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Greatest video ever... seriously, best EVER!

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Guest slamminshaun

Good for him....

Something similar happened in Ft. Pierce earlier this year and everyone in town was talking about it....alot of people working at my bank said in the lunchroom, "you know, it's free speech....I don't see the big deal". Of course, me being the antagonist, I asked...."what about an Iranian or Chinese flag flying above the city?". They replied, "well, that's different". LOL...Pretty much sums it up right there.....

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Guest coach

Okay, first, NO video is allowed to be called "best ever" unless it has lesbians with strapons. Get that straight right away.

2nd, why the heck did he take the American flag? I thought he was going to take the Mexican flag down and run the American flag back up. That didn't make any sense. I'll also note that wadding the flag up like that is illegal. As is carrying a knife that large through the city.

3rd, where the fuck were the police? Flying any flag higher than the American is illegal. That's a given. So, once again, the news crew made it to the scene before law enforcement.

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Guest Buck White
Okay, first, NO video is allowed to be called "best ever" unless it has lesbians with strapons. Get that straight right away.

2nd, why the heck did he take the American flag? I thought he was going to take the Mexican flag down and run the American flag back up. That didn't make any sense. I'll also note that wadding the flag up like that is illegal. As is carrying a knife that large through the city.

3rd, where the fuck were the police? Flying any flag higher than the American is illegal. That's a given. So, once again, the news crew made it to the scene before law enforcement.

1. Lesbians with strap-ons are just confused whores 2. He took the American flag down because he's a goddamn lummox. 3. The police, well.....I think they knew better than to get involved with this one.

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Guest slamminshaun

LOL, I checked my MySpace bulletins and I found one my brother posted regarding this video! Haha....laying the smackdown!!

Veteran Removes Illegal Mexican Flag, May Be Charged

This fucking makes me sick. Not the fact that a Veteran removed the flag, but because the Mexican flag was flown over and on the same pole as the American flag. You can be prideful of your heritage, I am not disputing that, but once you become a citizen to this nation... you should be proud that you're an American. It is not a crime to fly a Mexican flag. I don't believe the right to have a Mexican flag should be banned or anything, I am not advocating that. This video is a prime example of how people abuse the right to freedom of speech and expression. They exploit all the freedoms bestowed on them by this country and don't even acknowledge the fact that Americans died (i.e. Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen) by the American flag to preserve our way of life and continue our Nation as an Independent sovereignty.

I am fucking disgusted as a Marine who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and is now a Veteran to see this. I sure hope the store owner responsible goes back to Mexico if he thinks it is sooooooo great there. Under normal circumstances I would welcome him here as long as he is a legal citizen, but the outright defiance for the blood spilled to raise that flag at every major battle in our countries' history has definitely pissed me off. He says he didn't know and I think that is pure bullshit. I believe this guy wanted to make a statement for the way the government has been handling the illegal immigration situation.

It isn't just a flag people, it is a symbol for all that is good in our nation and I for one applaud the gentleman for handling the scenario the way he did because I would have done the same. Copy and paste into your browser the link below to see the video footage of a real scumbag who gets called out by a real patriot.

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Guest obby

I'm on Jim Brossert's side on this one. Although this is a land of immagrants it is also first off a land of laws. The Mexicans (not all) cry for respect yet show none. Jim Brossert was acting the true soldier who protected this country. I back him 100% and wish some here had the same guts to do such things.

— Theodore Roosevelt 1907

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.” — Theodore Roosevelt 1907

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Guest obby
Okay, first, NO video is allowed to be called "best ever" unless it has lesbians with strapons. Get that straight right away.

2nd, why the heck did he take the American flag? I thought he was going to take the Mexican flag down and run the American flag back up. That didn't make any sense. I'll also note that wadding the flag up like that is illegal. As is carrying a knife that large through the city.

3rd, where the fuck were the police? Flying any flag higher than the American is illegal. That's a given. So, once again, the news crew made it to the scene before law enforcement.

First off...........great point!!!!!!!

Second........cause he spilled his blood for the American flag and saw it being being desecrated. Try and put yourself in his shoes coach and then ask yourself why he took the American flag rather than taking the Mexican flag. It's a given, he was try to preserve something he fought for not desecrate someone who was desecrating us.

Third......I'm with you on that one.

Where's TP? How come he hasn't defended the Mexicans on this one. Can't wait to see what he spews.

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Guest michael^heaven

When I was working in S. Padre Island, the flag pole at my job holds the U.S. flag, the Mexico flag, & the Texas flag. One day, one of the emplyees placed the Mexico flag above the U.S. flag. I didn't notice it at the time because I rarely went out front of the building during the day. A veteran came in shortly afterward & went the eff off. I asked the guy who raised the flags why he did that? He told me with a straight face that this part of Texas was part of Mexico. HE ACTUALLY BELIEVED THIS BULLSH#T! Needless to say, an argument commenced but, of course, I had the flags placed properly. Knobs!

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LOL, I checked my MySpace bulletins and I found one my brother posted regarding this video! Haha....laying the smackdown!!

Veteran Removes Illegal Mexican Flag, May Be Charged

This fucking makes me sick. Not the fact that a Veteran removed the flag, but because the Mexican flag was flown over and on the same pole as the American flag. You can be prideful of your heritage, I am not disputing that, but once you become a citizen to this nation... you should be proud that you're an American. It is not a crime to fly a Mexican flag. I don't believe the right to have a Mexican flag should be banned or anything, I am not advocating that. This video is a prime example of how people abuse the right to freedom of speech and expression. They exploit all the freedoms bestowed on them by this country and don't even acknowledge the fact that Americans died (i.e. Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen) by the American flag to preserve our way of life and continue our Nation as an Independent sovereignty.

I am fucking disgusted as a Marine who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and is now a Veteran to see this. I sure hope the store owner responsible goes back to Mexico if he thinks it is sooooooo great there. Under normal circumstances I would welcome him here as long as he is a legal citizen, but the outright defiance for the blood spilled to raise that flag at every major battle in our countries' history has definitely pissed me off. He says he didn't know and I think that is pure bullshit. I believe this guy wanted to make a statement for the way the government has been handling the illegal immigration situation.

It isn't just a flag people, it is a symbol for all that is good in our nation and I for one applaud the gentleman for handling the scenario the way he did because I would have done the same. Copy and paste into your browser the link below to see the video footage of a real scumbag who gets called out by a real patriot.

werd :cool:

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Guest Buck White

That was a very eloquent speech but, uh.......this is stolen land. All of it. And no offense Shaun, but if you made the decision to go get your goddamn head blown off for some fat cats...that's your choice. If you, in fact, get nauseated by seeing a Mexican flag being flown in Nevada, or wherever the fuck this whole ordeal took place....take into account how most Natives feel when they have to look at yours.

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Guest obby


You save a person from being rapped or killed and you are considered a hero. You save your flag from being desecrated and you are considered a thief.

Fuckin pathetic!!!!!

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Guest Buck White

You save a person from being rapped or killed and you are considered a hero. You save your flag from being desecrated and you are considered a thief.

Fuckin pathetic!!!!!

Speak to an elder (native) about rape, murder, theft and desecration. Betsy Ross must've really been getting high when she sewed that crap image together.

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Guest Buck White

People get so uptight about that ugly ass flag. Sorry, but all I see is death when I look at that fucking thing.

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Guest JMT
People get so uptight about that ugly ass flag. Sorry, but all I see is death when I look at that fucking thing.


are you posting from canada?


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Guest swank

are you posting from canada?


WTF does Canada have to do with this ?

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Guest Buck White
WTF does Canada have to do with this ?

That's what I'd like to know. This dude is like Patrick Swayze's character Jed from the movie Red Dawn.

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Guest Buck White
nothing at all. have a happy thanksgiving on monday!

Dude, I'm convinced someone could stick the American flag up your mothers ass...and your biggest gripe would be that that was a completely unpatriotic act.

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