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Tips for staying hard


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Well on an occasion that I should want to run a marathon… what are some tips for staying hard for that extra long time…. I heard somewhere pushing on the underside of the penis dose a trick… anybody know any details? …

PS is that thing from the movie “Go” true – about men being able to have orgasms but not spilling – I mean did anybody actually experience it on this board?


TëMA AIM: ArthurBrooklyn

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yeah, next time you pee try this: stop it in mid-flow....I'm serious. Notice the muscle that you use to do this, it's the same muscle that you use to hold back when cumming. It's not meant to keep you hard (although it does) it's meant to prolong your orgasm. Practice, practice, practice.

And as far as tantric sex (not spilling) is concerned, I've never done it but I have a few friends that have and they say it"s great....just another sexual experience I have yet to try.



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Originally posted by tenupa:

yeah, next time you pee try this: stop it in mid-flow....I'm serious. Notice the muscle that you use to do this, it's the same muscle that you use to hold back when cumming. It's not meant to keep you hard (although it does) it's meant to prolong your orgasm. Practice, practice, practice.

And as far as tantric sex (not spilling) is concerned, I've never done it but I have a few friends that have and they say it"s great....just another sexual experience I have yet to try.

That same muscle is good for us ladies to use to. If you actually exercise it, you can use it during sex (either while on top, or as the guy pulls in and out) and drive guys crazy.

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Originally posted by tenupa:

And as far as tantric sex (not spilling) is concerned, I've never done it but I have a few friends that have and they say it"s great....just another sexual experience I have yet to try.

Looking for a guinnea pig???




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Originally posted by misskittie:

Looking for a guinnea pig???


Sure! I could picture it now.....you and me....in a room... rolling around screaming in ecstacy cumming over and over again, and not even touching each other!....LOL, Babe, I'd love to try this with you....truth is, I'd probably get sooo horned up I'd want to jump you're bones for real!



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Originally posted by tenupa:

Sure! I could picture it now.....you and me....in a room... rolling around screaming in ecstacy cumming over and over again, and not even touching each other!....LOL, Babe, I'd love to try this with you....truth is, I'd probably get sooo horned up I'd want to jump you're bones for real!

OMFG cwm24.gifcwm24.gif

And to think...he doesn't even know what I look like....

You could be getting yourself into a lot of trouble...but i LOVE you vivid imagination.

~whoa momma~




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Originally posted by misskittie:

OMFG cwm24.gifcwm24.gif

And to think...he doesn't even know what I look like....

You could be getting yourself into a lot of trouble...but i LOVE you vivid imagination.

~whoa momma~


the only kind of trouble I get into is the kind that leaves you feeling like 'it felt soooooo gooood being sooooo baaaad.'



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Originally posted by blueguy808:

There's this stuff called Stud spray that is a mild local anesthetic. Never used it, but I used to sell it.

I was going out with this one girl who used to dab and spread a little Vagacil (sp?)on her ex's dick. Then they would wait till it numbed him down so he wouldn't blow his load so soon...

A couple of other tips... Changing positions, vary depths, and when it starts to feel "real good", back off and slow down...




"There's always an ounce of pub wisdom in every drink that I serve."-CB

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Originally posted by tenupa:

the only kind of trouble I get into is the kind that leaves you feeling like 'it felt soooooo gooood being sooooo baaaad.'

U ARE single right???? lol I wouldnt mind being in that kind of trouble...its been a while~



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Originally posted by misskittie:

U ARE single right???? lol I wouldnt mind being in that kind of trouble...its been a while~

yes, I am....single I mean....and don't worry about it being a while babe, it's like riding a bike, Once you get the hang of it it'll all cum rushing right back to you and you'll feel like you never missed a beat.



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Not that I would know from personal experience or anything *grin*....

Viagra, does work and also lessens recovery time. PLUS! Don't forget those nights of heavy partying either...a general that doesn't salute isn't worth a private!

You might also wanna try a cock ring. You can get them at most porn shops and usually can do the trick. If you've never used one...try it. TRUST ME! They have all different types, but I would AVOID the steel ones....although hot looking, if you can't get it off b/c you are too hard...they have to CUT IT OFF AT THE ER. Rubber ones are cool, but I prefer the leather straps with snaps....can adjust the size to make it tighter and leather can be hot too. Will keep ya hard and make it real sensitive. Might make ya shoot like a champ (close those eyes girls), but the second round...all the merrier!!!

And to answer your last part....yes it is totally possible to have an orgasm and not shoot. AMAZING experience.


But I ain't one to gossip, so you didn't hear all this from me!


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Originally posted by citybartender:

I was going out with this one girl who used to dab and spread a little Vagacil (sp?)on her ex's dick. Then they would wait till it numbed him down so he wouldn't blow his load so soon...

A couple of other tips... Changing positions, vary depths, and when it starts to feel "real good", back off and slow down...


Changing positions and slowing down - I am such a advocate. However, sometimes you have to force the guy to do it....they get so caught up.


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Originally posted by Unbound:

PS is that thing from the movie “Go” true – about men being able to have orgasms but not spilling – I mean did anybody actually experience it on this board?

Yup, though it's overrated... you still get a little soft, but it's only temporary. Best of all, you don't get sore because there are no contractions. cwm1.gif You still feel like you just spilled, and with that comes the emotional need to take a breather.



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dog meat is good for staminia.

Originally posted by Unbound:

Well on an occasion that I should want to run a marathon… what are some tips for staying hard for that extra long time…. I heard somewhere pushing on the underside of the penis dose a trick… anybody know any details? …

PS is that thing from the movie “Go” true – about men being able to have orgasms but not spilling – I mean did anybody actually experience it on this board?

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