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Space gives Karu and Y a legal beat down!

V. Barbarino

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Guest JustDade
To me it looks like the equivilant of a dog peeing on something.

This is exactly what Dade was talking about in that other thread. Karu stepping into a realm that isn't really there thing but which happens to be exactly Space's thing.

Why you bringing me into this?

I'm not really sure what the law on this is. I know that on Miami Beach you must close and empty the venue of people by 5 am. I know that in the City of Miami you can't sell alcohol on Sunday before Noon. I know there's no special permits issued except on "special" weekends like NYE or Conference. What does it all mean.....I have no idea. What I do know is that they should expect that LP is going to follow this up with calls to whomever is supposed to enforce this shit so it better be legit.

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Guest coach

Anything is possible in Miami with enough grease. And from what I've heard, the guys who own Karu can afford all the grease they need.

That being said, I don't know really know if it is worth what it will cost to stay open a few extra hours. I mean, Karu has never promoted itself as an after-hours place. Most of its regulars are probably not going to be expecting it to be open that late, and therefore won't be prepared to stay that long. Is the Morillo crowd really that much of an after-hours crowd?

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Guest myles hie

I'm not bringing you into anything. I was referencing the point you were trying to make in the other thread about Karu not being a DJ driven venue, but are now dipping thier toe in those waters (Space's bread and butter) because thier plan A wasn't completly working. So, instead of a hot dog cart and a hamburger cart, the hot dog guy is now trying his hand in the hamburger market and now the hamburger guy is pissed*. I'm not putting you on either side's team. Space is countering thier attempt by filing a cease and desist.

*Both Hot dogs and Hamburgers are equally yummy and both serve a purpose. The comparison is not ment to be a dig at either party

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Guest coach
Space is countering thier attempt by filing a cease and desist.

Yes, rather than just putting on better and better marketed events than Karu.

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Guest spacecadet

Seems a lil stupid for space to get another enemy with the problems they been having with the noise on the patio im sure Karu & Y will try to screw space now with that either this weekend or in the furture. And whats the big deal if they stay open one day for after for the most part im sure all those ravers are going to go to space anyways.

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Guest myles hie
Yes, rather than just putting on better and better marketed events than Karu.

People sometimes overreact when thier livelihood feels threatened. Makes for great messageboard fodder though!

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Guest JustDade
Yes, rather than just putting on better and better marketed events than Karu.

That's one way to look at it but....... I had this conversation with LP a long time ago. He felt, (and probably still feels), like he and the others in the Park West district have paid for those licenses with money, years of hard work, and the risk of millions of dollars. He felt that the ability to go 24 hours was his main operating advantage and as such should be vigorously defended. If I were him I would probably feel the same.

The fact that this show is being advertised as 10 pm - 11 am means that the promoters felt it was important to offer extended hours. We'll just have to wait and see how it shakes out.

By the way - I have heard today that this is not only an issue for the Morillo event. My understanding is that LP had the same letters sent about the White Party events that are scheduled at K&Y, which are also advertising afterhours.

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Guest coach
He felt, (and probably still feels), like he and the others in the Park West district have paid for those licenses with money, years of hard work, and the risk of millions of dollars. He felt that the ability to go 24 hours was his main operating advantage and as such should be vigorously defended. If I were him I would probably feel the same.

Why didn't he just call up code compliance, then?

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Guest JustDade
Why didn't he just call up code compliance, then?

Do you really think he hasn't called them? We are talking about LP after all.

I'm also a little surprised this thread is still up

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Guest klubveteran


hasnt cooljunkie taught you that greed is good?

you have to be agressive towards your competition and protect your turf. why do you think Space has been around for nearly 8 years at a remarkably constant peak? you have to be 3 moves ahead of others.

other clubs have come and gone in the area. maybe they now would second guess sitting around not anticipating the comeptetion

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hasnt cooljunkie taught you that greed is good?

you have to be agressive towards your competition and protect your turf. why do you think Space has been around for nearly 8 years at a remarkably constant peak? you have to be 3 moves ahead of others.

other clubs have come and gone in the area. maybe they now would second guess sitting around not anticipating the comeptetion

+1 .... i always say its not personal just business as long as you go against your competition in a legal way am all for it if you know you can pull djs away or promoters, etc then do it its business and nice guys finish last

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Guest JustDade

hasnt cooljunkie taught you that greed is good?

you have to be agressive towards your competition and protect your turf. why do you think Space has been around for nearly 8 years at a remarkably constant peak? you have to be 3 moves ahead of others.

other clubs have come and gone in the area. maybe they now would second guess sitting around not anticipating the comeptetion

Nelson makes a good point. At least he did it in the light of day. Advance warning is usually not his style. Usually he'll wait for the night of the event to unleash on you.

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Guest pod

That's what a lot of people on here fail to grasp, still, after I've ranted about it until I'm blue in the face. "It's just business".

Whatever is going on between Karu and LP is just that, business. You get the one or two people who take it like their mother was insulted, then you get the automatons seeking validation somehow with their +1s and +2s and +infinities.

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That's what a lot of people on here fail to grasp, still, after I've ranted about it until I'm blue in the face. "It's just business".

Whatever is going on between Karu and LP is just that, business. You get the one or two people who take it like their mother was insulted, then you get the automatons seeking validation somehow with their +1s and +2s and +infinities.



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Guest RzO

i saw a black helicopter by my office today...heh

I read the letter, and if rights that one has acquired through hard work and tenure are infringed on then the former has every right to pursue a legal defense. Not to mention I love me some intelligent tactics, and like aforementioned, business is always shrewd if it weren't we would be communists.

Lets see where this one goes, if anything it makes for great discussion here.

We all know the party will be where the sun is shining come daybreak, it always is.

so.....just a lil more love!!! can't wait for this one. :cool:

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Guest JustDade
am no law expert but dosen't karu have a resturant license there for can serve liquor 24 hours ?

Serving food does not have anything to do with selling alcohol past 5 am. If all you had to do was sell food to stay open every club would have food.

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Guest coach

It will be interesting to see what actually happens. Basically, what I'm getting from this thread is that if Karu stays open past 5am, it will mean the demise of Space.

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Guest JustDade
It will be interesting to see what actually happens. Basically, what I'm getting from this thread is that if Karu stays open past 5am, it will mean the demise of Space.

Coach, I don't think that we're looking at the demise of anything but Space and LP make a good point. If they turn a blind eye to illegal afterhours parties it won't be long before Pawnshop, Grass and everyone else is doing it. Remember....every cover that goes through the K&Y door after 5 am comes straight out of LP's pocket. And one thing I know for sure is that he hates people in his pocket.

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Guest DeepHouseMan

Not that I do go to or give a shit about afterhours, but I hope Karu, Pawn Shop, Circa, Grass, the furniture stores in the Design District, Carnaval Center, the crack bar up the block, that Latin American Cafe, the Jehovah's fucking witness's, the BP gas station, Pollo Tropical, Bayside, everything in the area has an afterhours!

LP is a greedy bitch... His pocket my ass! He's been doing this pretty much on his own for to long and it's time others get a crack at it! Who the hell is he, the creator of afterhours???

Now where the hell are my blood preasure pills!?!?!? This thread is becoming sickening to look at!

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Guest JustDade
LP is a greedy bitch... His pocket my ass! He's been doing this pretty much on his own for to long and it's time others get a crack at it! Who the hell is he, the creator of afterhours???

He is a greedy bitch but that doesn't make him wrong. Everyone else does have a crack at afterhours. All they have to do is open a place within the established district for afterhours places. Nocturnal has it. Life has it. Studio A has it. Goldrush has it. Players, Fuel, Livingroom Downtown, Metropolis, Envy all had it. There have been plenty of cracks at it. He didn't create it but he's certainly been most successful at it. The question I would ask is why they feel that having afterhours is so important. Mansion didn't need AH when they did Morillo. He's played plenty of places in Miami without extended hours and it was off-the-hook. Why not just operate within the law and not deal with LP?

I looked up the law. Here it is:

Sec. 4-3. Hours during which sales allowed; Sunday sales.

(a) No distributor or vendor of intoxicating and/or alcoholic beverages or any employee thereof, on the licensed premises, shall sell, serve, offer to sell, allow to be consumed or deliver any alcoholic beverages to any person, except during the following hours:

(1) Convenience stores not located within the central commercial district, as defined in section 4-2, and whose business is primarily for the sale of products other than alcoholic beverages may make sales of beer and wine in sealed containers for consumption off the premises during such hours as their stores legally remain open for the sale of other goods.

(2) Convenience stores operating specialty retail shops or stores located within the central commercial district, as defined in section 4-2 above, primarily for the sale of products other than alcoholic beverages may make sales of beer and wine in sealed containers for consumption off the premises during such hours as their stores legally remain open for the sale of other goods; except for specialty retail shops or stores operated in waterfront specialty centers, no such sales of beer or wine shall be permittedon Sunday.

(3) The hours of sale for alcoholic beverages by the following establishments are weekdays, including Saturday, from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; Sunday, from 12:00 noon to 10:00 p.m.:

a. Cafeterias;

b. Coffee shops and sandwich shops.

(4) The hours of sale for alcoholic beverages by the following establishments are weekdays, including Saturday, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. on the following day; Sunday, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 a.m. on the following day:

a. Bars;

b. Bottle clubs;

c. Restaurants;

d. Hotel, motel and apartments, with fewer than 100 guestrooms;

e. Private clubs;

f. Any of the establishments (above) in a retail or waterfront specialty center.

(5) The hours of sale for alcoholic beverages by a liquor package store, are weekdays, including Saturdays, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight; Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; providing further that these hours shall be extended on Sundays during the month of December until 10:00 p.m.

(6) The hours of sale for alcoholic beverages by the following establishments are weekdays, including Saturday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. on the following day; Sunday, from 12:00 noon to 5:00 a.m. on the following day:

a. Nightclubs;

b. Supper clubs;

c. Hotels, motels and apartments with 100 or more guestrooms;

d. Any of the establishments (above) in a retail or waterfront specialty center.

The city commission may extend the above hours of sale for alcoholic beverages for consumption on or off the premises on special occasions by resolution.

(Ord. No. 12375, § 2, 6-12-03; Ord. No. 12455, § 2, 12-18-03)

State law references: Authority of city to regulate time of sale of alcoholic beverages, F.S. §§ 562.14(1), 562.45(2).

So even if they stay open, they can not sell alcohol until noon on a Sunday.

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Guest pod

Success breeds contempt is all I can say. People need to realize that "it's just business".

Dade, where did you get that from, the city website? I want to pull up the relevant legal text for the 24-hour zone.

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