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How many on here would support a new draft?

Guest Dj_Peace

Would you support a reinstated military draft?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you support a reinstated military draft?

    • Yes I would support the draft.
    • Hell no I would not support a draft - not my family or friends.
    • I would support a draft for men only - no women.
    • Send all the illegals and the felons for full citizenship rights.

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Guest pod

I know Obby well enough to know he's not "afraid" per se, but you can't go through this life assuming that it's all rainbows, sunshine and people whistling zip-a-dee-do-dah out of their assholes all day.

I think the word I'm looking for is 'cautious'.

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Guest slamminshaun
So all of the super patriotic folks on here that "love" our military so much are opposed to the draft? When the cost of freedom needs to be shared by ALL citizens, amazingly the price tag becomes too high...but as long as only a few are bearing the burden of freedom, then everything is just okey-dokey? I think I'm gonna hurl...

My brother is a fuckin' Marine and Iraq War vet!!!! I think he loves the military plenty....and like I said earlier, they had this talk overseas and his whole fuckin' unit is against the idea. Now why do you suppose that is?

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Guest obby
It's one of the reasons I support the Second Amendment. For self-defense, no matter who it is.

For example, let's say Castro on his deathbed ordered an invasion of the US via Florida. I'm willing to venture that some of the soldiers would make it to at least Homestead before our military whooped his ass back into the ocean.

That's unlikely though. The biggest domestic threat right now is homegrown nutcases.

Trust me when I say I know how porous our borders and ports are. One of the goals of our enemies both abroad and homegrown is to detonate a dirty nuke here on our turf. This is actually one of the few areas where this admin has me personally frustrated, but at the same time I also know that many roadblocks have been placed by the left such as limiting us in wiretapping foreign communications and others key tools needed to prevent such an attack.

It's not paranoia. It's simply a goal our enemies have stated and I personally believe them. Only time will tell. Hence the comment that I have heard many times that "only history will be able to prove our current admin wrong or right." I personally do not want to take the chance.

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Guest Dj_Peace
My brother is a fuckin' Marine and Iraq War vet!!!! I think he loves the military plenty....and like I said earlier, they had this talk overseas and his whole fuckin' unit is against the idea. I guess those Marines really hate this country, huh?

Have you served? I don't doubt your brother's (or the members of his unit)fidelity, esprit de corps or patriotism or love for the country. As I said before, hats off to ALL those that have served, are serving or have loved ones serving. You made a giant leap in drawing your conclusions. I can assure you though that neither I nor your brother speak for al lmembers of the armed forces. What I can tell you is that after going back into the shit for the third time, I was f*****g ecstatic when they rotated reserve units into our AO so that we could begin redeployment back to Ft. Stewart. Now if your brother is so in love with the theatre of operations in which he presently finds himself in, HOORAH! for him. But be assured that there are plenty of soldiers that would love to be able to see and hold their families, even if that means having some draftee taking his or her place in the sandbowl.

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Guest obby

Peace, I think you have made your point. You think some on this board yap away yet when It comes down to it you feel they would not put their own lives on the line to protect our Country. With all due respect, why don't you stop beating around the bush and call out those who you feel would not server. If that will make you happy at the end of today then by all means, do it. I personally would rather have most defend our beautiful Country verbally and physically, even verbally and not physically rather than not not defend her at all. Just my opinion.

It kind of bothers me to hear some of your cries (cause that is what they sound like to me) but you have the right to your opinion. That's just one of the things that makes this Country so great. On another note, you know I respect the fact that you served but I do not respect the fact that you feel those who have not served are not entitled to voice their opinion. You bleed red just as they do. This board has had their fare share of those who have served our armed forces and for one reason or another have come back home hating the military. I don't want to know the details casue when it comes down to it, our military is an all voluntary military. Yes, even when you enlisted. I suggest you find your DD Form 4/1 and read it in full, again. I doubt you will find anywhere where it states "your time enlisted will consist of Gumdrops and Lollipops."

Again, with all due respect!

I'm starting to get the feeling the main reason to this thread was to call out on those who you feel would not serve. Stop beating around the bush and simply do it!!!!

That said, you know you're my boy!!!!

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Guest Dj_Peace
Peace, I think you have made your point. You think some on this board yap away yet when It comes down to it you feel they would not put their own lives on the line to protect our Country. With all due respect, why don't you stop beating around the bush and call out those who you feel would not server. If that will make you happy at the end of today then by all means, do it. I personally would rather have most defend our beautiful Country verbally and physically, even verbally and not physically rather than not not defend it at all. Just my opinion.

It kind of bothers me to hear some of your cries (cause that is what they sound like to me) but you have the right to your opinion. That's just one of the things that makes this Country so great. On another note, you know I respect the fact that you served but I do not respect the fact that you feel those who have not served are not entitled to voice their opinion. You bleed red just as they do. This board has had their fare share of those who have served our armed forces and for one reason or another have come back home hating the military. I don't want to know the details casue when it comes down to it, our military is an all voluntary military. Yes, even when you enlisted. I suggest you find your DD Form 4/1 and read it in full, again. I doubt you will find anywhere where it states "your time enlisted will consist of Gumdrops and Lollipops."

Again, with all due respect!

I'm starting to get the feeling the main reason to this thread was to call out on those who you feel would not serve. Stop beating around the bush and simply do it!!!!

That said, you know you're my boy!!!!

You know I got nothing but mad love for ya...even when we do not always see eye to eye. For the record, I am not calling anybody out...just making an observation. I KNEW fully what I was getting myself into when I signed the dotted line...much like if I joined the Police Department or Fire Department...at the end of the day, I don't want to live where everyone is in full lockstep with one ideology ( as many on here oftentimes seem to be -aligning wither with the righties or the lefties) like sheep going to the slaughter...I just appreciate more when people have the cajones to say what is on their mind and not hide behind empty rhetoric and simply speak with his/her own voice even if it strays away from party lines and hollow partisan politics.

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Guest obby
You know I got nothing but mad love for ya...even when we do not always see eye to eye. For the record, I am not calling anybody out...just making an observation. I KNEW fully what I was getting myself into when I signed the dotted line...much like if I joined the Police Department or Fire Department...at the end of the day, I don't want to live where everyone is in full lockstep with one ideology ( as many on here oftentimes seem to be -aligning wither with the righties or the lefties) like sheep going to the slaughter...I just appreciate more when people have the cajones to say what is on their mind and not hide behind empty rhetoric and simply speak with his/her own voice even if it strays away from party lines and hollow partisan politics.

I'm with you on that one bro. Remember that many out their want to see us devided (and for political reasons as well). The best we can do is show them otherwise.

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Guest coach

I don't think I have a place to vote on this since I am too old for the draft and have no draft-age kids. Actually, I don't think any of my friends even have draft-age kids.

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Guest pod

Wouldn't a draft violate the Thirteenth Amendment? Involuntary servitude and all that jazz? We went to war over that about 140 years ago, if I'm not mistaken.

Am I opposed to the draft because of a fear of war? Not really. It's the principle that irks me, that someone else gets to decide that my life is worth putting on the line for something.

With an all-volunteer military, the person enlisting decides if they want to let someone else decide if their life is worth putting on the line for an issue.

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Guest trancepriest
Peace, I think you have made your point. You think some on this board yap away yet when It comes down to it you feel they would not put their own lives on the line to protect our Country. With all due respect, why don't you stop beating around the bush and call out those who you feel would not server. If that will make you happy at the end of today then by all means, do it. I personally would rather have most defend our beautiful Country verbally and physically, even verbally and not physically rather than not not defend her at all. Just my opinion.

It kind of bothers me to hear some of your cries (cause that is what they sound like to me) but you have the right to your opinion. That's just one of the things that makes this Country so great. On another note, you know I respect the fact that you served but I do not respect the fact that you feel those who have not served are not entitled to voice their opinion. You bleed red just as they do. This board has had their fare share of those who have served our armed forces and for one reason or another have come back home hating the military. I don't want to know the details casue when it comes down to it, our military is an all voluntary military. Yes, even when you enlisted. I suggest you find your DD Form 4/1 and read it in full, again. I doubt you will find anywhere where it states "your time enlisted will consist of Gumdrops and Lollipops."

Again, with all due respect!

I'm starting to get the feeling the main reason to this thread was to call out on those who you feel would not serve. Stop beating around the bush and simply do it!!!!

That said, you know you're my boy!!!!

Heck I already called out the pussies that did not serve already but want to start all kinds of fucking wars globally. I'll say it again... if you want a war... but you won't fight in it.. YOU ARE A FUCKING PUSSY. A real patriot would enlist. The people I'm calling pussies are JMT & Slammin Shaun specifically. DL can take it easy.. albeit he was in the gay branch of the service.. but heck the man served his time. :-)

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Guest slamminshaun

The people who support the draft are usually the same people who voted for a draft dodger. Explain the logic in that one.....

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Guest trancepriest
The people who support the draft are usually the same people who voted for a draft dodger. Explain the logic in that one.....

I never voted for Bill Clinton. I like the guy though. Also the question is not being a draft dodger.. it is fighting for what you believe in. You want more wars... you fight in them.

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Guest slamminshaun
I never voted for Bill Clinton. I like the guy though. Also the question is not being a draft dodger.. it is fighting for what you believe in. You want more wars... you fight in them.

I understood the question fine. It's quite ironic that people would be so gung-ho about instituting a draft while voting for people who completely dodged the draft. Like tits on a bull...

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Guest Dj_Peace

I guess I see your point Shaun, what with Dubya's distinguished military career...oh wait, he had daddy buy him out of Vietnam...no...wait, let's talk about your stellar military career...uhm oh yeah...forgot that you have not served either...there really is no difference between draft dodging Clinton and combat dodging Bush except for the fact that Dubya had the means (Papa Bush and the lingering influence of that Nazi financier Prescott Bush) to get a REMF job so he could get drunk and high at the Officer's Club while the less affluent, run-of-the-mill joes (no money or influence except for Muhammad Ali) had more courage to do what is unpopular and risk going to jail because of what they believed in versus asking daddy to fight your battles for ya

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Guest slamminshaun
I guess I see your point Shaun, what with Dubya's distinguished military career...oh wait, he had daddy buy him out of Vietnam...no...wait, let's talk about your stellar military career...uhm oh yeah...forgot that you have not served either...

I agree with Obby. You're just using this thread to call people out and take cheap shots along the way. We all take different paths in life....just because mine wasn't decorated with stripes and medals doesn't make me any less American or any less significant than you.

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Guest trancepriest
I agree with Obby. You're just using this thread to call people out and take cheap shots along the way. We all take different paths in life....just because mine wasn't decorated with stripes and medals doesn't make me any less American or any less significant than you.

Perhaps you are right on those points... not serving this country makes you less of a patriot though. It also takes much a way from your war monger credentials.

patriot |ˈpātrēət|


1 a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

I have defended it in the past... honorable... and I'm well prepared to defend it in the future... honorable... are you? Have you contemplated dying for your nation? Leaving your wife and kids fatherless... never seeing your brother and your friends again... giving up everything you've known and loved. I've been there before and it's not a pretty thing. I've never met your brother before but I can go up to him and say Semper Fi and take my position on the firing line. He'll know that I'm a Marine and everything that entails. That means we can disagree on politics and on hating the suck.. but when it comes down to the shit we are the baddest motherfuckers walking through the valley of death.

You my friend have not earned that trust or distinction. You haven't been put through the fire and tested.. you could have impurities in you... bend and break under pressure. You could be suicidal like the recruits in boot camp jumping off the second floor (lol). You could fold like that coward in Saving Private Ryan.

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Guest Dj_Peace
I agree with Obby. You're just using this thread to call people out and take cheap shots along the way. We all take different paths in life....just because mine wasn't decorated with stripes and medals doesn't make me any less American or any less significant than you.


I do not prtend to know the quality of your life. And if you think I was calling YOU out specifically, I was not. However, I do take issue with your over zealousness to commit American troops to fight in illegal and unethical wars when you yourself are unwilling to make that same commitment or shed an ounce of your own blood. Quit beating the freaking war drum if you are not prepared to march into battle behind it. As for the significance or insginificance of your life, that will only be known when your eulogy is written and can only be measured by the number of lives positively impacted by your time on this earth.

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Guest slamminshaun

I do not prtend to know the quality of your life. And if you think I was calling YOU out specifically, I was not. However, I do take issue with your over zealousness to commit American troops to fight in illegal and unethical wars when you yourself are unwilling to make that same commitment or shed an ounce of your own blood. Quit beating the freaking war drum if you are not prepared to march into battle behind it. As for the significance or insginificance of your life, that will only be known when your eulogy is written and can only be measured by the number of lives positively impacted by your time on this earth.

Since when did saying "I don't support a draft" mean that I'm beating the drum for illegal wars?

Considering I've had 3 members of my immediate family over there, one who came back deaf in one ear, you got alot of fuckin' nerve man....We get calls from my sister-in-law in the middle of the night every week, not because she wants to say 'hello', but because she just woke up from a nightmare involving children being blown up before her eyes. I'm the one who takes those calls, not you! Don't presume to think you know me or my attitude toward anything....the Iraq war is very much a big deal in my house, not just some stupid thread I have fun posting on.

With that said, I'll make you a deal. Show me where I was "being overzealous" on how we need to commit American troops to fight illegal wars and "beating the war drum" as you say.....I am offering to happily donate $100 to a military charity of YOUR choice! How's that sound? All you have to do is find this post you're accusing me of....I'll give you 24 hours. Otherwise, why don't you just STFU with your stupid mickey mouse polls that nobody cares about...

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Guest Dj_Peace
Since when did saying "I don't support a draft" mean that I'm beating the drum for illegal wars?

Considering I've had 3 members of my immediate family over there, one who came back deaf in one ear, you got alot of fuckin' nerve man....We get calls from my sister-in-law in the middle of the night every week, not because she wants to say 'hello', but because she just woke up from a nightmare involving children being blown up before her eyes. I'm the one who takes those calls, not you! Don't presume to think you know me or my attitude toward anything....the Iraq war is very much a big deal in my house, not just some stupid thread I have fun posting on.

With that said, I'll make you a deal. Show me where I was "being overzealous" on how we need to commit American troops to fight illegal wars and "beating the war drum" as you say.....I am offering to happily donate $100 to a military charity of YOUR choice! How's that sound? All you have to do is find this post you're accusing me of....I'll give you 24 hours. Otherwise, why don't you just STFU with your stupid mickey mouse polls that nobody cares about...

dude let's just say that you and I won't ever see eye to eye on this. I do not have the time or energy to go back and dig up previous posts that you have put up ... one thing I do think is a great idea though-go make your donation to a militray charity or similar organization -how about doante to USO or AMVETS or AAFES or American Red Cross or volunteer at the Miami VA Hospital or...the opportunities are endless

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Guest slamminshaun
dude let's just say that you and I won't ever see eye to eye on this. I do not have the time or energy to go back and dig up previous posts that you have put up ... one thing I do think is a great idea though-go make your donation to a militray charity or similar organization -how about doante to USO or AMVETS or AAFES or American Red Cross or volunteer at the Miami VA Hospital or...the opportunities are endless

Eye to eye on what exactly? The draft? Is that what this is all about? Nope, it's just another phony thread used to bait people into yet another heated discussion about Bush, WMD's and neo-cons. Trancepriest wore this out ages ago...

I give you an opportunity to help the military gain an extra $100, and you don't even have 5 minutes to dig up a post of mine? Face it, those posts don't exist. Who and how much I donate is my business of course, but let's just say those 1 hour phone calls in the middle of the night must also count for something...

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Guest web_norah

for the record:

i do NOT support the draft

if people want to go serve, fine, go do it but i do not support the idea that everyone needs to do it, no way.

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