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How many on here would support a new draft?

Guest Dj_Peace

Would you support a reinstated military draft?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you support a reinstated military draft?

    • Yes I would support the draft.
    • Hell no I would not support a draft - not my family or friends.
    • I would support a draft for men only - no women.
    • Send all the illegals and the felons for full citizenship rights.

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Guest JMT
JMT & Slammin Shaun specifically.

yes, yes. excuse me for not cheering massacres, applauding terrorism, ridiculing those on the front line, and instead hoping that the US finishes the job as quickly as possible so everyone can come home.

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Guest trancepriest
yes, yes. excuse me for not cheering massacres, applauding terrorism, ridiculing those on the front line, and instead hoping that the US finishes the job as quickly as possible so everyone can come home.

Dude this is the fifth year we've been in Iraq. Finishes the job as quickly as possible? How exactly would you define quickly? You have cheered massacres on here... you supported the war in Iraq and Lebanon didn't you? You fully supported America terrorizing millions of Iraqi's and Israel terrorizing millions of Lebanese. Further more you support future wars in which our troops will have to stay in the region for years and that will lead to millions more being terrorized. Forgive me but I don't see how you want the troops home early. You are a despicable sideline cheerleader.

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Guest JMT
Dude this is the fifth year we've been in Iraq. Finishes the job as quickly as possible? How exactly would you define quickly? You have cheered massacres on here... you supported the war in Iraq and Lebanon didn't you? You fully supported America terrorizing millions of Iraqi's and Israel terrorizing millions of Lebanese.

how long does it normally take to stabilize a middle east country? whatever i felt about Iraq earlier, it has not been worth the loss of this many US lives. but i still hope for the best possible outcome. you mean the same Lebabon that started the war and fired thousands of rockets from residential areas indescriminately into Israel?

what future war exactly do i support?

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Guest trancepriest
how long does it normally take to stabilize a middle east country? whatever i felt about Iraq earlier, it has not been worth the loss of this many US lives. but i still hope for the best possible outcome. you mean the same Lebabon that started the war and fired thousands of rockets from residential areas indescriminately into Israel?

what future war exactly do i support?

Do you support us bombing Iran... yes or no? Also your facts about how the war started with Lebanon is way off. You really should do some research. Hezbollah captured and killed Israeli SOLDIERS (inside Southern Lebanon) just like Israelis kill and take hostages in any country that they so chose. Israel then bombed Lebanon with thousands of rockets and over a million cluster bombs. Hide from the very truths in front of your eyes. Didn't you see the pictures of most of downtown Beirut destroyed.., civilian neighborhoods? So why do you mention Hezbollah rocket fire but somehow think the Israeli rocket fire wasn't targeting civilian areas?

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Guest JMT
Do you support us bombing Iran... yes or no?

hearing the iranian president preach about wiping israel off the map probably makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but it worries me a bit. i don't see how bombing suspected nuke facilities would be a bad thing, but it's too early for me to make a call at this point.

it was proven with evidence that Hizzbullah hid rockets in civilian areas, they only have themselves to blame for the damage.

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Guest trancepriest
hearing the iranian president preach about wiping israel off the map probably makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but it worries me a bit. i don't see how bombing suspected nuke facilities would be a bad thing, but it's too early for me to make a call at this point.

Jesus christ mac fry... what do you think the Iranians will do when we bomb their country? Do you think they are weak like Iraq when we invaded? Also suspected nuke facilities by whom... where's the evidence that the Iranians are weaponizing plutonium? The IAEA says there is no evidence of Iran building a bomb. Also we gave the go ahead for Egypt to build its nuclear facilities.

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Guest tres-b

This thread prompted a discussion with a friend of mine who is spent time in Afghanistan and is completing his training to become a Green Beret....

He basically echoed what Shaun's brother said...no draft.

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Guest JMT
Jesus christ mac fry... what do you think the Iranians will do when we bomb their country? Do you think they are weak like Iraq when we invaded?

holy mohammed pc boiler... who said anything about invading? they won't be happy about it, i'm sure. hurt feelings are better than a glass parking lot, well maybe not but that is the proper way to view the two.

if there is no evidence that they are building one, then re-read my original answer.

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Guest trancepriest

Hurt feelings... lol.. you support the troops ah?

What happens when the Iranians ship their anti-tank missiles into Iraq and start blowing up our tanks and armored vehicles left and right. What happens when the Mahdi Army starts targeting our troops with full arms shipments from Iran? What happens if Iran invades Iraq? Do you think we have enough troops for the fight? You love watching real men fight don't you?

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Guest JMT
Hurt feelings... lol.. you support the troops ah?

What happens when the Iranians ship their anti-tank missiles into Iraq and start blowing up our tanks and armored vehicles left and right. What happens when the Mahdi Army starts targeting our troops with full arms shipments from Iran? What happens if Iran invades Iraq? Do you think we have enough troops for the fight? You love watching real men fight don't you?

hello. see my answer above. it's called reading. top to bottom, left to right, a group of words together is called a sentence. take tylenol for any headaches, midol for any cramps.

please don't send me a youtube link of you and your boyfriend.

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Guest cire

While I did not serve over in Iraq I worked as a contractor at Camp Arifjan for over a year (between 2004-2005), and the feeling I got from the troops was pretty split, just like the rest of the country. I felt it was especially interesting during the '04 election sitting in the mess hall with everyone and listening to the debates between Kerry and Bush and hearing the soldiers opinions of both candidates. I could have been sitting at home with my friends, who are also split on what they support and who they like (Dems/Pubs).

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Guest slamminshaun
This thread prompted a discussion with a friend of mine who is spent time in Afghanistan and is completing his training to become a Green Beret....

He basically echoed what Shaun's brother said...no draft.

It doesn't matter Tres. This thread was never intended to be about the draft.

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Guest obby
You fully supported America terrorizing millions of Iraqi's and Israel terrorizing millions of Lebanese.


What happens when the Iranians ship their anti-tank missiles into Iraq and start blowing up our tanks and armored vehicles left and right. What happens when the Mahdi Army starts targeting our troops with full arms shipments from Iran? What happens if Iran invades Iraq? Do you think we have enough troops for the fight? You love watching real men fight don't you?

I'm sure you'll bust out your cheerleading pom poms (go team go.....fake smile along with a back flip)

I want you on my team TP. You sound like an achiever.

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Guest trancepriest
I'm sure you'll bust out your cheerleading pom poms (go team go.....fake smile along with a back flip)

You toxoplasmosis zombie.

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