot of backlash for some reason)


"We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams...

We are the movers and shakers

Of the world forever, it seems"

Let's close our eyes and walk across the sky...

Music is My Life, It's the Jooooooooooooy I have insiiiiide!!!

Romeo1733@aol.com (don't ask lol)

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Think of it this way...some people have fallen in love more than once (Not at the same time though). Most have fallen out.

I think if it happens (and it could) it would be a 1 in a million chance for the "love" between all party's included to be truly genuine (or last very long between all of them anyway).... cwm13.gif


a-catz1.gif *How many licks does it take?*

AIM: XxXccess ( i know, i know...XxX...yadda yadda yadda)

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no offense even though we seem to agree that undressed is the worst show ever...i'm an only child and i don't like to share, either like cmb. ...this means i would have to give myself to more than one person..hm. bump that i'll stay mono- cwm38.gif



* gonna make, gonna make your body wet..

gonna make, gonna make your body scream my name.. *

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Here's my take on the love thing...

I think at different times in our life, we believe we are IN LOVE with someone. If that relationship ends, you move on and when you eventually look back, you find that although you cared for that person deeply, what you felt was not LOVE. I think you will find this to be true when you do find your TRUE LOVE.

Of course, I am not sure TRUE LOVE even exists. I like the idea of it, but I am not sure I will ever find it. And if I did, how would I know?

Sorry...I am going off on a tangent...



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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geez.. were we all up at the same time??? saw that episode too... and for the record, while undressed is the worst show on tv.. its entertaining as hell and you cant knock it...

ok.. back to the point... i think for one to be polyamorous would be an amzing thing, to feel free in the trust, but i dont know if i could ever do it...

maybe one day...



life's a ride... pack light...


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