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Promotor. Hiv. Ladies get tested!!

Guest eroc0411

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Guest swank
Probably not that many. If he's loading his profile up he's probably trying to compensate for something.

his pictures only span a couple of days...check out his "outfits". A guy like this is very vain and wouldn't wear the same thing out more than once or maybe twice...so if you count the number of outfits you'll notice that his pics only have a few different time lines.

On the other hand he might have been so full of shit that he only had 3 outfits. HIs subtitles make me sick...but since I'm not an under aged chonga trying to get into the clubs...is probably why I'm not impressed.

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that is one ugly ass mofo!!

who would want to sleep w/ that! you'd have to be a true golddigger to sleep w/ someone like that...so he can get you drinks, alcohol, and be in the vip?

whatever happened to just showing your tits and kissing the bouncer to get in the vip...i feel bad for the chix n all but wouldn't u think twice about sleeping w/ some douchebag.


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Guest coach

Seriously, some of you guys are way misinformed on the HIV/AIDS issue. You might want to do some research before spouting off.

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Guest mr.miami

You really cant say what effect getting hiv will have on your body until you actually get infected. I dont think anyone wants to risk that. I also have spoken with people that said they have friends that have died recently due to AIDS. So the medication isnt a sure thing.

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Guest musicalmissionary

As dispicable of an act as it is to knowingly fuck around when you know you are HIV positive...

I'm willing to bet a disturbingly high number of the people in those pics have an STD and don't know it and fuck around without condoms. Hell, he might have even gotten it from one of those chicks who didn't know it (or did). The bottom line is... that bling-bling promiscuous lifestyle will get you infected one way or another... guaranteed.

It's pretty sad.

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plus i dont think any health care provider will will cover you seeing your HIV positive.. your fucked.. u got to find a way to pay for the meds... (correct me if im wrong)

Actually a lot of health insurance companies will cover people with pre-existing conditions as long as they don't have a lapse in insurance (i.e. if they leave a company and take COBRA to cover them while unemployed or waiting for new insurance). Or some don't ask - they just cover it due to discrimination laws these days.

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Guest pod

So true. If you're gonna play the game, please be careful. In my survival kit I always carry a box of jimmy hats just in case.

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Guest RzO
This is a good time to remind everyone that Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and West Palm Beach rank very high on the number of HIV/AIDS cases in the U.S. (by city).

west palm beach ranks really high cause we have a lovely little place called belle glade out west. highest hiv per capita in the us, but that is like another world away from here, im not sure if they even have clean drinking water there, its gross to drive through every time i go to naples we pass through.

This guy is a mutt, his myspace might be the gayest thing ive ever seen, my computer almost crashed ffs. It shows that ugly peeps can get sex from willing chicks just cause he got them a bottle or some shit. all those pics of them drinking cristal, like this retard can afford that, its so tacky it looks really bad, who is he kidding???(i guess the dumb broads that he feeds his hiv laden wiener to. gross!)

He will definitely get it good in jail, then they can swap all sorts of vd behind bars instead of behind velvet ropes. good job guy...

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Guest tijuanarave

Why are so many people disgusted?

If you got infected by him... that's what you get for being a slut and having unprotected sex with him. On the other hand if you didn't have sex with him then so be it... one less motherfucker to go around in the world.

Why did it take 3 months to make the news?!?!! not that it would have made a difference
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Guest Dj_Peace

For those interested in learning the facts about HIV/AIDS and becoming a volunteer in the fight against this plague by becoming an HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention Counselor, please call your local chapter of the American Red Cross and take one of the instructor classes. A great way to give back to the community (305) 644-1200 or (954) 797-3300* (not sure about Broward number) and get some additional education/information.

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Guest DeepHouseMan

I find the whole thing to be completely disturbing! I know a lot of us aren't stupid, but let this be a reminder to all of us that HIV/AIDS is out there!

I'm not into the chonga looking skanks, however there were a couple of cute ones hanging around in his pics. Then again, it's not only chonga girls we need to look out for, it could be a house chick! Ladies on this board, I know the same thing applies for you with men.

Just to think guys that even the women we are with, whether it be a fling or a girl you may take serious and keep as your girlfriend, you have no idea who the hell she was with in the past. She could of been with some nice guy who picked up HIV from some other chick and did not know it and passed it to the girl your messing around with or is your girl. It's some scary shit and it's one hell of a sick thought. In his pictures, just look at how he was trying to stick his tongue in all of these girls mouths!

You never know who the hell is out there, there medical history isn't pinned to there foreheads.

OH SHIT, It's on channel 7 news right now!!!

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Guest ICON
It's ignorant to say it's a "death sentence" With proper care, one can live a normal life span with the virus.

What year did Magic Johnson get it? It was prior to 1991. Do the math. That's 16 + years and he is undetectable.. Every time the virus beats back a med, they have new meds to prescribe to beat back the virus. It's a battle that is being won by us.

While this kid should rot in jail, don't be ignorant of this disease. Life goes on.

You failed to mention that Magic Johnson is a MULTI Millionaire who can aford to spend money on the best doctors.... spend all day exerciing... spend money on eating the proper diet (eating healthy can actualy be expensive) and spending shitloads on perscriptions.... For the average person.. it's difficult to beat.

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Guest nightclub buddha

Besides the obvious (he's a complete scum bag, what he has done is SO wrong, and he'll get a punishment worse than death, but more on that in a minute)...how scary is it that THIS GUY is what girls in clubs are sleeping with? The smart ones would probably rather bang the bathroom attendant (I'm sure he has more money than this clown). I mean come on...


(1) The bottle of Cristal that he takes pictures with is always empty

(2) He always holds up his comp. promoter bottle for pictures

(3) He actually goes around trying to show and/or tell people how much money he has

(4) His friends wear Versace knock-off gym sweatshirts because they can't afford Versace knock-off button-down shirts

(5) You saw him outside asking the owner of an expensive sports car if he can take his picture in it

A real pro gold-digger girl knows to ask a guy at a VIP table to buy her a bottle of what she wants to drink...but then again, they have all left the beach years ago with the real money crowd because this guy is now what VIP rooms/areas are filled with.

This is what he's looking at (once inside prison):

His front teeth will be knocked-out so he can't "bite" if you know what I mean and he'll be forced to cut his pants into daisy dukes. He'll definitely be a VIP there.

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Guest Buck White

Unless rape was involved...these girls spread their legs willingly. Sorry if it sounds callous but it's just as much the recipients fault as it is his. If people want to play the blame game...perhaps they should try and get the govt. to confess to engineering this dreadful disease.

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Sad to say but spooopid is as stoopid does...

any girl willing to sleep with a guy bcz of V.I.P. will get H.I.V. from someone / anyone (esp if they are not using protection)..

But that does not excuse him from being responsible, esp if he was Born with it..

Club kids these day need to know the following msg.


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Guest obby
Unless rape was involved...these girls spread their legs willingly. Sorry if it sounds callous but it's just as much the recipients fault as it is his. If people want to play the blame game...perhaps they should try and get the govt. to confess to engineering this dreadful disease.


the truth is out there


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Guest coach
You have too much faith in your leaders buddy.

+1. And I've yet to figure out why. Log and Shaun both seem like reasonable, intelligent guys, but they just buy whatever pablum the rich white folks are pushing these days. Must be the Coke.

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