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Such great sadness...

Guest stryke303

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Guest stryke303

It is with a very heavy heart that I post on this board right now. Today, several threads have been brought to my attention that leave me emotionally drained. Today, I have read words of people against people. People I know, love, and respect on both sides of several different situations. I can't help but ask myself... "what the hell is this really all about at the end of the day?" Take a look at the date today. It's December 17th. For some, it's Christmas. For some, Hanukkah. All in all, this is supposed to be a time of joy, giving, and celebration. But, instead, right now, all we have are a bunch of people fighting over unimportant and intangible "ideals." We're fighting over music and who has the right to play it, promote it, listen to it, enjoy it. I urge everyone of us to stop for a moment and look at the ridiculousness of these posts. BOTH SIDES! This message board is supposed to cultivate a community of people who share common interests. Instead, we are ripping each other to shreds over NOTHING! I have been a member of the electronic dance community both here and globally since 1989 and I have never seen anything like this. I implore you all to realize the damage that you're doing to this community and yourselves. I'm not saying that we all have to hold hands and sing "Kumbaya." What I am saying is that we can at least speak our minds with some respect and understanding. We all have the right to speak our minds. However, do we not realize that we also have a responsibility to respect that right. I'm sitting in my recording studio at this very moment, working on bonus tracks for my album, and i can't even continue because these threads are simply heart breaking. In addition, this Thursday will be my final night of DJing in Miami for at least the next few weeks. I'll also be putting my Stryke & Friends night on hold indefinitely. I wish you all the happiest of holidays and hope that we can all find some way to end all of this animosity and negativity.

much LOVE,


PS...Instead of wasting so much negative energy here, I just saw on the news that the Marines Toys for Tots campaign is seriously in need of donated toys for needy children. How about we all take 15 minutes out of our posting day and go and help some needy children?

Here's the link: http://www.toysfortots.org/

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Guest MichaelMnML

i find it sad as well, being in the holiday season and all, you are right greg.

i tried to remain professional, which was difficult, but i remained diplomatic in many's estimation....i used this public forum to inform those who cared to know, and so that the many friends that i have made heard it from me, instead of it being fourth hand....

i would like to apologize on everyone's behalf, including mine, because at times like this, a scene can seem to hurt from this, but as i tried to convey, i was doing this for the scene....time will tell...

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Guest stmarc


I also am very sorry for you to have even seen these posts. When I read what you had written it made me feel like shit! I also remember when people started coming to me with their problems, because as Igor was telling everyone I was his right hand man. I tried to set up a meeting so that Igor could meet with those who were upset. At that time I had to search my heart for what to do. I told Igor after the meeting that my heart would choose which direction I would go. Igor decided not to show up at that meeting. I tried to believe this was due to some sort of mis-communication. Then after being bitched out at my own night for playing the music that I play, and then never receiving any sort payment as I was told I would be getting. I was pulled from my own night, after I had already printed and purchased 5000 flyers, that I paid for out of my own pocket. Then he disrespects two people he influenced me to think of as family. I was told by Igor and yourself that we were all a family, and that is why I worked so hard for our scene. I may be new, but I felt wanted and respected, and needed.

Believe me it has never been about the money. I have made flyers, entire websites for Dirty Gruv, and for the show, mailing lists, forums, whatever Igor wanted, I started a show that was nothing, and now has listeners that contact me as far away as Munich, Seattle, London, etc. Me, more than anybody does not want to see all of the hard work that we have all done go to waste with Dirty Gruv, but that was never my choice. I have never even made a dollar since i started working with Igor, no payment on anything that I have ever worked on for Dirty Gruv. I hope that my past actions and future actions will show you were my heart truly is.

Once again I am sorry to you and to anyone I have hurt.

I am sorry Stryke. Please accept my wishes for a Happy Holidays.

I am sorry Igor. Please have a Merry Christmas and get some help, I am worried about you man.

St Marc

P.S You were right Maurizio, I should be working in the studio!!!!!


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Guest bassdropper

I also am very sorry for you to have even seen these posts. When I read what you had written it made me feel like shit! I also remember when people started coming to me with their problems, because as Igor was telling everyone I was his right hand man. I tried to set up a meeting so that Igor could meet with those who were upset. At that time I had to search my heart for what to do. I told Igor after the meeting that my heart would choose which direction I would go. Igor decided not to show up at that meeting. I tried to believe this was due to some sort of mis-communication. Then after being bitched out at my own night for playing the music that I play, and then never receiving any sort payment as I was told I would be getting. I was pulled from my own night, after I had already printed and purchased 5000 flyers, that I paid for out of my own pocket. Then he disrespects two people he influenced me to think of as family. I was told by Igor and yourself that we were all a family, and that is why I worked so hard for our scene. I may be new, but I felt wanted and respected, and needed.

Believe me it has never been about the money. I have made flyers, entire websites for Dirty Gruv, and for the show, I started a show that was nothing, and now has listeners that contact me as far away as Munich, Seattle, London, etc. Me, more than anybody does not want to see all of the hard work that we have all done go to waste with Dirty Gruv, but that was never my choice. I hope that my past actions and future actions will show you were my heart truly is.

Once again I am sorry to you and to anyone I have hurt.

I am sorry Stryke. Please accept my wishes for a Happy Holidays.

I am sorry Igor. Please have a Merry Christmas and get some help, I am worried about you man.

St Marc

P.S You were right Maurizio, I should be working in the studio!!!!!


i dont know you, but i wouldnt be sorry. people should know who is shady and who is not.

and f**k x-mas and hanuakah, we should be nice all of the time to people who deserve it.

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Hello All,

I can testify to Steve's situation. Throughout the years, we have seen each other at our best and worst. I assure you all he has thought this situation and more importanly, his actions greatly. Having witness much of his toil, sleepless nights, joys and more recently, sorrows, I assure he has acted with fairness, kindness, compassion and a good heart toward those involved (stretching beyond Igor and himself). This is not 'nothing' and we cannot be complacent. The separations that have occurred shall enable us all to achieve our goals in more advantageous situations. Steve is not out to get anyone. He shares something that I, Michael, Richard, Igor and countless others to. To pursue our dreams and have a blast doing it. We all love music and hopefully it will be about that again.

Steve is one of the few people on this planet I honestly owe my life to. His integrity is as deep as the ocean.

Thank you all for your time.

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Guest missgroovethang

For my involvement in the scene it's all about the music...

Exposing Miami to new upfront sounds...

Unfortunately some people even exploit our little scene, hurting our effort even just a little bit, definitely does not help our cause...

Let the Music Play:)

Now I'm going to check out that Toys for Tots Charity site...

Happy Holidays!!!

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Guest NicoleC

Thank you Greg! It is good to see something that is positive and makes total sense here on cooljunkie.

I apologize for being one of the people that brought this to your attention, but I am happy to see some light on the boards.

I hope to see everyone on Thursday night.

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Guest bassdropper
Thank you Greg! It is good to see something that is positive and makes total sense here on cooljunkie.

I apologize for being one of the people that brought this to your attention, but I am happy to see some light on the boards.

I hope to see everyone on Thursday night.

well i for one thank you nicole.


1- New pair of sneakers $75.99

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Never having to hear minimal again..Priceless!

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Guest michael^heaven

Lovely thread Greg! The negativity gets really old. Especially on some other boards that will go unmentioned. I suppose it takes a lot more effort to be positive than to hate on everything/everybody. I read through some of those posts with a :(. The negative drama bullsh#t does nothing but tear a scene apart & bring it down. History has certainly proven this to be true. Food for thought.

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Guest Mattivi

personally i didnt find anything overtly negative about those posts. in fact i thought they were written quite poignantly and cordially, but whether or not they should have been posted at all in a public forum is another matter. but from what i read, nothing overly contemptuous or inflammatory was written by those gentlemen, especially in relative comparison to stuff ive seen posted in the past. imho

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Guest JustDade
personally i didnt find anything overtly negative about those posts. in fact i thought they were written quite poignantly and cordially, but whether or not they should have been posted at all in a public forum is another matter. but from what i read, nothing overly contemptuous or inflammatory was written by those gentlemen, especially in relative comparison to stuff ive seen posted in the past. imho

Greg....You know I love you but I don't know what you're talking about. I agree with Mattivi that most of the disagreements have been very civil. I have no issue with disagreements as long as they don't get personal.

This is not only a place to share warm fluffy sentiments nor it is just a place to promote events. It's a place for like-minded people to discuss openly anything they choose. I'm not sure what made you so sad. Care to elaborate?

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Guest knebula
Greg....You know I love you but I don't know what you're talking about. I agree with Mattivi that most of the disagreements have been very civil. I have no issue with disagreements as long as they don't get personal.

This is not only a place to share warm fluffy sentiments nor it is just a place to promote events. It's a place for like-minded people to discuss openly anything they choose. I'm not sure what made you so sad. Care to elaborate?

I agree with you, they were well written and did not seem offensive...

I just said that mainly because of the personal aspect of it... Those things should never be discussed in public like that.... but oh well..... good luck to all and lets continue our strive for a more stable community...


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Guest coach

Dammit, another "rumor" post that has no references. You guys have got to stop posting your insider jokes. Either be specific or keep it to PMs.

And Buck, reduce your freaking pic size.

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