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Why WOULDN"T a girl shave or wax her pubic hari???


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I started shaving mine my freshman year in college. I was only 18, but ever since then, I could never let it grow back.

Sometimes in the gym, I catch glimpes of young women with full bushes...ewwww.... cwm8.gif

Do you think women that shave/wax are more sexually open??? More likely to be bisexual?

Curious to hear your opinions cwm15.gif



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Originally posted by beautious1:

Do you think women that shave/wax are more sexually open???

Yeah, I think chicks that shave are more open. The same for guys too. If you shave then your at least willing to try something different. That doesn't mean that you'll try *everything* but I think it means you'll be more inclined to explore than someone who doesn't shave.

Personally I'm shaved and I love a woman with a shaved pussy... nothing better.



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I remember when I was a kid (say 12-13), a big hairy bush was the greatest thing on earth. Back then in all the mags and videos the ladies always had a giant mop of hair.

As I got older, the bare or neatly trimmed bush has become the greatest thing on earth.

As far as tendencies towards bisexuality I think one has nothing to do with the other. Shaving just means you like to take care of yourself, to look good.



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Well I hate to break it to you dear... but, shocking as it may sound, some people actually don't like their women to have bald pussy. How do I know? My boyfriend is one of them. He thinks it makes me look like a little girl. (I look very young for my age regardless).

Also- in the past when I was single and not sleeping with anyone (I have had long dry spells) I didn't keep it shaved. If you don't shave every day it itches and sticks the hell out of you. Too much upkeep with no reward. Why bother?

I also think it looks better either trimmed or bald, but honestly I don't see what all the hoopla's about. If you ask me the lips are all that really matters- the only girl i've gone down on had her lips shaved but still had hair elsewhere, albeit trimmed, and I thought it looked hot as hell.


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the reward is that it feels and looks nicer




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I think I shaved for the first time when I was 15 or even 14. I just didn't like it! Who want's hair over there??? Your used to it when your young, no hair, and once I shaved, (now wax) you can't go back! Plus, the hair grows back thinner, and less. A+ in my book!

Plus I think girls who don't even trim - I think it smells like who knows what. Those are the girls that get the guys saying "they have a fish smell" ...... learn people learn!

Hey girlies-- guys get turnd on MORE if you are compleatly shaved- cuz they are always seening girls with hair, and when they see a shaved one - whooo! (IMO)



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Bald is ideal, whether I'm getting any or not, but the upkeep is *such* a hassle! Tee hee, I often keep it shaved anyway, and even *I* want to give me more lovin' that way!

Otherwise it's just trimmed really really neat, and waxed to a little triangle, but if it were easier to keep hairless I'd be all over it.

Whattup with brazilian waxing? That's my next thing to try. Tho in that other thread on this some of the girls were recommending the Mach 3 razor. OK, that'll be tomorrow... wink.gif



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I dont think shaving or not shaving as anything to do with your sexuality. I think its more personal preference. Some people just dont like it shaved. Some cultures dont shave. But I would think its a little drastic to say that women/men who dont shave are more sexually introverted.



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well heres a guess... but i dont think a woman would shave the kitty bald because it looks childlike, having no hair...

but... childlike or not, my kitty is shaved and purrin... cwm38.gif



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Originally posted by djmoonshine:

my kitty is shaved and purrin... cwm38.gif

purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! *panting*

shaved is the good ... but if u go bald u have to keep up on that shit, which i could imagine is a pain in the ass ... cuz if its bald u cant be havin any stubble or some shit ... but bush is not cool .. i odnt like dat ... =-P


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