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the importance of mineral water in diet

Guest trancepriest

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Guest trancepriest

Lately i've been drinking Perrier mineral water. I have to say that it has solved a lot of weight related problems I've been having. Before when I tried to diet I would feel very weak around 4 to 6pm. It was impossible for me to diet because of this. I would feel hungry and weak most of the time. That's all changed since I've been drinking mineral water. For the last 2 weeks I've been on one meal a day and 2 bottles of Perrier (I also drink regular water too). I don't feel weak... I conduct my regular activities which includes a good amount of cycling. This is a revolutionary change for me. I've dropped in weight from 230 pounds to 218 pounds. In just 2 weeks... I know this sounds like an ad... LOL. Everyday I wake up and I'm losing more and more weight. So I started doing some research into mineral water and exactly what minerals I'm drinking. The mineral report is here:



I also found this on the benefits of Magnesium:


I can see why in the old days they referred to these waters as The Cure. Something is in the water... whatever it is its making me feel great. Now if only i can get down to my Marine Corps weight and put my dress blues on.

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Guest trancepriest

I used to think so too. 2 weeks a go i drinked an entire bottle of Perrier and I could feel the effects in my brain. I knew something was different and just kept drinking it daily.. then I noticed I don't get hungry as much... that was like my eureka moment... LOL. My diet before must have been missing out on some of these minerals.. perhaps even severely... which was leading to overeating. It's like my body was telling me I needed something and I had no clue what it was.

Now I don't mind the taste. I feel it even compliments certain things I'm eating. I haven't touched soda in 2 weeks too.

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Guest lulamishka
Lately i've been drinking Perrier mineral water. I have to say that it has solved a lot of weight related problems I've been having. Before when I tried to diet I would feel very weak around 4 to 6pm. It was impossible for me to diet because of this. I would feel hungry and weak most of the time. That's all changed since I've been drinking mineral water. For the last 2 weeks I've been on one meal a day and 2 bottles of Perrier (I also drink regular water too). I don't feel weak... I conduct my regular activities which includes a good amount of cycling. This is a revolutionary change for me. I've dropped in weight from 230 pounds to 218 pounds. In just 2 weeks... I know this sounds like an ad... LOL. Everyday I wake up and I'm losing more and more weight. So I started doing some research into mineral water and exactly what minerals I'm drinking. The mineral report is here:


I also found this on the benefits of Magnesium:


I can see why in the old days they referred to these waters as The Cure. Something is in the water... whatever it is its making me feel great. Now if only i can get down to my Marine Corps weight and put my dress blues on.

Haha, yeah... you do sound like an ad.

Now, does this only apply for sparkling mineral water? Or are there flat mineral water brands?

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Guest lulamishka
cutting out soda is vital too. it's liquid candy, i blame soda for the vast majority of fat fucks around these days.

Yup. You can thank high fructose corn syrup for that.

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Guest trancepriest
Haha, yeah... you do sound like an ad.

Now, does this only apply for sparkling mineral water? Or are there flat mineral water brands?

I've only tried the sparkling brands... like San Pellegrino and Perrier. I can only testify to what is working for me.. which is Perrier brand. I have a good feeling that Pellegrino would give me the same results. Perrier is also cheaper than Pellegrino. I found a Publix with it on sale for $2.70 for 4 bottles. I'll check it out at Sams Club this weekend and see if I can get it even cheaper.

I found this further link too:


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Guest trancepriest
You could get the same results from a single Vitamin tablet and regular sewage ... er.. I mean tap water.

Tried that... before I tried a range of vitamin pills and drinked filtered tap water. I know what's working for me.

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Guest RzO

proteien for sure is needed, i have my shake daily.

I love perrier citron. i drink abotu 2-3 bottles a weak. and it is soo good with vodka too for nite time.

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Guest JMT

i like Pellegrino and Aqua Nepi. it's good to mix it up with sparkling water with a meal on occasion and i agree that it can compliment the food. but when i am parched i need the regular stuff, sewage or not, otherwise i don't feel my thirst getting quenched.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest trancepriest

This shit is working... down to 208 pounds.... lost 22 pounds in 24 days. I've found out that Pellegrino is even more stronger than Perrier... still too expensive for an everyday habit though. Still on my 2 bottles a day .5L Perrier plus one full meal diet (mostly fish.. sushi or baked... chicken every now and then). I'm strong enough to cycle for an hour a day and I'm not getting hungry.

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Guest slamminshaun

I love Pellegrino and Perrier. Not sure that I would go so far as to say it's a wonder drug, but I just enjoy it.

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Guest obby
Lately i've been drinking Perrier mineral water. I have to say that it has solved a lot of weight related problems I've been having. Before when I tried to diet I would feel very weak around 4 to 6pm. It was impossible for me to diet because of this. I would feel hungry and weak most of the time. That's all changed since I've been drinking mineral water. For the last 2 weeks I've been on one meal a day and 2 bottles of Perrier (I also drink regular water too). I don't feel weak... I conduct my regular activities which includes a good amount of cycling. This is a revolutionary change for me. I've dropped in weight from 230 pounds to 218 pounds. In just 2 weeks... I know this sounds like an ad... LOL. Everyday I wake up and I'm losing more and more weight. So I started doing some research into mineral water and exactly what minerals I'm drinking. The mineral report is here:



I also found this on the benefits of Magnesium:


I can see why in the old days they referred to these waters as The Cure. Something is in the water... whatever it is its making me feel great. Now if only i can get down to my Marine Corps weight and put my dress blues on.

I love mineral water. I have actually been trying to stay away from soda and mineral water has been my substitute.

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Guest jbit
For the last 2 weeks I've been on one meal a day and 2 bottles of Perrier (I also drink regular water too)

1 meal a day? I can see why you've never been able to diet before. When i diet I eat 5 small meals (300 calories) a day.

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Guest JMT
Perrier plus one full meal diet (mostly fish.. sushi or baked... chicken every now and then)

fish almost every day? you might want to 'scale' it back before you turn into a human thermometer.

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Guest Mattivi
1 meal a day? I can see why you've never been able to diet before. When i diet I eat 5 small meals (300 calories) a day.

True, Ive been eating 5-6 small meals a day for years and the weight stays off as long as I stay active. Eating one meal a day is not a healthy way to lose weight, its like any other yo-yo diet, eventually you will just gain the weight back. When the body only sees one meal a day, it will go into starvation mode, and pack on the next meal as fat as it thinks it wont see another meal for a long period of time. small meals stoke the metabolic furnace keeping the body burning calories all day.

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Guest Dj_Peace
True, Ive been eating 5-6 small meals a day for years and the weight stays off as long as I stay active. Eating one meal a day is not a healthy way to lose weight, its like any other yo-yo diet, eventually you will just gain the weight back. When the body only sees one meal a day, it will go into starvation mode, and pack on the next meal as fat as it thinks it wont see another meal for a long period of time. small meals stoke the metabolic furnace keeping the body burning calories all day.

very true indeed...i include lots of raw nuts like almonds, pecans, walnuts as well as fresh melons , raisins and such and drink easily 1 1/2 - 2 gal water a day as well as hitiing the gym 3-4 times weekly with a mixture of cardio and weight training - and at least 6 hours of sleep (whenever possible) - for a great protein shake, mix 8 -12 oz rice milk with 1 -2 tbsp peanut butter, add a frozen banana , nutmeg and cinnamon

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Guest Mattivi

Good call DJ Peace, i love walnuts as they are packed with Omega3s and increased mental function. here is my typical day meal plan:

Meal 1: Bowl of high fiber cereal

Meal 2: Meal Replacement Drink or Muscle Milk Shake. I Also eat an apple, pear, or any other available raw fruit. I mix it up from week to week. Love fruits and veggies, keeps digestive system functioning properly.

Meal 3: Lunch: Healthy Sandwich with another piece of raw fruit

Meal 4: Yogurt with a side of walnuts, or fruit


Meal 5: Post Workout Carb/Whey Protein Shake. Postworkout shake is one of the most important componets of building a healthy tone body. Repletes the body with essential nutrients and muscle building protein and absorbs much faster than a whole meal. Also have shake within an hour of training as body is in an anabolic state, and is need of nutrition because of the muscle being broken down from training.

Meal 6: Dinner. Lots of options here. Usually i eat a lean source of protein with rice and beans and a vegetable or salad.

I think the most important thing here is to always try to combine your meals with all three macronutrients, fat, protien, and carbs, as it keeps insulin levels steady. spikes in insulin form eating carb heavy diets can add pounds like mad, and is also linked to type 2 diabetes. As cliche as it sounds balance is key.

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Guest obby
TP, just take some of this.. It will get you fired up! Protein is a wonder drug that all peeps should take.. Not only does it get your body going, it gets your brain going... Without my protein I feel sluggish..


Good stuff!!! Also check out Champion Nutrition's Pure Whey. Has less sugar and less fat. May I also recommend some pussy at the end of the day. Works wonders!!!

: )


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Guest trancepriest

I've noticed that my energy level has actually increased on this one meal a day diet (and 2 bottles of perrier... also regular water too). My guess is that my body is converting fat into energy. Today I cycled about 40 miles and I was OK... even more than OK.. faster than normal. This is after I walked about 2 hours the day before. I wouldn't suggest this one meal a day diet for a skinny person or a person with a high metabolism. I also won't be on a one meal a day diet forever. This is day 28. I'm actually thinking of fasting for a day or two... not to lose weight but to test something. I've been doing some research on fasting as away to cleanse the body of toxins. Will try it for a day or two beginning tomorrow. If I'm feeling Ok will push it even longer. For all the people suggesting six meals a day, etc... will try that when I'm skinny. Fat is stored energy... my believe is that we can let go of food for a while if you have alot of fat.

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