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The lowdown

Guest DaVe

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Guest coach
I beg to differ with this comment although "better" is rather subjective. I mean for all we know your version of "better" would be a complete overhaul by driving out the longtime junkies. Cause ya know, thats exactly what is happening.

This is what *I* would do, but then everyone knows I am just a money-grubbing bastard. I mean, I would completely refocus the site to... wait a sec... just had an idea...

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Guest JustDade

So I've had a very long conversation with Lainie, (Auralia), and feel the need to clear up one thing. None of what I have said here is meant as a personal comment or attack toward anyone. Lainie felt that my posts on the subject were an attack on Diego and nothing could be farther from the truth.

For the record:

I barely know that guy and I have absolutely nothing against him. My comments were simply that a promoter, any promoter, who is active in doing events in Miami would have a conflict of interest if they were to accept the job of running this site.

Diego, if you took it persoinally, please accept my sincere apology. It was not my intention to, in any way, attack you. I do, however, still believe that the conflict exists.

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Guest musicalmissionary
Why was David, musicalmissionary, fired for being a promoter but it's OK for a promoter to run the site?

I'm sorry if my rant a few days ago about Track got misconstrued... but the truth is that I was not fired. I voluntarily quit shortly after getting chewed out by the CEO for moonlighting as a promoter and then the realization that they'd never pay me what I was worth (I was getting paid the basic graphic designer rate and i was routinely asked to do more advanced work including Flash programming and motion graphics/video editing while working 60 hour weeks and getting zero overtime pay)

Regardless... it still does beg the question of how Track plans to move forward with Diego while avoiding conflicts of interest.

I will say this about Diego... since I have had candid talks with him in the past about music and "the scene" and even collaborated with him on a party last year (Mazi, Cafeteria). He is a stand-up guy with strong convictions about his vision for dance music and it's culture. I have a very hard time believing he would compromise his vision to work with Track. That's why I am inclined to believe that whatever arrangement he has struck with Track is structured in a way that he has flexible license to decide his level of involvement on a case-by-case basis. But I'll admit I am specualting as I have not spoken with Diego since all this news hit cyberspace.

I do look forward though to hearing more details as they become available...

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Guest JustDade
I'm sorry if my rant a few days ago about Track got misconstrued... but the truth is that I was not fired. I voluntarily quit shortly after getting chewed out by the CEO for moonlighting as a promoter and then the realization that they'd never pay me what I was worth (I was getting paid the basic graphic designer rate and i was routinely asked to do more advanced work including Flash programming and motion graphics/video editing while working 60 hour weeks and getting zero overtime pay)

Regardless... it still does beg the question of how Track plans to move forward with Diego while avoiding conflicts of interest.

I will say this about Diego... since I have had candid talks with him in the past about music and "the scene" and even collaborated with him on a party last year (Mazi, Cafeteria). He is a stand-up guy with strong convictions about his vision for dance music and it's culture. I have a very hard time believing he would compromise his vision to work with Track. That's why I am inclined to believe that whatever arrangement he has struck with Track is structured in a way that he has flexible license to decide his level of involvement on a case-by-case basis. But I'll admit I am specualting as I have not spoken with Diego since all this news hit cyberspace.

I do look forward though to hearing more details as they become available...

As I said, my comments were made in the abstract and had nothing to do with Diego or anyone else for that matter. I think that the secret to making potentially conflicting situations work is complete transparancy. The more open you are, the less people feel like it's a conflict.

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Guest musicalmissionary
I think that the secret to making potentially conflicting situations work is complete transparancy. The more open you are, the less people feel like it's a conflict.

And I whole-heartedly agree with you on that. Which is why I look forward to the details of his role becoming known in the near future.

And I wasn't intending to defend Diego against your comments. I don't perceive any of your comments here as attacking Diego personally. I was simply adding perspective to my position.

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Guest yume

This is all very entertaining. :)

From an outsider's view who hasn't been part of this community for too long, whoever is in control now is making some dumb decisions. Deleting/hiding threads and banning people who aren't making statements that align with your interests is a sure way to suicide.

Probably the most important time to get things right is right at the beginning. I'd say it isn't going so well so far. No one likes a dictator running things. Especially a foreign one. :cool:

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Guest JustDade
I don't perceive any of your comments here as attacking Diego personally. I was simply adding perspective to my position.

Well........I was told yesterday by Lainie that, "everybody thinks you're attacking Diego personally." I'm glad someone actually read and understood my intention.

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Guest LdySphynx
I wonder if I would lose my status as the only remaining Mod if I zapped this thread based on pure annoyance? lol
Well you and I have never really seen EYE TO EYE, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DELETE this stupid thread!!!

Enough already if CJ is going to prolong its existence then it just will, no matter who runs it, if it doesn't then we know why!!!

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