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Just for today...

Guest tres-b

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Guest tres-b

lets let the Bush is an idiot topic go. Just for today, lets not worry about whether Nancy Pelosi is a socialist or a capitalist. Just for today lets not talk about the 2008 campaign.

Just for today, just be Americans.


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Guest drlogic

wish we could wake up everyday like that. Besides, I don't think Bush can run for office again anyways.

I'd like to see more news coverage and a lot more video and pics to remind people about 9/11. I think we tend to forget.

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Guest tres-b

I watched this morning from 8 thru the national moment of silence. As many specials, documentaries, etc that I have seen, it was the first time I saw the news footage in sequential order documenting what went down.

It was overwhelming. I felt like it was 2001 all over again. It was awful.

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Guest coach

When is the replacement being completed? It really pisses me off that we have not given the terrorists a big FU by putting up something even bigger in its place already. Let's honor the dead by showing those fuckers they can't cower us!

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Guest tres-b
the national moment of silence.

Which ABC's talking heads observed by babbling on straight through it.

That is unreal...most "journalists" dont understand that some moments, pictures, events, really do speak, or in this case, dont speak, for themselves.

I agree 100% coach. Lets build it bigger, badder and stronger than before.

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Guest obby

lets let the Bush is an idiot topic go. Just for today, lets not worry about whether Nancy Pelosi is a socialist or a capitalist. Just for today lets not talk about the 2008 campaign.

Just for today, just be Americans.


I vote we have that attitude every day!!!!!!

When is the replacement being completed? It really pisses me off that we have not given the terrorists a big FU by putting up something even bigger in its place already. Let's honor the dead by showing those fuckers they can't cower us!

I'm with you on this one Coach!!!!!




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Guest slamminshaun

Just for today? Try telling that to this guy....

click here

Just couldn't let it go for one thread, eh? Even I didn't post anything political in this thread.

Nothing political about my post. Just pointing out that OTHERS use the opportunity to grandstand and make it political.

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