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How many on here would support a new draft?

Guest Dj_Peace

Would you support a reinstated military draft?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you support a reinstated military draft?

    • Yes I would support the draft.
    • Hell no I would not support a draft - not my family or friends.
    • I would support a draft for men only - no women.
    • Send all the illegals and the felons for full citizenship rights.

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Guest Dj_Peace

Lot's of folks here have opinions about what "we" should be doing in the war on terror. Yet, when you here/read the reports from the various recruiters, many are struggling to meet their enlistment numbers. How can this be in a nation supposedly so "pro-military" and "pro war-on-terror"? I often believe in the catch phrase of "put your money where your mouth is." What say you all out there? Would you support a reinstated draft that cuold see you or your loved one shipped off to fight the war on terror?

Just curious.

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Guest pod

Not one bit. I don't support any wars I wouldn't be willing to go off and fight in myself.

If the government doesn't have the manpower for a war, they shouldn't be starting them.

Who knows, maybe in 20 years it'll all be Terminator-style or something.

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Guest DJZane

im 16 and theres no way im going to the army one of the reasons why im not living in israel now i would not stay in the army because u hav to go when ur 18 there but if i had a choice which one to serve it would be israel

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Guest slamminshaun

No draft. Do you really think the troops who volunteered for the military want to go into battle with somebody who was forced into being there?

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Guest pod

Exactly. You get professional soldiers having to cover the asses of the "dead weight" draftees who are only doing the bare minimum and just want to get their service done and get out.


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Guest Dj_Peace
No draft. Do you really think the troops who volunteered for the military want to go into battle with somebody who was forced into being there?

I am certain that the troops that volunteered would not mind having the extra bodies around to relieve those that are on their third and fourth tour...and I am also certain that when the shit hits the fan adn the bullets are flying, even those drafted have avested interest in doing their job or they will get their return trip back home much sooner (and not in the manner in which they would prefer) than they had anticipated.

I am not so certain that a draft is the answer in the final analysis -but what to do? since, as I stated, everybody has an opinion on how to fight the war on terror and how many troops we need in order to have success and how long our troops should be committed to this fight -yet nobody is running down to the nearest recruiting station to enlist. Everything in life costs my friends -especially freedom. However, most people in this country would rather opine from the sidelines than to roll up their own sleeves and get in and do the dirty work. Just an observation from a combat vet...and, no, I am NOT a war hawk.

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Guest trancepriest

All this talk about people in the military wouldn't like to see non volunteers working alongside them... bullshit. Even amongst volunteers the lack of professionalism is very high. Most of the troops joined the war for the money. Had they had other options like a good support system, college fund, trust fund or a wealthy family... very few would be fighting the war now. Most were drafted out of poverty. I was in and I'm speaking from experience. Heck I even had one guy that couldn't speak english in bootcamp and to top it off he was afraid of heights. I was sure he was going to flop out after being sent back for a variety of reasons. Fucking 6 months later who the heck did I see in the Marines... the same non english speaking fucker that couldn't even make his rack or climb the stairway to heaven.

Hell fucking yeah the troops in Iraq would like some re-enforcements so that they can come back to the land of burger king and whoredom.

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Guest slamminshaun
I am certain that the troops that volunteered would not mind having the extra bodies around to relieve those that are on their third and fourth tour...

My brother is a Marine who just returned from Fallujah. Him and I had this discussion, and he says they talked about this at length while he was over there....he says the troops don't want it, period. Frankly, I believe him.

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Guest trancepriest
My brother is a Marine who just returned from Fallujah. Him and I had this discussion, and he says they talked about this at length while he was over there....he says the troops don't want it, period. Frankly, I believe him.

Your brother was stationed in Fallujah? What unit was he with?

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Guest Dj_Peace

So all of the super patriotic folks on here that "love" our military so much are opposed to the draft? When the cost of freedom needs to be shared by ALL citizens, amazingly the price tag becomes too high...but as long as only a few are bearing the burden of freedom, then everything is just okey-dokey? I think I'm gonna hurl...

I take my hat off to all of those that have served , are serving or have family members that have heeded the call to arms. If you are too much of a p**y to sign up and give back to this country , then the very least you can do is pick up your pen or bang on your keyboards and tell your elected officials that you want to see the money allocated for services for veterans instead of all of the cuts that the present administration has made which makes it nearly impossible for vets to get the healthcare and support services that they so sorely need...menawhile Congress is giving themselves raises and days off! Can you at least get up enough courage for THAT fight? For the rest of the REMFs....remember those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.

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Guest trancepriest
tell your elected officials that you want to see the money allocated for services for veterans instead of all of the cuts that the present administration has made which makes it nearly impossible for vets to get the healthcare and support services that they so sorely need

They don't even know about those issues. They are too busy wrapping themselves in the flag while popping oxycontin... cheering like school girl cheerleaders for their male heroes fighting overseas. Way too busy admiring the men in uniform to actually want to risk their necks fighting in combat arenas. The troops are nothing more than entertainment for them. The alter egos of their missing manhood. Hence why they support more war but will never fight.

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Guest pod

Not for nothing but I'm the one who wants to bring everyone home. I'd rather have our soldiers safe on American soil rather than being in someone else's country and defending someone else's land.

Other countries have grown up, they can take care of themselves now. Bring all the forces home.

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Guest cire

I would say no, but due to the military history of my family, I would definitely serve if a draft were enacted. This does not mean I would like to have a draft, just that I would be willing if the need for the draft was there.

A draft at this point would send the country in revolt, it would be political party suicide, so who knows maybe we do need it. Come on Bush, do it, do it, I dare ya Georgie Porgie.

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Guest obby

I take my hat off to all of those that have served , are serving or have family members that have heeded the call to arms. If you are too much of a p**y to sign up and give back to this country , then the very least you can do is pick up your pen or bang on your keyboards and tell your elected officials that you want to see the money allocated for services for veterans instead of all of the cuts that the present administration has made which makes it nearly impossible for vets to get the healthcare and support services that they so sorely need...menawhile Congress is giving themselves raises and days off! Can you at least get up enough courage for THAT fight? For the rest of the REMFs....remember those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.

Well said Peace!!!!!!!!!!!! Our Country has given us and others so much we and others should be willing to defend her at all cost. I myself have no kids but I think of my nephew and niece and am willing to put my life on the line in order to ensure theirs. I know you have kids so I am sure you feel the same.

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Guest cire
So all of the super patriotic folks on here that "love" our military so much are opposed to the draft? When the cost of freedom needs to be shared by ALL citizens, amazingly the price tag becomes too high...but as long as only a few are bearing the burden of freedom, then everything is just okey-dokey? I think I'm gonna hurl...

Let's not forget that these soldiers, who are very honorable to be doing the job they are doing, have made the CHOICE, to do this job. Just as a janitor chooses to be a janitor, a doctor a doctor, police, firemen, etc, etc. While I do empathize with them, this is their chosen profession, they know we're at war and they CHOOSE to do one of the most honorable dangerous jobs out there. They need to come home. They have a boss and at their job like most, you must do as the boss says, and unfortunately their boss is a gunslinging, defecating, sinister, silly, monkey.

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Guest Dj_Peace
Let's not forget that these soldiers, who are very honorable to be doing the job they are doing, have made the CHOICE, to do this job. Just as a janitor chooses to be a janitor, a doctor a doctor, police, firemen, etc, etc. While I do empathize with them, this is their chosen profession, they know we're at war and they CHOOSE to do one of the most honorable dangerous jobs out there. They need to come home. They have a boss and at their job like most, you must do as the boss says, and unfortunately their boss is a gunslinging, defecating, sinister, silly, monkey.

Yes they made a choice to serve and defend the country when called upon...however, as a former soldier, I can tell you that we never volunteered for pre-emptive strikes or illegal wars all to ensure some megalomaniacs legacy. The spin that gets put on this "war on terror" would have the American public beleive that Al Qaieda (or AQI) that at most numbers approximately 100K strong is sufficient enough to topple our way of life? Puhleeze...we are talking about a nation that defeated the German army with thier much feared Panzer divisions, the Japanese with their Kamikaze forces and let's not forget the Iraqi Republican Guard...yet we are to believe that somehow a group that has been , according to latest reports "crippled" is capable of destroying our country and defeating our military...I think not. And by the way that we continue to impose our ideology on soverign nations and our (read: present administration) refusal to engage in true diplomacy is making us more hated around the world every day and creating HOMEGROWN terrorists with our lack of regard for American citizens by fostering xenophobia, homophobia and other divisive tactics. The only way to truly get rid of terrorism is to address the problem of poverty and greed - now if we are not going to seriously address these two major concerns, then we will alwyas have terrorists because , as the wise sage Bob Marley said "a hungry man is an angry man" or if you rpefer, "until ,the philosophy which hold one race superior and anothe, inferior, is finally and permanently discredited...everywhere there is war."

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Lot's of folks here have opinions about what "we" should be doing in the war on terror. Yet, when you here/read the reports from the various recruiters, many are struggling to meet their enlistment numbers. How can this be in a nation supposedly so "pro-military" and "pro war-on-terror"? I often believe in the catch phrase of "put your money where your mouth is." What say you all out there? Would you support a reinstated draft that cuold see you or your loved one shipped off to fight the war on terror?

Just curious.

i voted hell no...

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Guest Dj_Peace
Well said Peace!!!!!!!!!!!! Our Country has given us and others so much we and others should be willing to defend her at all cost. I myself have no kids but I think of my nephew and niece and am willing to put my life on the line in order to ensure theirs. I know you have kids so I am sure you feel the same.

Even when I have been in total disagreement with regards to how this county has treated its citizens, in particular its citizens of color and the impoverished, at the end of the day, this is still my country so I felt it my obligation to serve in our armed forces with full knowledge that there were several occupational hazards that I might encounter including deployment into a combat zone (which I did on several occasions). I do not for a second believe that everyone that professes love and admiration for our armed forces really admires them enough to join the ranks...having said that, I just feel it disingenuine for all of these "gung-ho" types that speak like war-hawks while simultaneously becoming so repulsed at the very thought of enlisting into the service of their country. I do not like war-anybody that has ever served for any amount of time in a combat zone will concur that on the best day war f**ks you up beyond just physical scars/wounds...but since our servicemembers are committed for the unforeseeable future AND since many of the folks that post on here think that our troops should be prepared to dig in for the long haul until "Dub-ya" feels that victory (how is that gonna be determined) has been achieved and so that we can "save face" in the international community - why no long lines to enlist similar to long lines to get into clubs on SoBe?

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Guest pod

It's why I don't advocate any of the wars we're in right now. None of them I'd be willing to fight in. The only war I'd gladly pick up arms for is if the war came to us and we had to defend our actual nation.

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Guest LeVeL
It's why I don't advocate any of the wars we're in right now. None of them I'd be willing to fight in. The only war I'd gladly pick up arms for is if the war came to us and we had to defend our actual nation.

I agree this war is not worth fighting for..but if I was drafted I would fight with honor and grace. A couple of bottles of Cognac, a couple of blunts and some pussy and I would be willing to fight for anything.

But Pod, what if the nation tricked people like you, say your contracted to shoot a Big Dance Music Festival in Turkey, the Festival is being promoted on cooljunkie for months before the event happens. The promotion on the event has Roger Sanchez, NIN, Mudvayne, Bon Jovi, Rammstein,Erick Morillo, Sasha and Digweed, Tiesto and some Dj for the minimal idiots and deep house fools ect... We all go in masses to this huge festival only to be tricked by the government, this being a new tactic to go after the drunks and drug kids who will die quicker in life anyways due to not caring about their health.

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Guest pod

I'm not familiar with the precise statute, but as a soldier, you do have the responsibility to disobey an order or mission you feel is immoral. So if you're comparing a mysterious music festival in Turkey to the fight in Iraq, I would pack up my gear and leave since there is no festival.

I give credit to those who are willing to fight to finish what they started, but at the same time, withdrawing all of our forces from around the globe and bringing them home is the most practical solution right now. We've got more issues here than abroad.

Again, the other nations of the world have modernized and grown up enough to take care of their own affairs. Let them do it.

Am I advocating isolationism? Yes, from a military standpoint. Only foreign postings should be the USMC guards at our various embassies. Everyone else, keep them here.

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Guest obby
It's why I don't advocate any of the wars we're in right now. None of them I'd be willing to fight in. The only war I'd gladly pick up arms for is if the war came to us and we had to defend our actual nation.

You may have that opportunity soon (as per our enemies). And I'll gladly be right next to you.

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Guest pod

It's one of the reasons I support the Second Amendment. For self-defense, no matter who it is.

For example, let's say Castro on his deathbed ordered an invasion of the US via Florida. I'm willing to venture that some of the soldiers would make it to at least Homestead before our military whooped his ass back into the ocean.

That's unlikely though. The biggest domestic threat right now is homegrown nutcases.

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