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The lowdown

Guest DaVe

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Guest LdySphynx

WOW, this is TRULY TRULY Hilarious, when you see the "big boss" having to defend himself on a FORUM nonetheless!!!

Now now kiddies, even if you win an internet fight you are still retarded, but tis fun to watch for the rest of us!!!



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Guest NicoleC

I came on to give props to the Richie Hawtin party and couldn't help myself...

To me alot of this seems like an attempt to generate more traffic on the site. I keep saying I am going to quit cooljunkie. I was ecstatic when I heard that it looked like maybe we would finally be rid of that not-going-to-even-mention-his-name pitiful racist. However, with all of this sh*t-flinging and negative changes, maybe this is the right time to depart (once again).

And I have some questions about the new faces of cooljunkie...are they a part of our community? Active posters on the boards? Are they a SOCIAL part of the nightlife scene or just money-makers? As dysfunctional as we may be at times, there is often an element of family here. Maybe that is why the bickering and the separation may be a bit much for many of us.

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Guest JustDade
And I have some questions about the new faces of cooljunkie...are they a part of our community? Active posters on the boards? Are they a SOCIAL part of the nightlife scene or just money-makers? As dysfunctional as we may be at times, there is often an element of family here. Maybe that is why the bickering and the separation may be a bit much for many of us.

I think this is exactly the point. Cooljunkie was run by people who were part of our community both on-line and off. It was run by people who cared about it and us not just because it was their living but because they had the love that only comes from nurturing something from inception. They were part of our social community first and founded the site as a way to make some money doing what they loved.

While DaVe may have started CP, he's still just some guy in New York to us. Diego is a local but has never really chosen to participate as part of this community, and having a promoter as the head of the site does raise ethical questions about conflicts of interest.

Perhaps the best evidence that things will be different around here is this very thread. In the 5 years that I've been a member of CJ, I've never seen a mod, partner or any other management meet a member's questions with such open contempt.

And Lainie......I don't feel like being the latest person on your list that you love one day and talk shit about the next. I'll just say this to you..... I have participated in CJ while I was in the business and when I wasn't. I have posted when I had something to promote and when I just had something to say. I have taken positions, offerred opinions and learned from people here. Where have you been?

And, in case you're thinking I'm alone in my feelings......The following was copied from "another message board" and was posted yesterday by a current Cooljunkie Moderator......

"I havent been on CJ in a while, although Im still a moderator there. If they have a drama forum...Im disgusted. I dont have time for internet bullies and the so-called "drama" they like to stir up.

Am I hearing right that Diego Martinelli is now in charge over there?!?!? Isnt he a promoter for his own company? Seems like conflict of interest to me. But what do I know. lol"

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Guest DaVe
I think this is exactly the point. Cooljunkie was run by people who were part of our community both on-line and off. It was run by people who cared about it and us not just because it was their living but because they had the love that only comes from nurturing something from inception. They were part of our social community first and founded the site as a way to make some money doing what they loved.

While DaVe may have started CP, he's still just some guy in New York to us. Diego is a local but has never really chosen to participate as part of this community, and having a promoter as the head of the site does raise ethical questions about conflicts of interest.

Perhaps the best evidence that things will be different around here is this very thread. In the 5 years that I've been a member of CJ, I've never seen a mod, partner or any other management meet a member's questions with such open contempt.

And Lainie......I don't feel like being the latest person on your list that you love one day and talk shit about the next. I'll just say this to you..... I have participated in CJ while I was in the business and when I wasn't. I have posted when I had something to promote and when I just had something to say. I have taken positions, offerred opinions and learned from people here. Where have you been?

And, in case you're thinking I'm alone in my feelings......The following was copied from "another message board" and was posted yesterday by a current Cooljunkie Moderator......

"I havent been on CJ in a while, although Im still a moderator there. If they have a drama forum...Im disgusted. I dont have time for internet bullies and the so-called "drama" they like to stir up.

Am I hearing right that Diego Martinelli is now in charge over there?!?!? Isnt he a promoter for his own company? Seems like conflict of interest to me. But what do I know. lol"

Open contempt? I attempted to do my best to answer your questions in my initial post. I followed up with responses and while some sarcasm may have come into my response, I would hardly call it "open contempt." Lainie is free to voice her opinions and does so as we all know. She does not speak for Track, but for herself, and I believe her heart is in the right place both for this site and the scene in general.

As for that "other post," we do not have a Drama forum. The community voice was heard and it was removed. That seems pretty effective to me. We have moderators to handle other posts and thread that are not appropriate.

Also, I would not say Diego is in charge. He is now a part of the Cooljunkie team, along with Isabel and a number of other as of yet undecided staff and members. We're rebuilding and will take all of your collective concerns into consideration. Please also realize this is the busiest time of the year for us and we will not implement a good number of these changes until next year.

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And Lainie......I don't feel like being the latest person on your list that you love one day and talk shit about the next. I'll just say this to you..... I have participated in CJ while I was in the business and when I wasn't. I have posted when I had something to promote and when I just had something to say. I have taken positions, offerred opinions and learned from people here. Where have you been?

Dade I always love ya....even when I think you are wrong. Why wouldn't I? All this doesn't effect that. Should it? And baby you know me I have no problem saying it to your face. Lately I have been planning a wedding but you knew that. And don't bring up how many years you have been on CJ cause I was a member way before you. And have participated in the Miami scene on and offline for years.

I was surprised to hear Nick jumped ship for something else. So does that mean he should never be replaced? He sold CJ to track and then left. So now someone who you still have no personal relationship with but is a great promoter is coming in and trying to make this place better. I am very surprised at the anger you have. You want to point out problems but volunteer no solutions.

I think that is completely pointless and just a tad dramaful. I too have taken positions, offerred opinions and learned from people here. So again what is your point?

And as Dave pointed out Diego and Isabel are both at CJ as is Jipsy. Both ladies have been there for sometime. Isabel in fact interacts with the club sales. Diego doesn't so all your conflict of interest conspiracy theories are a bit off. There is so much more to this site than Email blasts and webbanners.

If you really cared why don't you help instead of just being so damn negative.

Look I will TOTALLY put it out there. The biggest reason I am even involved with any of this is because I was one of the original ClubNYC and CJ members. And yes for a long time the boards and connections on sites to the communities have become weak.

I was offered the opportunity to try to bring back something I love. Has nothing to do with who owns it. I have a lot of great memories meeting both CP & CJ people. Just trying to bring some of that back. Really wish you would be more helpful.

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Guest JustDade

DaVe - By your own admission, this whole situation could have been handled much better by everyone at Track, including yourself. Yet, when your first post was not accepted as the final answer and questions were asked, you chose to go the route of being dismissive and sarcastic. That's fine but don't expect it to give us the warm and fuzzies.

When Lainie called me she said she had called to "fill me in on what's going on with CJ". She told me that you and she had been"brought in by Track to get things straightened out", which I took to mean that you were both employed by Track to work on this project. If that's not the case, I will direct my comments about CJ to you and treat her comments as no more than the input of an ordinary member.

And Lainie - I'm not angry. If Andrew or anyone else at Track asked for my help they would have had it as they always have in the past. When you called me to give me your spin on the subject, you never asked for my opinions, advice or help. You just wanted me to know that you were involved and things were going to be different. My comments here have not been in an attempt to harm but rather to protect. I have not abandoned this site as have so many of the long-time members. I have not tried to promote any other site. If you re-read what I've written you'll see that every word has been in defense of what has been.

By the way....It's fair to note that other than this thread and the one bashing the Rapture Rave, there is nothing to read on thboard now except club flyer posts. I guess things have changed.

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When Lainie called me she said she had called to "fill me in on what's going on with CJ". She told me that you and she had been"brought in by Track to get things straightened out", which I took to mean that you were both employed by Track to work on this project. If that's not the case, I will direct my comments about CJ to you and treat her comments as no more than the input of an ordinary member.

And Lainie - I'm not angry. If Andrew or anyone else at Track asked for my help they would have had it as they always have in the past. When you called me to give me your spin on the subject, you never asked for my opinions, advice or help. You just wanted me to know that you were involved and things were going to be different. My comments here have not been in an attempt to harm but rather to protect. I have not abandoned this site as have so many of the long-time members. I have not tried to promote any other site. If you re-read what I've written you'll see that every word has been in defense of what has been.

By the way....It's fair to note that other than this thread and the one bashing the Rapture Rave, there is nothing to read on thboard now except club flyer posts. I guess things have changed.

No I said Diego was brought into CJ and I was going to CP and DaVe would be posting to explain somethings. And I was filling you in because you were posting somethings without all the info so instead of you regurgitating gossip I would rather you know fact. Guess that backfired.

As far as I know you said you were retired and didn't want to be in the club business anymore, so then why would anyone think you would come back into it in any capacity?

You call it being defensive and protective however you are trampling on the people that are trying to make CJ better. And in a way you are protecting those who actually helped bring on its demise.

I think it is interesting that on another post on wrote, "In reality, very few people actually take me seriously so the consulting thing is out of the question. Besides, I don't have the patience for it anymore."

Like Heidi Klum says "Either you are in or you are out" so which is it? Cause you talk like you want to be in this.....and that is completely fine. Just come out with it already.

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Guest JustDade
No I said Diego was brought into CJ and I was going to CP and DaVe would be posting to explain somethings. And I was filling you in because you were posting somethings without all the info so instead of you regurgitating gossip I would rather you know fact. Guess that backfired.

As far as I know you said you were retired and didn't want to be in the club business anymore, so then why would anyone think you would come back into it in any capacity?

You call it being defensive and protective however you are trampling on the people that are trying to make CJ better. And in a way you are protecting those who actually helped bring on its demise.

I think it is interesting that on another post on wrote, "In reality, very few people actually take me seriously so the consulting thing is out of the question. Besides, I don't have the patience for it anymore."

Like Heidi Klum says "Either you are in or you are out" so which is it? Cause you talk like you want to be in this.....and that is completely fine. Just come out with it already.

Do you even read what I write or are you so desperate to make a point that you just start typing?

I wrote that line in response to another topic entirely. I have no patience for stupid people who want to be in the club business but won't listen to the advice they pay for. What does that have to do with this?

I never said I was cutting myself off completely from the industry. Your lame attempts to make it seem so just won't fly. I take exception to your statement that I am, 'trampling on the people that are trying to make CJ better. And in a way you are protecting those who actually helped bring on its demise." What have you done to make CJ better? And when did it die? As far as I can see, CJ was alive and well with a thriving community engaged daily in lively discussions about music, business, laws and every other topic under the sun. It was moderated by people who had nothing to gain or lose by taking sides. AND IT WAS FUN. Just because Nick left does not mean it died.

That's probably part of the problem. We see it as something we were happy with and you people see it as something that was dead and needs to be revived.

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Just because Nick left does not mean it died.

That's probably part of the problem. We see it as something we were happy with and you people see it as something that was dead and needs to be revived.

By the way....It's fair to note that other than this thread and the one bashing the Rapture Rave, there is nothing to read on thboard now except club flyer posts. I guess things have changed.

Your words...you are flip flopping a bit

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Guest JustDade
Your words...you are flip flopping a bit

No....You have no leg to stand on and are reaching. There was plenty to amuse before a lot of the members abandoned ship.

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Guest JustDade
you people are beating a dead horse, it's getting obnoxious.

Please remain polite. It's not nice to call her a horse......dead or otherwise.

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Guest myles hie
Like Heidi Klum says "Either you are in or you are out" .

One of my favorite amazing minds to quote as well.

Fancy a drink and a dry bumming sometime?

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You call it being defensive and protective however you are trampling on the people that are trying to make CJ better. And in a way you are protecting those who actually helped bring on its demise.

I beg to differ with this comment although "better" is rather subjective. I mean for all we know your version of "better" would be a complete overhaul by driving out the longtime junkies. Cause ya know, thats exactly what is happening.

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I beg to differ with this comment although "better" is rather subjective. I mean for all we know your version of "better" would be a complete overhaul by driving out the longtime junkies. Cause ya know, thats exactly what is happening.

Better in this case would be a return to fresh Editorial about Fashion, culture, happenings *not just clubs, Music, etc in Miami. Organized CJ Meetups. Perks for members again not just clubs. Updates of all the listings and info. Some of the venues listed on here arent even open anymore. More info will come soon.

If you have any suggestions please give them.... they can only help.

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First off, what sarcastic comment was that? I was being completely truthful -- think what you want, but without having any of the details, it's really hard to make an informed decision. (Not that I see that as being one of your strong points.)

My post said give us time. I don't have all the answers. I was not "brought in by Track." I founded Clubplanet and have been here since the beginning. I've met a lot of the people in Miami at WMC's and other times I have been down there whether they were on CP or Cooljunkie. Lainie is helping Track with a number of things and I've known her for years, but that does not make us partners on anything. I called for her opinion and thoughts.

As for being an asshole, re-read the posts and I think it would be hard to say that about me. Anyone who knows me would say that is the farthest from the truth as well. I've answered to the best of my ability. I also know that being in New York, distances me from the Miami scene and we will need someone down there to help us out (or several people). I've been saying that is exactly what we're working towards.

I've had the pleasure of meeting DaVe way back in the old CP days (2001 at the Jail Party at the Bentley Suites.. remember? LOL) and I've run into him throughout the years at various WMC events.. (remember taking the plane to NYC straight from Space.. LOL) He's a great guy and i think the attacks are a little early considering all the "changes" around here happened just last week! Give it some time.. MOST of you know enough people in the biz to get the story anyway..... give him a chance to get into the swing of things.

All though DaVe, I'm still somewhat pissed about Montbh being a mod on CP and ruining the Bump& forum!!!! BUT its nothin' a few cocktails can't fix during wmc.. see ya in march!



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Guest coach
Better in this case would be a return to fresh Editorial about Fashion, culture, happenings *not just clubs, Music, etc in Miami. Organized CJ Meetups. Perks for members again not just clubs. Updates of all the listings and info. Some of the venues listed on here arent even open anymore. More info will come soon.

If you have any suggestions please give them.... they can only help.

Wow, stuff I've been suggesting for... uh... ever. I guess the ETA and retrenchment is still all TBA, eh? Any idea when these things will be announced?

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