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Need to start off with, if you're fat and you know it, hit the gym. Someone mentioned that an avarage waist size for a woman is 12. Ain't that some scary shit. In other words an avarage woman is disgustingly obesse. Here's a link to a webpage that will help you understand that you're fat and putting your self at risk. Healthy life style never hurt anyone. Even if that means you have to stop shoving fast food in your mouths.

Now go find out your ideal height/weight proportions.

P.S. that chart is a little off, but I guess they're not advocating the real ideal :-) Just healthy living.



[This message has been edited by DimaNYC (edited 04-26-2001).]

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Ooh well what do you know. I was actually correct. Here's a little quote from the web pages that I've mentioned above.

"The new Metropolitan Life Insurance Tables give you a range of acceptable weight that statistically is not related to increased mortality. (Some health educators, however, recommend weight ranges that are somewhat lower than the Metropolitan Life Tables.)"

In other words, use the table chart above but deduct 4-7lbs. for the real ideal :-).



[This message has been edited by DimaNYC (edited 04-26-2001).]

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Boy what a mess.....

"You cannot change your ideal to people with more body fat. Thatis (sic) dishonest and fooling ourselves. You can accept imperfection, you can say that thetre (sic) are otherthings (sic) that matter more, but you cannot idealize it. That is the road to a weak and decadent society."

Unfortunately my friends, we already have a "weak and decadent society".

Look who we elected to be President, if that's not weak I don't know what is.

Decadence? --- Drugs drugs drugs! We have so much food in this country we end up throwing a lot of it away, but other nations are starving?? There is just way too much decadence to even start down that path...

I saw your (somewhat) retraction Mr. Dick, but it still doesn't really cover for the crass (and rather unthinking) statements you made.

I'm not even close to "ideal" (I'm a fairly fugly mofo), but I'm in good shape even though I'm a whole whopping 1% over my target body fat... Besides, the body fat figures are a range for age/height, so my range is 16-19%, I can reach the high end for sure (18-19%), but I'd have to spend 8 hours a day to get down to 16 or 17% (I know this cause I'm running like 8 miles a few times a week and still can't get much else off. So how can one determine their "ideal" body fat based on averages? They can't, they can just get close, but in the long run does the effort pay off. I personally do not wish to spend an extra 5 hours + everyday, just to shave off 1% because I'm not on "target".

I really enjoyed reading all of the responces, it's too bad it started from accidental DRAMA....

my $0.024358

Wanna go running?





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


[This message has been edited by quanto_magnus (edited 04-26-2001).]

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I think a lot of you are confusing perception vs reality.

Perception: This model-thin look is what all guys want or society thinks women should be like.

Reality: How many of you have been right next to models, our so-called ideals? While it looks good in a magazine, models are really lanky and are not all that amazing in real life. I've seen plenty of them near where I live. Most guys do not want that, and really do like more of a healthy average. Not the national slightly fat average, but not that far from it...

I think this whole discussion is a little dated. The ideal is getting more true to life. Don't forget all those people on this board who pointed Meadow from the Sopranos as a hottie, as well as Jennifer Lopez, etc. Waifs, sure...

The only thing that gets me mad is the flipside:

Let's suppose you're a woman in good shape. When she (by genetics or working out) is anywhere close to this ideal, the world's on their knees. Whether its men, jobs, getting out of speeding tickets, freebies, etc are thrown to these women all the time. (C'mon, you have to know at least one of them.) They coast through life, being fed by a silver spoon.

Now, how fair is that?

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Originally posted by quanto_magnus:

Boy what a mess.....

"You cannot change your ideal to people with more body fat. Thatis (sic) dishonest and fooling ourselves. You can accept imperfection, you can say that thetre (sic) are otherthings (sic) that matter more, but you cannot idealize it. That is the road to a weak and decadent society."

Unfortunately my friends, we already have a "weak and decadent society".

Look who we elected to be President, if that's not weak I don't know what is.

Decadence? --- Drugs drugs drugs! We have so much food in this country we end up throwing a lot of it away, but other nations are starving?? There is just way too much decadence to even start down that path...

I saw your (somewhat) retraction Mr. Dick, but it still doesn't really cover for the crass (and rather unthinking) statements you made.

I'm not even close to "ideal" (I'm a fairly fugly mofo), but I'm in good shape even though I'm a whole whopping 1% over my target body fat... Besides, the body fat figures are a range for age/height, so my range is 16-19%, I can reach the high end for sure (18-19%), but I'd have to spend 8 hours a day to get down to 16 or 17% (I know this cause I'm running like 8 miles a few times a week and still can't get much else off. So how can one determine their "ideal" body fat based on averages? They can't, they can just get close, but in the long run does the effort pay off. I personally do not wish to spend an extra 5 hours + everyday, just to shave off 1% because I'm not on "target".

I really enjoyed reading all of the responces, it's too bad it started from accidental DRAMA....

my $0.024358

Wanna go running?


A little suggestion. Start doing squats with weight and that'll get you on target in a matter of one month.

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Originally posted by starchild-:

I think a lot of you are confusing perception vs reality.

Perception: This model-thin look is what all guys want or society thinks women should be like.

Reality: How many of you have been right next to models, our so-called ideals? While it looks good in a magazine, models are really lanky and are not all that amazing in real life. I've seen plenty of them near where I live. Most guys do not want that, and really do like more of a healthy average. Not the national slightly fat average, but not that far from it...

I think this whole discussion is a little dated. The ideal is getting more true to life. Don't forget all those people on this board who pointed Meadow from the Sopranos as a hottie, as well as Jennifer Lopez, etc. Waifs, sure...

The only thing that gets me mad is the flipside:

Let's suppose you're a woman in good shape. When she (by genetics or working out) is anywhere close to this ideal, the world's on their knees. Whether its men, jobs, getting out of speeding tickets, freebies, etc are thrown to these women all the time. (C'mon, you have to know at least one of them.) They coast through life, being fed by a silver spoon.

Now, how fair is that?

Just to set you straight, upwards of 60% of US population is obese. That is far from "slightly fat".

And if "you're a woman in good shape." you deserve all the freebies you get. It takes a lot to be thin in a society thats so over weight. Thus you should be rewarded as much as possible.

And as for your rant about models. Agreed not all of them are pretty faced, some of them are just model weird looking. But see who's going to look better in their 50s 60s, Jeniffer Lopez (who's going to turn in just another fat old lady) or Kate Moss (not considering her face, she is going to stay thin and most likely healthy)

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I for one like a free flow of opinions on any topic. And I think that some good points as well as some points I disagree with are being raised. But, as I have learned the hard way, body image is something that most people can be very sensitive about.

I don't want to sound like the newly converted but this particular board is not necessarily the place for no-holds barred, full-contact exchanges. I'd be the last to suggest censoring one's opinion but it has recently been shown to me that sometimes a more delicate or gentle phrasing here and there can make all the difference.

Just a suggestion -I leave the rest to you.

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Originally posted by DimaNYC:

But see who's going to look better in their 50s 60s, Jeniffer Lopez (who's going to turn in just another fat old lady) or Kate Moss (not considering her face, she is going to stay thin and most likely healthy)

Actually, Kate Moss will have died some years earlier of a drug over dose...

Anyway, who are you Tonny Little or something...asshole



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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You are so right Scaredgirl.

When I first learned how to eat well, about 10 months ago, I figured that as a bonus I would save money.

Turns out it was far more expensive to eat well. Fast-Burning Carbohydrates, which are the main reason Americans are so obese, are also cheap to make. But a proper diet has virtually none of these and is high in protein and vegtables and fruit - all of which cost a lot of money. I have since learned how to eat cheaply. This is essential because I am somewhat cash strapped. But the downside is I eat a very similar pattern of meals each day and they are not especially tasty. They are ok, but not as good as they could be if I had cash to spend.

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

Actually, Kate Moss will have died some years earlier of a drug over dose...

Anyway, who are you Tonny Little or something...asshole

Don't get upset. Just start going to the gym, run a little, work those pounds off (I'm ofcourse assuming you're fat as per your response to me). You will feel better in no time. And there is another plus to all of that, health.

[This message has been edited by DimaNYC (edited 04-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by DimaNYC:

Don't get upset. Just start going to the gym, run a little, work those pounds off (I'm ofcourse assuming you're fat as per your response to me). You will feel better in no time. And there is another plus to all of that, health.

Actually, no, she is not fat. In fact she's beautiful, ask anyone here who's met her.

She said that because that was a dumb-ass statement to make. In fact all the posts I have read from you are pretty retarded. Just another drama queen fuckin up the vibe.

. cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif

Oh and before you make any assumptions about me rest assured I am not taking offense at your remarks because I am "fat."


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Thanks for that insight TastyT. I stand corrected. Well since you admit to that TastyT, I am talking about you being fat. Are you not even a little motivated to look and feel healthy? I understand that you're probably used to the way you look, and you're comfortable in your own skin. But atleast look at your self from a health stand point of view.

My posts are retarded!? What are you comparing my posts against? Im curious how you judge one post from the next?

Drama Queen, where? Im just posting what I think. And you and that other one are responding in a manner of a 16 year old.

[This message has been edited by DimaNYC (edited 04-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by DimaNYC:

TastyT, well since you admit to that. Are you not even a little motivated to look and feel healthy? I understand that you're probably used to the way you look, and you're comfortable in your own skin. But atleast look at your self from a health stand point of view.

My posts are retarded!? What are you comparing my posts against? Im curious how you judge one post from the next?

First off I never said I was averse to exercise and self-improvement. I can't wait until I have enough cash and can join a nice gym but until then I have my workout videos at home.

And I say that post was retarded because the assumption you made was pretty asinine. I thought pretty much the same thing CMB did (altho I have no idea who Tony Little is?).


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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TastyT there are plenty of gyms that cost little or no money at all. Your local Boys & Girls club, your local Y centers. And I'm sure there are more.

And unlike someone said in the previous posts. Eating healthy is not expensive. All you need to do is buy a recipe book and learn how to follow directions. It is That easy.

[This message has been edited by DimaNYC (edited 04-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by DimaNYC:

TastyT, well since you admit to that. Are you not even a little motivated to look and feel healthy? I understand that you're probably used to the way you look, and you're comfortable in your own skin. But atleast look at your self from a health stand point of view.

My posts are retarded!? What are you comparing my posts against? Im curious how you judge one post from the next?


Sorry but it can't work like that. Look, i've done what you've done. I was a fattie starting college and dropped 50 lbs *gradually* over a period of two years, and am tons more lean than you are [5.5-10% bf].

You might think that "its easy, why doesn't everyone do it?" It's not easy for everyone, since a lot has to do with finance, psychology, genetics, and even obsession. You have to be in an extremely stable point in your life, feel the desire, and be in the mood to do it... Not everyone has that going for them.

What it boils down to is that:

None of us have the right to impose our beliefs on others, period.

Freedom is that I live my life the way I want to and TastyT does hers, even if I would disagree.

I am a guy and feel the heat, but I couldn't imagine the pressure you women feel. And, cmb1975, by the photos she put on the NYC page, looks damn good to me. There's no respect in pressuring someone about something they're sensitive about. All it leads to is hurt, trust me.

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Starchild, I do not know how you figured that I was ever over weight, let alone by 50lbs. Even more so I don't know how you figured that you're more lean than I. Anyways, this is not a contest.

Actually I disagree with you. It is easy to lose the weight. It's not as easy as shoving food into your mouth.

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Dima, I'm not saying that I disagree with everything you say. And there is a place for the "tough love approach". But I don't think this is it. Having learned the hard way, I really think that you should be a little gentler in the way that you phrase your opinions.

I have a serious question for TastyT and anyone else who care to answer. In retrospect, I would not have brought this discussion to the board no matter how nicely I worded things. Howver, now that it is here, should the discussion continue? is there any way to talk about this objectively without it causing more harm than any possible good that could come out of it?

I find it an interesting topic and would like to continue exploring people's opinions since the damage has already been done. But perhaps I am making things worse by prolonging it and should retire from this discussion. I want to do the right thing and any advice would be appreciated.

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Dima, props to you! I was referring to myself losing that much weight, and had no idea about you. I could tell that you had, but few people pull off that much. I respect anyone who's done it - it takes a lot.

Let's end the drama here.

I'll PM you later...

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I want to give my oppinion in this subject

I know is close already but I feel like saying what I saw and think.

I come from a very healthy family , my father is vegetarian and we are educated to eat lets say more healthy than the usuall.

I lived in USA for a long time more than two years and of corse I was the one who buyed the food for home. when I move there I try to buy what I like: fruite,vegetabes etc. but My surprise was USA fruite and healthy food is very expensive it was incredible to buy a peach for 3.00dlls (california) thats way to much. so my conclusion is: how american people suppose to eat better if the healthy food is way to expensive? compare to a pizza and mac donalls or fast food plus the culture in USA is to made everything in microwave,

to make everything easy, must of people dont like to cook.

prices of gyms: way to expensive so in less words people end up eating fast and fat food,not doing exersise because of the high prices and dont tell me is not true

I use to work in california in a mexican restaurant and people who had good job and well pay use to come and say I want the cheapest dish they didnt eaven know what they were ordering they just wanted the cheapest dish ...

in less words industry , goberment etc.. has a BIG fault in this because the food marketing they had creat is bad food for less



Making Love And Having Sex The Biggest Pleasures in This Life. ScaredGirL.

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