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The lowdown

Guest DaVe

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Guest thelurker
You missed the point.

I'll try again....

I have a show to promote.

Diego has a show to promote.

The shows are on the same night

Am I supposed to advertise on CJ? It's a conflict of interest at the very least. More than likely, Diego stands to make more from his show than he does from CJ so where will his loyalty fall. Will I really be able to trust that the e-blast went out? Will any threads that bash his event get deleted while the ones that bash my event are left on the board? You make it sound like everything's equal as long as you're an advertiser.

Diego can't be both. It's that simple. Is he doing CJ to help his promotions? Is he doing promotions to help CJ? Either way.....it can't work.

Very true Dade. And does anyone remember that David (musicalmissinary) was supposedly fired for being a promoter while working at Track? How come this Diego dude gets a pass?

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Very true Dade. And does anyone remember that David (musicalmissinary) was supposedly fired for being a promoter while working at Track? How come this Diego dude gets a pass?

Because this Diego dude will more than likely throw his parties under the Track banner. I can't imagine him dropping his Futuremob name for anything so he probably worked out a deal with them to somehow combine their "efforts". Little fish vs Big fish i guess you could say.

I've got my popcorn ready, lets see how long this will last before it implodes. *lol*

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Guest JustDade
Because this Diego dude will more than likely throw his parties under the Track banner. I can't imagine him dropping his Futuremob name for anything so he probably worked out a deal with them to somehow combine their "efforts". Little fish vs Big fish i guess you could say.

I've got my popcorn ready, lets see how long this will last before it implodes. *lol*

That's even shadier. Look at tonight's party as an example. This deal with Diego was done a while ago. I heard about it a month or so ago. But...they kept it quiet because of the Hawtin event. They wanted it to appear as if it was a Futuremob event being sponsored by CJ as an anniversary party. Now we find out that it's actually a Track funded thing and that Diego is working for them. So I guess that he's not throwing his events under the Track banner. He's throwing them under the Futuremob Banner and using CJ to help promote. If I was buying ads for this weekend I would feel a little fucked. If you were promoting an event at Karu would you buy an ad from CJ if it was run by Louis Puig? There's no difference.

At the end of the day what matters is that the paying customers are treated as equals. At least with Pod, there was no conflict of interest. This new situation practically guarantees that won't be the case.

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Omg Dade you are so full of shit....is this what you meant on the phone that you only come to CJ now to gossip and start shit cause you are bored?

I mean do you even go out anymore? Why the hell are you slamming people you don't even know?

You retired.....miss it do you?

And let's not start on bias because some people that used to work for CP and I will quote you "would only go to and cover certain people's events and it was about time they were gone."

You really don't know how the Hawtin event came about because that aint it. And so what if it was.

By the way LOVE YA glad everything is getting better MUAH!

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Guest JustDade
Omg Dade you are so full of shit....is this what you meant on the phone that you only come to CJ now to gossip and start shit cause you are bored?

I mean do you even go out anymore? Why the hell are you slamming people you don't even know?

You retired.....miss it do you?

And let's know start on bias because some people that used to work for CP and I will quote you "would only go to and cover certain people's events and it was about time they were gone."

You really don't know how the Hawtin event came about because that aint it. And so what if it was.

By the way LOVE YA glad everything is getting better MUAH!

Lainie - You just couldn't resist, could you?

Why is it slamming? I didn't slam Diego or get personal like you have. Track fired a guy we all know because he's a promoter. Now they hire a promoter to run the show. Plain and simple, that's a conflict of interest. But instead of answering any of the legitimate points I have made, you choose to just berate me for bashing your boy.

If you're going to call me then quote me, at least get it right. I said I come to CJ to gossip and TALK shit....not start shit. There's a big difference. Your second quote is also wrong. What I said was that Pod would cover Space and not too much more. Of course that was in reply to your statement to the effect that all the pictures were the same.

Yes, I do go out. I was at Space for Guetta. I was at Cameo last week and I will be attending the opening of Stereo tonight for a little while. Now you're going to say that I have some loyalty to LP and that's why I take the positions I do. Sorry....wrong again. I just happen to like the promotions he is doing lately.

This is typical, though. It wasn't that long ago that you were calling Andrew, Track's Boss, the biggest scumbag in the world. You made some pretty harsh statements about him and Lee but I guess that now it's different because you're on the payroll?

Anyway....it was good to talk to you. Next time you call I'll be sure to be careful what I say because it will end up on a message board. By the way....if you want to address any of the criticisms that are mentioned here rather than just whining, we're all ears.

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Wow getting you going is easy....and I always talk shit about Andrew and to his face as well....this has been going on a decade already.....so nothing new there.

Lee I never said anything about so yea there is a bit of misinformation from you as well.....

And why would anyone think the comments you made have anything to do with loyalty to LP? Just cause you worked there. I would like to think you didn't drink the Koolade and You totally are bringing that up and Pod. I didn't want to say specifically who you made that comment about.

Like you I have my own opinions regardless of people who procure my services. There is an opportunity to restore a lot of CJ's value to the people that come here. Just like there will be for CP. Embrace the opportunity and change. Because the past is gone and buried.

And no one is berating you love...for godsake are you taking this all personally? I hope not.

Sorry TALK shit not START shit.....you are right but usually when you talk shit...shit starts

You are the only one whining hunny move past it....this is gonna be fun

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Guest JustDade

Lainie - Just answer directly why it isn't a conflict of interest to have Diego run the Miami operation while still being a promoter. Why was David, musicalmissionary, fired for being a promoter but it's OK for a promoter to run the site?

Despite your attempt to sling mud as a distraction, the questions still remain.

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Guest klubveteran

its over.

for those crickets staying behind can you tell the others where the former and current industry people will be hanging out?

you see "loyalty" is one crazy powerful thing......... :)

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Guest JustDade
its over.

for those crickets staying behind can you tell the others where the former and current industry people will be hanging out?

you see "loyalty" is one crazy powerful thing......... :)

I guess this is not important enough to be a "sticky" anymore.....

By the way...does anyone but me think it's really shitty to have fired Pod 2 weeks before Christmas?

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Guest DaVe
I guess this is not important enough to be a "sticky" anymore.....

By the way...does anyone but me think it's really shitty to have fired Pod 2 weeks before Christmas?

Glad that you know all the details of this and can make so many comments about it.

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Guest JustDade
Glad that you know all the details of this and can make so many comments about it.

Well, DaVe.....we are just trying to figure out what's going on with something that we care about. Your sarcasm notwithstanding, this has been handled in a piss-poor manner by all at Track. Your explanations, when you dane to give them, are vague and out of the norm when compared to the way things have been in the past.

When I asked a couple of simple questions about Diego, I was attacked by Lainie, your partner in crime. You created a "drama" forum to dump the threads you didn't like but didn't bother to re-direct anyone there or even indicate that the threads were moved as has always been the case. You intentionally hid the news about Diego, in Lainie's words, "until after the Hawtin thing" to avoid questions about the conflict of interest.

And now you're being sarcastic and hostile to the few people who are still here? Good work.......that was sarcastic in case you were wondering.

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Guest DaVe
Well, DaVe.....we are just trying to figure out what's going on with something that we care about. Your sarcasm notwithstanding, this has been handled in a piss-poor manner by all at Track. Your explanations, when you dane to give them, are vague and out of the norm when compared to the way things have been in the past.

When I asked a couple of simple questions about Diego, I was attacked by Lainie, your partner in crime. You created a "drama" forum to dump the threads you didn't like but didn't bother to re-direct anyone there or even indicate that the threads were moved as has always been the case. You intentionally hid the news about Diego, in Lainie's words, "until after the Hawtin thing" to avoid questions about the conflict of interest.

And now you're being sarcastic and hostile to the few people who are still here? Good work.......that was sarcastic in case you were wondering.

First of all, we're not discussing the situation with Pod. That is up to him as to whether he wants to discuss it.

My original post said it all, we're going through some rebuilding at Cooljunkie, but we are committed to it. Whether Diego is a conflict of interest or not will be decided in time. We also have plans to bring in additional staff, so he won't be the only one.

Lainie is free to speak her own mind, but she is not my partner in crime. I asked her some questions about the people on the board and Diego so I could get a better understanding of the personalities involved.

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Guest JustDade
First of all, we're not discussing the situation with Pod. That is up to him as to whether he wants to discuss it.

My original post said it all, we're going through some rebuilding at Cooljunkie, but we are committed to it. Whether Diego is a conflict of interest or not will be decided in time. We also have plans to bring in additional staff, so he won't be the only one.

Lainie is free to speak her own mind, but she is not my partner in crime. I asked her some questions about the people on the board and Diego so I could get a better understanding of the personalities involved.

You're not saying anything about the Pod situation but you just couldn't resist the little sarcastic comeback? I still say that to fire a guy 2 weeks before Christmas is shitty.

I'm glad you think your first post covered it all and we should just accept that as the final word. However, just because you think it's so does not necessarily make it so. Your post raised more questions than it answered but I guess we should just fall in line?

As for Lainie, she called me "to fill me in on what's going on with CJ". She told me that you and she were brought in by Track to get CJ back on top. Now you say she's not your partner in crime so someone's not exactly telling the truth.

Anyway, you and I both know there's someone out there competing for your piece of the pie. If you don't want us all to defect, I suggest you try to be a little more a part of this community and a little less of an asshole.

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Guest DaVe
You're not saying anything about the Pod situation but you just couldn't resist the little sarcastic comeback? I still say that to fire a guy 2 weeks before Christmas is shitty.

I'm glad you think your first post covered it all and we should just accept that as the final word. However, just because you think it's so does not necessarily make it so. Your post raised more questions than it answered but I guess we should just fall in line?

As for Lainie, she called me "to fill me in on what's going on with CJ". She told me that you and she were brought in by Track to get CJ back on top. Now you say she's not your partner in crime so someone's not exactly telling the truth.

Anyway, you and I both know there's someone out there competing for your piece of the pie. If you don't want us all to defect, I suggest you try to be a little more a part of this community and a little less of an asshole.

First off, what sarcastic comment was that? I was being completely truthful -- think what you want, but without having any of the details, it's really hard to make an informed decision. (Not that I see that as being one of your strong points.)

My post said give us time. I don't have all the answers. I was not "brought in by Track." I founded Clubplanet and have been here since the beginning. I've met a lot of the people in Miami at WMC's and other times I have been down there whether they were on CP or Cooljunkie. Lainie is helping Track with a number of things and I've known her for years, but that does not make us partners on anything. I called for her opinion and thoughts.

As for being an asshole, re-read the posts and I think it would be hard to say that about me. Anyone who knows me would say that is the farthest from the truth as well. I've answered to the best of my ability. I also know that being in New York, distances me from the Miami scene and we will need someone down there to help us out (or several people). I've been saying that is exactly what we're working towards.

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Guest lub

Hey guys, I see you are arguing about recent changes on this site.... By the way, I would be interested in a job for a cool website. But I would have to relocate to Miami from Prague, Czech Republic.

And I liked the James Bond guy, who left. Was it that with the new 007 in the movie you wanted to make a change too?

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Guest JustDade
Glad that you know all the details of this and can make so many comments about it.

This sarcastic comment. And we can add the new one in your most recent post.

However....you're wrong. Making informed decisions is, in fact, one of my strong points. Among my other strong points are recognizing bullshit when I see it and knowing spin from truth.

We have actually met, which proves that you're correct when you say you are distanced from the Miami scene. Perhaps that's the problem. Had you been better informed about who we are and how we fell, maybe you would have made the informed decision to do things a little differently than you have.

Maybe if you were to take the chip off of your shoulder and actually consider the members for a minute, you would get a better response. Or....you could just run this the way you ran CP and watch it go to shit as well.

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Lainie - Just answer directly why it isn't a conflict of interest to have Diego run the Miami operation while still being a promoter. Why was David, musicalmissionary, fired for being a promoter but it's OK for a promoter to run the site?

Despite your attempt to sling mud as a distraction, the questions still remain.

I honestly don't know about what happened with musicalmissionary. But besides being a promoter, Diego is a web designer, DJ, producer, and a great connection to the scene in Miami. He a native to the area and his tastes expand way outside DJ stuff into fashion and art.

And I think you are being paranoid no one is slinging anything at you. Take a deep breathe.

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Well, DaVe.....we are just trying to figure out what's going on with something that we care about. Your sarcasm notwithstanding, this has been handled in a piss-poor manner by all at Track. Your explanations, when you dane to give them, are vague and out of the norm when compared to the way things have been in the past.

When I asked a couple of simple questions about Diego, I was attacked by Lainie, your partner in crime. You created a "drama" forum to dump the threads you didn't like but didn't bother to re-direct anyone there or even indicate that the threads were moved as has always been the case. You intentionally hid the news about Diego, in Lainie's words, "until after the Hawtin thing" to avoid questions about the conflict of interest.

And now you're being sarcastic and hostile to the few people who are still here? Good work.......that was sarcastic in case you were wondering.

WOW now we are gonna go if you are gonna lie Dade.....you didn't a ask simple questions. I told you that Diego has been busy getting settled into CJ and that after the Hawtin event he would introduce himself to the people that don't already know him. Like you. You proceeded to say you knew for a month he has been there....even though it hasn't been a month...and heard bad things about him. To which I told you that you don't even know him so I wouldn't believe everything you hear.

If anyone is being sarcastic and rude it is you. I am surprised to read your concern for POD. Because again as you said he should have been gone a while ago. So by your suggestion ....way before the holidays would have been better.

And if you know DaVe he is one of the most genuine, kind, amazingly generous people in world. Your "partner in crime" comment is you desperately trying to make this an us and them scenario. You couldn't actually give a shit about CJ with commentary like that. This site and others will move on to make positive changes and service their online communities better. If you want to help and be a part of that then you are going about it in a very strange way.

Oh and I have known you, DaVe and Diego for years now. I think you are all awesome guys so I hope we can end this back and forth bs soon so all of us can work together on making positive changes.

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Guest trancepriest
If anyone is being sarcastic and rude it is you. I am surprised to read your concern for POD. Because again as you said he should have been gone a while ago. So by your suggestion ....way before the holidays would have been better.

I think its kind of low to reveal private conversations like this on a board.

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