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OK so the other night I was switching my normal belly ring to this brand spankin new one and as i kind of *tugged* the skin out, I felt this weird sensation.............

IN MY PANTS!!! cwm32.gif

so i tugged again, and again a sharp little tickle in my pants! cwm32.gif so, maybe im the last to know, but i have come to the conclusion that my belly has something to do with my, well, you know!

Anyone else experience this or have some info?????????? cwm13.gif


a-catz1.gif *How many licks does it take?*

AIM: XxXccess ( i know, i know...XxX...yadda yadda yadda)

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OMG!!! I'm telling you, the belly ring is great!!!

I'm so turned on when someone plays with it. Alot of ppl don't realize that NEED to pay attention to a chick's navel ring.

You just have to make sure that it has healed b/c someone else's bodily fluids (not that I know from experience) and too much friction to the area can cause infections. But once it's healed, IT'S WONDERFUL!!! cwm12.gif


You're only young once

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex:

I've always had a fasination with my stomach...I love it ...dont know why but I think absa are one of the sexiest parts of the body. I really want my belly button peirced...but I am such a woose...I freak with any kind of needles. Did it hurt that bad?

I didn't hurt when it's done really. Just a lil pinch... but it took a full year for it to finally heal. But once it does it's fun! You just have to know how to ignore the pain and go on with life and clean it every day!

I suggest getting your tounge peirced. don't hurt at all and heals fast!



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Rach....you have to have it in ya!

Try feeling around a bit..... cwm27.gif

There has to be a specific lil spot that makes you feel the tingle! cwm32.gif


a-catz1.gif *How many licks does it take?*

AIM: XxXccess ( i know, i know...XxX...yadda yadda yadda)

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Originally posted by tastyt:

I luuuuv getting my belly ring tugged or sucked on. When i'm rolling hard it's almost (but not quite) as good as oral!

awwwwww shit ! My guy loves doing that to me!

Damn this is gonna be a gooddddd weekend!




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Originally posted by djmoonshine:

oh man d, we are so going to pierce my belly now!!! cwm27.gif

whenever wherever whatever babe!



a-catz1.gif *How many licks does it take?*

AIM: XxXccess ( i know, i know...XxX...yadda yadda yadda)

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I was changing my jewelry last night and ya know what? I didn't feel jack! Nothing stimulated anything. All I got were the willies, I still get wierded out when i pull out the ring or put on in and the skin pulls...BLEGH!!! cwm31.gif

Oh well, guess I'll have to find somebody to suck on it instead...


You're only young once

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