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Mitch Waas - in debt to everyone and having a private party?

Guest I-CON

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Guest I-CON

For those of you who remember Mr. Mitch Waas (Euphoriaproject.org) promised a lot of people money he didn't have for various services for his party ie. DJ, Vendor, Staff, ect.

The party flopped because of serious lack of professionalism and He ended up "Owing a Lot of People a Lot of Money" (http://www.euphoriaproject.org/ForumsPro/viewtopic/t=3120.html)

Now a month later he is having a "Private Party" at a Gentlemen's Club still owing people tons of money. I'm guessing it's private because he doesn't want people all the people he owes money to knowing he's hosting an event at a Gentlemen's Club.


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Guest JustDade

This guy is my hero. He has a crew of followers who pay his bills for him and ask nothing in return other than to be part of EP. He sits on his extremely fat ass eating jell-o pudding while they work. He plans raves but never pays the bills. Now he gets a party at a strip club. What's better than that? Greatest scam ever. By the way....is a strip club PLUR approved?

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Guest coach

Hey, I didn't even know the Ringmaster site was back up and running.

What strip club has a poolside and BBQ? Sounds fun.

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Guest JustDade
What strip club has a poolside and BBQ? Sounds fun.

Read the flyer, Coach. Bare Elegance......

Pop Quiz:

1. What are the odds that the party will do well?

2. If it does.....what are the odds that anyone from the Rapture Rave will get paid?

I'll give you a hint. The answers are the same.

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Guest Mr. Negativity
This guy is my hero. He has a crew of followers who pay his bills for him and ask nothing in return other than to be part of EP. He sits on his extremely fat ass eating jell-o pudding while they work. He plans raves but never pays the bills. Now he gets a party at a strip club. What's better than that? Greatest scam ever. By the way....is a strip club PLUR approved?

Wait... what's wrong with Jell-o pudding?

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Guest craigoneil

I cant believe this guys is still around.

Rule #1 of promoting. If you throw a party where you need to make the money to pay your artists off the door, you are not a promoter you are a gambler.

Rule #2 of promoting. If you are a promoter for multiple years and dont build a bankroll to overcome rule #1 you are a fucking idiot.

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Guest aj2234

heres his response to the rapture drama on his website:

Topic locked.

I will not dignify this slanderous low class b.s. with an extended explanation, other than to say:

1) There is only one reason why I didn't immediately respond to these issues online: I was simply stressed out, and preferred to handle everything by telephone and e-mail in private. I needed some time to unwind and figure out a solution to these problems. I was in the process of addressing all the money problems when I saw this thread had ALREADY been posted - at which time I felt it was pointless to respond to something that was already in progress.

I stopped giving in to drama like this a LONG time ago, and people will think what they think of me. The people who work with us time and time again know the REAL story, and you NEVER see any of them contributing to threads like this.

2) EVERYONE WHO I OWE MONEY TO IS (AND HAS BEEN) TAKEN CARE OF (IN PRIVATE). Only people who slander me or my business publicly need have any worry of not receiving their funds, because once a person has done that, they very simply forfeit ALL rights to receive ANYTHING from me. ALL OTHER ISSUES ARE BEING HANDLED IN PRIVATE -- Where business matters SHOULD be handled.

We_D3: It was extremely unprofessional (and tacky, and low class, and disrespectful) of you to air your dirty laundry like this in public, and even more unprofessional to do so on CoolJunkie.

3) Not that it is any concern of yours but the *ENTIRE* budget for Rapture was accounted for IN ADVANCE through myself and my three business partners. ALL of the headliners were paid up front by myself - Unfortunately one of my partners reneged on their agreement to provide $4000 (which was going to be paying all of the local performers, plus incidentals) - and THAT was what caused all of the money problems with this event when it failed.

There were many other issues that I cannot talk about publicly, but suffice it to say, anyone who was involved in the ACTUAL event knows exactly what happened, and it was NOT the fault of the Euphoria Project or any of the event's business partners.

I'll leave it at that. This topic is now considered closed. No further posts will be allowed or welcome.

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Guest JustDade
heres his response to the rapture drama on his website:

Topic locked.

I will not dignify this slanderous low class b.s. with an extended explanation, other than to say:

1) There is only one reason why I didn't immediately respond to these issues online: I was simply stressed out, and preferred to handle everything by telephone and e-mail in private. I needed some time to unwind and figure out a solution to these problems. I was in the process of addressing all the money problems when I saw this thread had ALREADY been posted - at which time I felt it was pointless to respond to something that was already in progress.

I stopped giving in to drama like this a LONG time ago, and people will think what they think of me. The people who work with us time and time again know the REAL story, and you NEVER see any of them contributing to threads like this.

2) EVERYONE WHO I OWE MONEY TO IS (AND HAS BEEN) TAKEN CARE OF (IN PRIVATE). Only people who slander me or my business publicly need have any worry of not receiving their funds, because once a person has done that, they very simply forfeit ALL rights to receive ANYTHING from me. ALL OTHER ISSUES ARE BEING HANDLED IN PRIVATE -- Where business matters SHOULD be handled.

We_D3: It was extremely unprofessional (and tacky, and low class, and disrespectful) of you to air your dirty laundry like this in public, and even more unprofessional to do so on CoolJunkie.

3) Not that it is any concern of yours but the *ENTIRE* budget for Rapture was accounted for IN ADVANCE through myself and my three business partners. ALL of the headliners were paid up front by myself - Unfortunately one of my partners reneged on their agreement to provide $4000 (which was going to be paying all of the local performers, plus incidentals) - and THAT was what caused all of the money problems with this event when it failed.

There were many other issues that I cannot talk about publicly, but suffice it to say, anyone who was involved in the ACTUAL event knows exactly what happened, and it was NOT the fault of the Euphoria Project or any of the event's business partners.

I'll leave it at that. This topic is now considered closed. No further posts will be allowed or welcome.

Fat Boy needs a good ass-kicking. Who the fuck does he think he is? The kid forfeits his right to be paid because he complained to others? I wish he owed me money and said that.....

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I remember a while back ny buddy let Mitch borrow a JBL monitor for one of his "Actual" parties and he lost it somehow?

How the hell do you lose a gigantic speaker, I could underdstand it it was a pair of shitty headphones but a freaking booth monitor on a 6ft stand.

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I remember a while back my buddy let Mitch borrow a JBL monitor for one of his "Actual" parties and he lost it somehow?

How the hell do you lose a gigantic speaker, I could underdstand it it was a pair of shitty headphones but a freaking booth monitor on a 6ft stand.

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Guest side boob

Hey all, Mitch here from Euphoria Project.

First off i just want to say PLUR and everyone should come out to my Bareback Barbecue! Its gonna be great, You can listen to some of the most annoying and repetative djs in south florida while watching me eat chicken wings and pay strippers to lick and fan the sweat from my enormous side boob. If all of you come then maybe i can finally pay everyone i promised money to from Rapture! And dont forget about the plethora of underage fat raver chicks that will be at my house for the after party!


Much love and respect,


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Guest I-CON
Fat Boy needs a good ass-kicking. Who the fuck does he think he is? The kid forfeits his right to be paid because he complained to others? I wish he owed me money and said that.....

Right? Like the fact that he didn't pay me the night I was promised and NEVER contacted me to explain why I was left in the dark after 10 hours service and $100 from my pocket DIDN'T AUTOMATICALLY GIVE ME THE RIGHT TO PUT HIS ASS ON FRONT STREET. So why should that have anything to do with a verbal agreement saying that if I spent $100 and provided service that my $100 would be returned to me the night of December 7th. So Now He's "Canceling his Agreement" to Pay Me Back WHAT I LOANED HIM because I "Aired my dirty Laundry". Actually it was HIS dirty laundry I aired and YES IT STUNK LIKE A BIG FAT SMELLY ASS CRACK so I aired it. The more people that know not to get involved with this scumbag the better. If I can prevent one other person from getting burned then fuck yeah i'm glad I did it. Sure he can put the blame on every situation other then the fact that he's a shady douchebag and doesn't know shit about business, but when it's put on the table all he can do is LOCK IT UP AND BURRY IT like he did with that thread. Hoping it will eventually make it to the bottom of the shit pile where newcomers won't be turned away by it.

Then he'll have another unsuspecting victim he can vampire off of to pay his way.

I know you guys remember the first Blade movie right?


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Guest esreveR.jD

-I am not here to be flamed. I will respond to any post the remains professional. Otherwise, responding to me will be a waste of time. Save that highschool armchair assassin crap for someone else who cares.

I see alot of comments of silence on our part. As soon as this drama started on the EP boards culture(AJ?) posted as part of his message "i doubt your going to get an answer ...." I responded 10 minutes later that we are taking steps to pay what is owed.


Is it really anyone release business other then between ep and the dj/act we owe money to? Is there some web site out there I missed that every crew posts their business affairs? We are handling things in private as it should be handled. Public posting only leads to this kinda crap.

We are not ignoring our performers. They *are* being paid. I've paid a few out of my own pocket. I am a partner with EP and this responsibility falls on my shoulders too.

-That being said, IF any act is reading this thread that played @ Rapture and HAS NOT received atleast a contact from us. PLEASE private message me here. I will look into why you have not been contacted and get back to you.

For those of you who remember Mr. Mitch Waas (Euphoriaproject.org) promised a lot of people money he didn't have for various services for his party ie. DJ, Vendor, Staff, ect.

John, I'm surprised by you. Really I am. To me you seem like a pretty straight person. Never had a problem with you. So why the continual attack? Riding the wave with the other haters? I thought you above that...

When you posted the 1st time on the ep site I posted back the same day that I would pay you your 100.00.

This is my post:

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 3:43 pm

"John, There is no doupt in my mind that we did everything that we could to ensure that everyone had a great time. For some reason. People didn't come. No way to forsee that. Only thing to do I pickup and do the right thing. If you not getting 100.00 is so important to you that you have to post negatively here about it and incite others to post their negitive comments. i'll pay you out of my own pocket next friday. Compaired with the amount of money *I* personally invested and lost on this event, one hundred bux is but pennies... "

You never contacted me back about my offer. You even continued to post on the same thread so I know you read it. If you had responded. You would have that 100.00 that you feel all this drama is worth. I.M.H.O. Really unprofessional. This could have been handled differently.

The party flopped because of serious lack of professionalism and He ended up "Owing a Lot of People a Lot of Money" (http://www.euphoriaproject.org/ForumsPro/viewtopic/t=3120.html)

I agree the party flopped. For many reason other then "professionalism." I am not going to go into those reasons tho. Opens up alot of you should have done this or that. Everyone will throw their 2 cents in. Easy to say AFTER the fact. Whats done is done tho. As stated on the ep boards we had the entire budget for Rapture covered. One of our now ex partners disappeared after the party and neniged on money they said they would invest. Is that an excuse? Yes. No way around it. We were counting on that investment to pay local performers and incidentals. Thankfully, one by one that list is shrinking.

Now a month later he is having a "Private Party" at a Gentlemen's Club still owing people tons of money. I'm guessing it's private because he doesn't want people all the people he owes money to knowing he's hosting an event at a Gentlemen's Club.

Now....., to set some info straight, this event is the product of Ringmaster Productions. They did all the "foot work" to secure the venu/date. They were kind enough to open the party to Kaotiq Psyence, EMA, NS, AND EP. The idea behind this party is to provide a weekend 21+ day/night event to showcase up and coming local talent. (Something not many promoters are doing anymore) If it takes off other crews will be invited on a rotating schedule.

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Guest esreveR.jD

-I am not here to be flamed. I will respond to any post the remains professional. Otherwise, responding to me will be a waste of time. Save that highschool armchair assassin crap for someone else who cares.

I see alot of comments of silence on our part. As soon as this drama started on the EP boards culture(AJ?) posted as part of his message "i doubt your going to get an answer ...." I responded 10 minutes later that we are taking steps to pay what is owed.


Is it really anyone release business other then between ep and the dj/act we owe money to? Is there some web site out there I missed that every crew posts their business affairs? We are handling things in private as it should be handled. Public posting only leads to this kinda crap.

We are not ignoring our performers. They *are* being paid. I've paid a few out of my own pocket. I am a partner with EP and this responsibility falls on my shoulders too.

-That being said, IF any act is reading this thread that played @ Rapture and HAS NOT received atleast a contact from us. PLEASE private message me here. I will look into why you have not been contacted and get back to you.

For those of you who remember Mr. Mitch Waas (Euphoriaproject.org) promised a lot of people money he didn't have for various services for his party ie. DJ, Vendor, Staff, ect.

John, I'm surprised by you. Really I am. To me you seem like a pretty straight person. Never had a problem with you. So why the continual attack? Riding the wave with the other haters? I thought you above that...

When you posted the 1st time on the ep site I posted back the same day that I would pay you your 100.00.

This is my post:

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 3:43 pm

"John, There is no doupt in my mind that we did everything that we could to ensure that everyone had a great time. For some reason. People didn't come. No way to forsee that. Only thing to do I pickup and do the right thing. If you not getting 100.00 is so important to you that you have to post negatively here about it and incite others to post their negitive comments. i'll pay you out of my own pocket next friday. Compaired with the amount of money *I* personally invested and lost on this event, one hundred bux is but pennies... "

You never contacted me back about my offer. You even continued to post on the same thread so I know you read it. If you had responded. You would have that 100.00 that you feel all this drama is worth. I.M.H.O. Really unprofessional. This could have been handled differently.

The party flopped because of serious lack of professionalism and He ended up "Owing a Lot of People a Lot of Money" (http://www.euphoriaproject.org/ForumsPro/viewtopic/t=3120.html)

I agree the party flopped. For many reason other then "professionalism." I am not going to go into those reasons tho. Opens up alot of you should have done this or that. Everyone will throw their 2 cents in. Easy to say AFTER the fact. Whats done is done tho. As stated on the ep boards we had the entire budget for Rapture covered. One of our now ex partners disappeared after the party and neniged on money they said they would invest. Is that an excuse? Yes. No way around it. We were counting on that investment to pay local performers and incidentals. Thankfully, one by one that list is shrinking.

Now a month later he is having a "Private Party" at a Gentlemen's Club still owing people tons of money. I'm guessing it's private because he doesn't want people all the people he owes money to knowing he's hosting an event at a Gentlemen's Club.

Now....., to set some info straight, this event is the product of Ringmaster Productions. They did all the "foot work" to secure the venu/date. They were kind enough to open the party to Kaotiq Psyence, EMA, NS, AND EP. The idea behind this party is to provide a weekend 21+ day/night event to showcase up and coming local talent. (Something not many promoters are doing anymore) If it takes off other crews will be invited on a rotating schedule.

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Guest JustDade

I have no idea what you mean by "highschool armchair assassin" but this is not a flame post. This is my opinion and I believe it is shared by many on this board. Reply if you wish.....I don't care.

Euphoria Project is nothing more than a scam designed to allow Mitch to exist without working. I will not make assumptions about you. Instead, I'll ask you a simple question: Do you have a job or do you also live off of the "donations" made to EP?

You see, a promoter actually works for his money. He creates something and goes forth to find like-minded people willing to pay a small fee to be a part of it. You guys sit around preaching PLUR while asking people to pay your bills.

Your Rapture event failed for one reason and one reason only......you do not know what you are doing. It's that simple. The drink prices should not have been a surprise to you. Why didn't you know before making the deal what the prices were? Why didn't you negotiate lower prices into the deal? You also blamed the parking for the problem. Again, why was this a surprise? A professional would have made arrangements beforehand. The venue has had noise problems for years. They have not been able to use the outdoor sections for loud music for a long time. I knew that and I NEVER go there. Why didn't you know that?

At the end of the day, we all knew what was going to happen. You really have some nerve calling others "unprofessional."

This kid provided smoothies and you make him sound like an asshole because he wants to get paid the money he was promised. By the way....you're supposed to pay him out of your pocket.....after all, you hired him.

You say that you had an investor who failed to come up with $4,000. When did you realize that he wasn't coming through with the money? Please don't say he was supposed to bring the money to the event. I have done plenty of events with partners and we usually put our money in at the beginning so that the budget is covered. Did you tell anyone BEFORE they provided services that you didn't have the money to pay them?

The facts are these:

You threw an event at the worst club in town with a reputation for crap.

You spent money you didn't have.

You did not promote it well.

You didn't know the parking, noise or price issues in advance.

You lied to people about the club's license.

Mitch has a lot of nerve telling this kid he's no longer entitled to his money because he complained about not getting paid. He's just lucky he doesn't owe money to the wrong guys and says that.

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Guest djjoncowan
I have no idea what you mean by "highschool armchair assassin" but this is not a flame post. This is my opinion and I believe it is shared by many on this board. Reply if you wish.....I don't care.

Euphoria Project is nothing more than a scam designed to allow Mitch to exist without working. I will not make assumptions about you. Instead, I'll ask you a simple question: Do you have a job or do you also live off of the "donations" made to EP?

You see, a promoter actually works for his money. He creates something and goes forth to find like-minded people willing to pay a small fee to be a part of it. You guys sit around preaching PLUR while asking people to pay your bills.

Your Rapture event failed for one reason and one reason only......you do not know what you are doing. It's that simple. The drink prices should not have been a surprise to you. Why didn't you know before making the deal what the prices were? Why didn't you negotiate lower prices into the deal? You also blamed the parking for the problem. Again, why was this a surprise? A professional would have made arrangements beforehand. The venue has had noise problems for years. They have not been able to use the outdoor sections for loud music for a long time. I knew that and I NEVER go there. Why didn't you know that?

At the end of the day, we all knew what was going to happen. You really have some nerve calling others "unprofessional."

This kid provided smoothies and you make him sound like an asshole because he wants to get paid the money he was promised. By the way....you're supposed to pay him out of your pocket.....after all, you hired him.

You say that you had an investor who failed to come up with $4,000. When did you realize that he wasn't coming through with the money? Please don't say he was supposed to bring the money to the event. I have done plenty of events with partners and we usually put our money in at the beginning so that the budget is covered. Did you tell anyone BEFORE they provided services that you didn't have the money to pay them?

The facts are these:

You threw an event at the worst club in town with a reputation for crap.

You spent money you didn't have.

You did not promote it well.

You didn't know the parking, noise or price issues in advance.

You lied to people about the club's license.

Mitch has a lot of nerve telling this kid he's no longer entitled to his money because he complained about not getting paid. He's just lucky he doesn't owe money to the wrong guys and says that.

like i said in a previous thread - with over 15 yrs in the biz and thousands of events large to small under my belt - I have NEVER opened the doors to an event with out all of the money available to pay my staff prior to doors opening just in case.... its just not how business is done! - don't even know mitch but he proves to be shadier and shadier by the day

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Guest I-CON

John, I'm surprised by you. Really I am. To me you seem like a pretty straight person. Never had a problem with you. So why the continual attack? Riding the wave with the other haters? I thought you above that...

Keith, never have I had a problem with you and I thought this was understood? You have always been upfront and never gave me a reason to think less of you other then the fact that you partner with Mitch. When I sold you those Techs I said I'd hold them for that long and I did.

I have people constantly bugging me for Techs and you know this. I could've easily flipped them but I kept my agreement and held them for you without even a deposit. This should give you an idea of how straight I am. The beef is not with you personally but your "partner" who i've had nothing but problems with since back during the Chocolate Factory Days. Problems involving communication, time scheduling, responsibility, and fairness among other things. Who shows up during the middle of the party only to sit in a the back corner the whole night and leave early when the party doesn't make tons of money for him? Mitch. Who shows up early, socializes with the crowd, stays to the end either way and then helps with cleanup? You. And every other "employee" of Mr. Waas. By now I thought you had figured that part out. You are not Mitch's Partner, you are his servant. Just like I was, Just like the rest of "EP" Don't believe me? Do the math. Who does all the REAL work and who gets all the credit? Mitch is very good at "persuading" people to think he's a good guy. How else do you think he'd survive? Sure he gets a lot of people believing he's "PLUR" and "Out for the good of the people" but that's how he recruits his slaves. Look at his website. It's a direct FRONT put up with as much "PLUR" Selling Slogans as possible! Like a Damn billboard tying to SELL

Friendship! "Welcome MY FRIEND to the Euphoria Project"?!? "a giant PLUR banner"?!? Yes he's a good conman and he has to be. It's how he gets by. How he has always gotten by. Don't you remember this???


MitchWaas wrote:

1) I never claim to be "devoted to the scene" - I'm here for my own personal reasons.

2) The top-10 contributors... well, I'm not too concerned about any of them who have drifted away over time.

3) Sugar coated fantasy world... you ever been to my house? Of course I think that way! AND I'M DAMN PROUD OF IT! CANDY RAVER TO THE CORE, BABY!! ...And nothing that anyone ever does or says will deter me from that fantasy!

4)Unfortunately last time around I let my laziness pop up and brought in a partner to do my dirty work,

In closing -- if you ever got the impression that I throw these events to please the people coming to them, you got the wrong impression. EP is and always has been a device to help implement my own particular brand of reality.

You, with your darkly cynical world view, obviously will never get what I'm going for. And I really don't care that you don't get it.

Unfortunately, you seem to have some inherent need for me to understand YOUR motivations. And if I cared about them, it might actually matter.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So after re reading these picked quotes over again it appears that Mitch is basically only concerned about what's good for Mitch.

Seems like the people who hold that attitude and life value are the ones who are killing the planet and all it's inhabitents.

If you're not helping to solve the problem for whatever reason you may have, then you're either helping contribute to the problem or you're just in the way of people who ARE trying to help solve the problem.



here's the post if you want to check it for accuracy.


The facts are right here in black and white Keith. Not something SAID to convince you.

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Guest DJEricRage1

First Off! Mitch put his ass on the line with expensive DJ's. Yes not everyone got paid at Rapture. But atleast he tried. I was one of the headlining acts on the roof top and I didnt ask for a dime! WED3 is a washed up DJ turned smoothy maker. There are alot of people invoved with EP that deserves to get paid before you. I think a promoter/dj gets paid before a "smoothymaker". John if you threw your own parties instead of cancelling them may it would show a little initiative on your part. Mitch has had his good parties. You havent had any except that poor excuse for a house party tonite with a buinch of underage "glowmonsters" drinking and using drugs. Throw a party a real one but learn how to DJ first seriouslt no one wants to hear the trance mix of tubular bells from 2001 ; )

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Guest DJEricRage1

First off. WE-D3...You cancelled your party. Mitch atleast tried. I think one of the headling rooftop DJ's should get paid before a washed up DJ turned smoothy maker. You instead have a house party with underage drinking, debauchery, and drug use. Now Mitch had alot of expenses and at the last min. The venue asked for an absurd bar marker that a true "rave" crowd would never meet. There was other factors too that lead to this party not generating the revenue as expected. Jon, I rarely have to go on here. Personally I think your bashing Mitch because you have failed yourself as a promoter and a DJ. Please refrain from bashing other production companies your not the only one who didnt get paid but I alson understand where Mitches heart is. As I recall he gave you your first bookings down here. Your from detroit if Im not mistaken. I played there a number of times and from what I understand you didnt make it their either. Mitch in the past has thrown successful parties. And has never cancelled due to ambiguity. And this wasnt the first time I had the opportunity to share the flyer with Monk. Let me ask you this WED3 when was the last time you had your name on a flyer you didnt put yourself on ? ; )

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Guest JustDade

Don't apologize to anyone. If this guy is a partner in EP he is as much of a scammer as Mitch. If he was only a partner in Rapture, he's just stupid but still owes you money.

Either way, these guys are the bottom-feeders of our industry.

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