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Dead Scene??

Guest knebula

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Guest pod

Even when it has been bad, I've always managed to find one or two events per week that are enjoyable to me. Now, I would say that applies to everyone. When dance dominated the Miami club scene, there were a few holdouts on a hip-hop kick, when the tables turned, there were a few holdouts on a dance kick, and for the rock people, there's live bands every night in Miami bars and clubs, you just gotta know where to go.

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Guest dancefloored

well my friends in the land of the burnt out :)

the scene is what u make it. There is always music catered towards ones liking in south florida. Maybe not every day of the week maybe not every weekend. But the scene is is there and you have to adapt to what there is and

...well dont come to cj and make post after post after post about the negative things that went on that night. no names because I dont care what other people think. But if its dead, find another hobby, find another pub, go to school, do something with yourself

If one can act like a hooligan like myself in a nightclub like its Studio 54, the scene is alive

just lace up your shoes and fucking dance


thanks for sharing folks keep coming back

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Guest RzO
Yet another irony in this thread. I propose "minimal" is partly responsible for reinvigorating the scene down here.

i agree for the leftfield type parties it has helped immensely.

I am a fan of it all so i dont complain much, but in short i will say this.

Last weekend (not this past but one before), i got to see sasha, then sanchez on the terrace(which was sooo mobbed with people i had to leave, even being in vip it was slammed, nowhere near dead;)), then sander on sunday @ cameo, which as always was raving party. So for me sasha and sander my 1-2 fave djs are here in the same weekend, i was a very happy camper, not to mention sanchez was playing cameo also and there were other local parties as always going on.

This past weekend, three on friday for zach's bday, a great lil party there, i loved every minute of it, i have seen three only a few times and every time it was different and always quality. (supermayer closing was perfect!) Then Saturday nite on the other end of the spectrum started @ DT at suite for a little while, other than it being crazy packed(which is expected) i had fun seeing friends and hearing me some DT in a very nice venue for a while, as apparently did alot of other people that rammed the place. Pod and I left to space, Oscar was just amazing, ended up closing the room a lil after 8. It is always great to be able to see him play especially when watching from behind for a bit, every time i am impressed (marcus worgull track, picked up that one today, thanks ramon glad u convinced me to stay up there for a while) Then headed up for cedric, who played a great set, a ton of new tracks, we were talking about that a lil b4 u left. Like always we all had tons fun up there, coronas, champagne, rbv's, smokin hot chicks, and the space terrace vibe another great weekend completed.

So i don't know, if anyone read this post and wasn't from here, id say they would be quite impressed, as i would if the former was the case. The mass of people in the states dont live in an area with this much talent roaming through consistently. The past 2 weeks were a teaser, next month it's proven once more. Point being, no matter what one's scene is, they are all going on here, and all of them looked to be alive and well, its a lucky place to be.

Glad to see everyone i saw this weekend, alot of freindly folks in many places. i want to name everyone i saw but that would be a whole thread! I know I had fun and from all of this, the scene is not dead at all. I don't know how anyone can allude to that based upon what I and many did these past two weeks. Oh yah and no sleep november, this one coming is the best ive seen in 3 years, every weekend tons of parties in all forms of venues and music. I will be there every weekend for the festivities.

See everyone next time.:cool:


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Guest pod

What I see here in some of these comments is some personal bias, but without a lot of empirical evidence.

I tend to think of this forum as kind of the "court" for nightclubs, DJs and promoters.

So with that in mind, if you think the scene is dead, the court requires evidence.

If you think the scene is alive, the court requires evidence.

For both sides, discuss, and I will require legitimate documentation to back up your cases.

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Guest knebula
What I see here in some of these comments is some personal bias, but without a lot of empirical evidence.

I tend to think of this forum as kind of the "court" for nightclubs, DJs and promoters.

So with that in mind, if you think the scene is dead, the court requires evidence.

If you think the scene is alive, the court requires evidence.

For both sides, discuss, and I will require legitimate documentation to back up your cases.

turn the thread into a poll and see what everyone thinks...... 60-70% of the people who frequent this board are someway or somehow involved in this "court"....they are probably good judges of character to what's going on....

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Guest pod

A poll would just be a compact version of what this thread is.

I have my own opinions of what's up, I just wanna see what people on both sides have to back up their thoughts.

You say it's alive? Prove it. Photos, door counts, etc.

You say it's dead? Prove it. Photos, door counts, etc.

Otherwise, this is just another thread that kinda proves what I hear when I'm out and about in the club scene, and that in general, a lot of the threads here give this specific community the appearance of being a bunch of yentas sitting around all day blabbing and not actually doing.

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If only big name djs and packed clubs meant the clubs were making money would the scene not be dead.

How much are you really going to spend on seeing these djs?

How long before people are tired of paying 50 bucks a night just for cover?

How long till peeps are ticked off for having to pay 85 bucks for Morillo?

How bad will the clubs do such as Mansion when they don't book big djs?

You can't have a battle of the big djs here in Miami, the economics of it all don't work.

Further proof the scene is dead is the lack of parties featuring up and coming or local djs or djs that are not huge. Didn't QBA just get fired from Space?

Does anyone really think clubs such as Shine or Karu or Nocturnal are making profits on these nights? Not even close!

Cameo is for sale, reportedly a closing date has been reached.

Shine is subsidized by the hotel. They tried this formula at Nerve, it didn't work.

Nocturnal is in financial ruins, only an investor bailed them out, but how long till that runs it course. Biz didn't leave Noc because he was making too much money.

Karu and Y is done, the owner keeps pumping money into the place. It has a 0% chance of ever making a dime. Who builds a mega club in the ghetto next to a 24 hour zone?

Pawn Shop will now have to complete with Stereo LP's new club. You can't have two competing niche parties whereas one can stay open 24hours and one can't. Guess who wins?

And then there is stuff I can't even talk about.

Clubs here in Miami live for WMC, they struggle till then hopefully staying up just to make a huge killing for Spring Break and WMC. They take all the money in cash, they don't pay taxes on it. The club closes then some other idiot shows up who thinks he can do it better..

I haven't even talked about the condo problem, the doors of Noc and Space get on avg 6 complaints a night.. Space's door numbers are down.

The clubs are giving away the doors here on off nights, they can't get people to pay. Why do you think they hold the doors till 1am when most lists close.

Picture 11st as an Island and due to Al Gore the water is rising from each side. Sure it's slow but it's constant. 11st is shrinking and being surrounded by condos. Right now only a handful of the 10 Museum Park people have moved in, the condos are delivered unfinished thus the residents have to build walls and put in floors etc. So it's going to take time for more people to move in, but slowly they are.

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Guest Buck White

How much are you really going to spend on seeing these djs? - 10 - 20 dollars

How long before people are tired of paying 50 bucks a night just for cover? - Those days have long been over, chappie.

How long till peeps are ticked off for having to pay 85 bucks for Morillo? - I'm not paying more than twenty dollars to see that pipsqueak play tunes.

How bad will the clubs do such as Mansion when they don't book big djs? - That place always seems packed...when I drive by it.

Didn't QBA just get fired from Space? - I believe so, yes.

Does anyone really think clubs such as Shine or Karu or Nocturnal are making profits on these nights? Uh, negatory.

Now, go make Buck some stuffed shells and deliver it to my job. Sweetcheeks.

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Guest knebula
If only big name djs and packed clubs meant the clubs were making money would the scene not be dead.

How much are you really going to spend on seeing these djs?

How long before people are tired of paying 50 bucks a night just for cover?

How long till peeps are ticked off for having to pay 85 bucks for Morillo?

How bad will the clubs do such as Mansion when they don't book big djs?

You can't have a battle of the big djs here in Miami, the economics of it all don't work.

Further proof the scene is dead is the lack of parties featuring up and coming or local djs or djs that are not huge. Didn't QBA just get fired from Space?

Does anyone really think clubs such as Shine or Karu or Nocturnal are making profits on these nights? Not even close!

Cameo is for sale, reportedly a closing date has been reached.

Shine is subsidized by the hotel. They tried this formula at Nerve, it didn't work.

Nocturnal is in financial ruins, only an investor bailed them out, but how long till that runs it course. Biz didn't leave Noc because he was making too much money.

Karu and Y is done, the owner keeps pumping money into the place. It has a 0% chance of ever making a dime. Who builds a mega club in the ghetto next to a 24 hour zone?

Pawn Shop will now have to complete with Stereo LP's new club. You can't have two competing niche parties whereas one can stay open 24hours and one can't. Guess who wins?

And then there is stuff I can't even talk about.

Clubs here in Miami live for WMC, they struggle till then hopefully staying up just to make a huge killing for Spring Break and WMC. They take all the money in cash, they don't pay taxes on it. The club closes then some other idiot shows up who thinks he can do it better..

I haven't even talked about the condo problem, the doors of Noc and Space get on avg 6 complaints a night.. Space's door numbers are down.

The clubs are giving away the doors here on off nights, they can't get people to pay. Why do you think they hold the doors till 1am when most lists close.

Picture 11st as an Island and due to Al Gore the water is rising from each side. Sure it's slow but it's constant. 11st is shrinking and being surrounded by condos. Right now only a handful of the 10 Museum Park people have moved in, the condos are delivered unfinished thus the residents have to build walls and put in floors etc. So it's going to take time for more people to move in, but slowly they are.

V. dont waste so much time concerning yourself with those issues.... whoever closes--closes!!! Whoever makes money--makes money!!!! unless you are either of those, I wouldn't even worry... take it easy!!!!!

come out to one of our parties and have some fun!!!!

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Guest pod

Like I said before many times, it's cyclic. This has all happened in this town before. There's nothing new here. If it was truly bad, our mutual friends whom I know you hold in high regard for being astute businessmen would have closed the doors on their venues already.

It's not the glory days of the early part of this decade, certainly, but it's not as dire as one would think. The people in charge should still be cautious though.

As far as door complaints? You know that's just rival clubs causing a stir, right? The locations are never traced since it's all off of the cellular network. Never a landline. There's very few legitimate complaints, and even those are by people who have a stick up their ass. It might sound irrational, but I still say it's their own damn fault for living near a club district. Move to Kendall or Fort Lauderdale if you want peace and quiet.

In the case of this area, with the clubs, only the strong will survive. I'm not an economics guru like you and even I know that.

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Guest pod

My main curiosity with regards to that is that he's stated repeatedly that he's "done" with the scene, but yet he continues to somehow participate in it.

Admit it, Barbarino, you don't wanna leave, do ya? You're as bad as me, you can't see not being involved in some way, even if it just means you're our resident muckraker.

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Guest knebula
My main curiosity with regards to that is that he's stated repeatedly that he's "done" with the scene, but yet he continues to somehow participate in it.

Admit it, Barbarino, you don't wanna leave, do ya? You're as bad as me, you can't see not being involved in some way, even if it just means you're our resident muckraker.

"resident muckraker"


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